6 July 2007

Tomatoes for breakfast

There is a busy day ahead of me. My back pain is almost gone and I need to catch up on my housework. First step will be to check the sourdough starter as later in the day I'll be baking my first sourdough bread. I'll put on a load of washing before breakfast and when H wakes up we'll eat together. He shouldn't be too long because our cat Hettie is serenading him with her wild howls right outside the bedroom window. LOL Breakfast today will be eggs and tomato on rye bread and black tea.

After brecky I'll make the bed, hang the washing on the line, sweep and wash the floors and make the bread. Morning tea break on the front verandah will be tea and biscuits - I made some chocolate chip biscuits yesterday so they are still nice and fresh. I'll do a bit of knitting while I have my break too. I'm knitting fingerless gloves for my sister and my friend Kathleen.

When we feel rested and inclined to work again, I'll clean the bathroom and the laundry room. My elder son Shane is coming over on Sunday and I want to make some brownies for him. I'll freeze them so he can take them home and have some home made treats when he wants them. Hopefully the bread will be ready then and we'll eat lunch.

After lunch I'll be making another apron, similiar to the crossover strap one in Jewels blog (thanks Robbie). I have some lovely yellow cotton fabric that's been waiting for a project just like this one. I have about six aprons now but most of them are old and need replacing. I'd like to have some new aprons that I feel proud to wear when I have visitors staying.

I won't be making dinner tonight as H would like to pick the kale in the back garden and cook that will some kassler and smoked pork sausage. He likes making that himself, although I help a little by adding apple cider and pepper, he hasn't yet got the knack of seasoning, so I add this and that and he is delighted with how good his meal tastes. I never tell him, I want him to think he's created a masterpiece all by himself. I'll be having leftover Italian bean casserole for my dinner. I still have lemons to juice so I might also make a lemon dessert of some kind, but if I don't have time, that can be tomorrow's chore. If you have some good lemon recipes, please share them with me as I'm drowning in lemons and all the people I know don't want any more.

I hope there will also be time late afternoon for knitting, a look around the garden and a talk with the chooks and dogs. And hopefully I'll tidy my work table before I go to bed. If I don't get it all done, tomorrow is another day.

I'll be back later to add to this and to read your comments. ; )


  1. Hi Rhonda
    To do the link for jewels blog is
    when you are in create a post write jewls blog put your mouse before the start of the J and left click hold down take the blue line to the end of the G, then on the toolbar above your post you should see a round thing and a thing that looks like an eight on its side ( confusing huh) click on that and it should bring up a box which you can then add the URL..
    Have fun with it


  2. It worked!! Thank you so much Robin. I will be linking up a storm now. ; )

  3. Oh man Rhonda, your list is inspiring me to get more done around the house! If I can get through half of the work you do at home then I'm happy.

    See you tonight!

  4. hello Eileen! good for you. It fills me with a sense of achievement when I do a good day's work. There is nothing like it. BTW, I added you to my blog list. I've been meaning to do it for ages and your comment reminded me. Enjoy your day, love!

  5. HAHA no stopping you now.....It was easy huh ???
    I love reading your blog make sure i come everyday to see what you have been up to....My sourdough started didnt work dont know what i did but will be trying it again sometime today


  6. I'm going to try to get a lot done today -lol- although sitting on my computer won't help. You amaze me Rhonda with all you get done in a day.Later on though I will try to find my "lemon syrup cake" recipe, is my favourite way to use up excess lemons. It freezes well too! That apron is so cute! Will post the recipe later on my blog. Off to my friends house for a haircut!!!

  7. Those tomatos look so yummy Rhonda, I have 3 self sown ones up now and they have little toms on them and flowers everywhere I cant wait to eat them. Im currently planting in poly boxes and they are doing well I cant wait till we get the garden beds up and going.

  8. Sorry last anon was from Neisha

  9. I too have lots of lemons at the moment and have been trying out some new recipes.
    Here's a couple you might like to try:

    Lemon cake
    Heat 100g butter and 100g raw sugar to melt butter, stir in rind of 1 lemon, whisk in an egg then fold in 100g wholemeal SR flour. Bake at 180C for 30 mins. Warm the juice of the lemon with an extra 25g sugar. Prick the cake all over and spoon the syrup over the cake. Leave in the tin to cool and cut into squares. (From The Cranks Recipe Book)

    Lemon Curd
    Lightly whisk 4 eggs in a medium-sized saucepan, then add grated zest and juice of 4 large juicy lemons, 12 oz (350 g) caster sugar
    8 oz (225 g) unsalted butter (at room temperature, cut into small lumps) and 1 level dessertspoon cornflour. Whisk continuously over medium heat until the mixture thickens – about 7-8 minutes. Gently simmer for a further minute, continuing to whisk. Remove from heat and store in sterilised jars (about 3 x 350ml).
    (from Delia Smith) Yum on toast.

    Lemon Squash
    This has a slightly fizzy taste reminiscent of Solo, quite different to lemon cordial. I found the recipe too sweet and will cut back the sugar next time.
    The original recipe is 2lb sugar, 1 oz citric acid crystals, 1 large dessertspoon epsom salts, pour over 1.5 pints boiling water (about 1 litre). When cool add grated rind of 2 lemons and juice of six. Bottle - its supposed to keep "for some time". (from my ancient Green and Gold Cookery Book)

    Also, have you come across the Chocolate & Zucchini blog? - it has great recipes and commentary on everyday and unusual produce - the author suggests sorbet as another use for lemons.

  10. Rhonda, you're making me tired just reading about your day LOL. Still, it is FRIDAY today (yay) and that means two whole days off. I love looking at the tomatoes - I miss them here in the middle of winter.

  11. wow Rhonda I'm inspired....how do you fit so much in? Just don't overdo it and hurt your back again.

    cheers Lenny

  12. Marg, thank you so much for those recipes. I have enough lemon curd and lemon cordial but I am going to make your lemon syrup cake and lemon squash. I haven't seen that blog yet but I'll look out for it. Thanks for sharing it.

    Regarding the fullness of my day: I have no children to care for and I only go out to my volly job two days a week so I have the time to do these things. If the truth be known, there are many times during my day when I can just sit and talk or enjoy the sunshine. Life's good!

  13. Limoncello is a great way to use lemons. I have a recipe on my blog - happeninguponhappiness.blogspot.co.uk. I love reading you blog - it's truly inspirational, whilst being calming and reassuring. I have read both your books too!


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