Sometimes readers ask me how I keep going and why housework isn't boring for me. It is boring sometimes but boredom doesn't stop me...
Recently I revised my recipe for Gracie's meals. I've never fed her canned dog food because I want her to stay healthy and I doubt ...
Gracie had her first grooming session on Tuesday. The groomer said she is too young to be properly stripped but she had a fair amount of ...
Here she is! Meet Grace/Gracie, our two month old Scottish Terrier. We picked her up from the airport yesterday and ...
Yes, there's a new baby coming into our lives, she's a Scottish Terrier puppy called Gracie. Those of you who have been reading her...
This photo was taken two years ago. Hettie died on Friday afternoon. The vet said that in addition to the cancer, she had a few other...
Backyard chickens will remain in good health if you give them a variety of good food but it's also worthwhile to see if you can reduce ...
There are a few changes going on in our chicken coop. We’re preparing a nursery. As I wrote on Friday, Nicky kindly sent us six fertile egg...
This is Lucy. We're down to seven chickens now. We have barred Plymouth Rock Lulubelle, buff Orphington Martha, Australorps Cocobe...
Many of the long term readers would know we have an old Airedale Terrier. Alice has been getting weaker this year, she's deaf and almos...
Life is never static. Things change all the time. Just when you think it's looking fine, change breezes in, and the work starts again. O...
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