19 July 2007

Falling in love with yellow

I've never been a lover of the colour yellow. I'm more a blue, green or lavender kind of gal. But now I'm surprising myself in that I love all things yellow. H and are just about to paint the interior of the house. We've lived here for ten years and we want to look after our home well, within the confines of a frugal household budget, so we're doing all the work ourselves, and, I have to say, we're enjoying it.

We bought our paint yesterday. After much discussion we decided on Milk Maiden - a chalky creamy milk yellow for the walls and Smoke Ring - a bluish grey, for the doors and trims. I'm saving for some new curtains too. They'll be a heavy cotton, dark red and white, large gingham. I'll be making them myself, using the old fittings and lining. I had the old curtains professionally sewn and the lining is still in good condition. We have a couple of holes where chairs have rubbed against the curtains but most of the fabric is still serviceable. I'll be making cushion covers with some of the old curtains, and transferring one pair, that are still in good repair, to a bedroom. Nothing will be wasted.

The good thing is that we'll be keeping the house in good condition with minimal money spent. I think the entire job will cost us around $450. Most of that is coming from our change jar.

photographed the colour swatches here, and a sample of the curtain fabric and although the colours aren't exactly right, you'll get the general idea.



  1. those are lovely cosy,"warm" colours :)

  2. Rhonda, I love those colours . They are so me. Red check has got you under its spell as well.

  3. I have a love/ hate relationship with yellow, but that combination is just divine :-)

  4. I love those colours too. Painting is a reasonably cheap way to change the whole feel of a room, especially if you do the painting yourself:)....have fun!

  5. Lovely, like a tea party / picnic!


  6. I would have never thought to put those colours together but I can see when I look at your teapot that it'll be lovely when ya'll get done :)

    (I'm not really very good at visualizing...I need pictures :)

  7. My whole house is yellow inside and I love it Rhonda. It always seems bright, cheery and happy even in the depths of winter. The colour changes during the day according to the light so it always seems different. I'm sure that you will really like it, especially with the red check which looks stunning.

  8. Hmm... Wildside again.

    Here's some notes I found re: the colors yellow & red yesterday... Perhaps of interest?

    Not only optimistic, yellow is for clarity of thought and self discipline... Using yellow in a kitchen creates a happy family atmosphere.

    And red is empowering and passionate!


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