16 July 2007

Lemon cakes

I made some lemon syrup cakes on Saturday, recipe from Lisa at Altered Cutlery. I made three cakes - one we are eating this week, the other two are in the freezer. H and I are going away on a little holiday soon and I want a few nice things in the freezer for my son who will stay here to look after everything while we're away. So thanks Lisa! It's a very nice recipe, the lemony syrup makes such a difference. You pour the syrup over the cake when it's hot from the oven and it soaks in to give you a deliciously moist and tangy cake. H has been raving about it. I'll definitely be baking it again.

Today will be a really busy one for me - I'm off to work at the Neighbourhood Centre soon and I have a lot to do while I'm there. I work by myself today. I'll start off writing articles about our various activities for the local paper, then carry on with whatever needs to be done. We should have had some new appliances delivered last week so I'll check them out and make sure they were entered on equipment sheets I did up. I also asked that they be engraved with our name and phone number, in case we have yet another burglary, if all that's been done, then I'll have the rest of the day to write a budgeting course for the Flexischool.

Tomorrow I'm talking to the Flexischool kids about credit cards, mobile phone and ring tone deals and budgeting in general. I should have already written the course, but haven't. I work better under pressure so I usually leave things till the last minute. I hope I get it right as there will be a liaison officer there from the high school and if this course goes down well at my Flexischool, they're going to trial it in others.

I'm guessing the writing and photocopying will take most of the day as it will be interrupted by answering the phone and people coming into the office. I might end up staying a little longer if I don't get it done.

This winter has been a 'real' winter, with temperatures dropping to one degree this past weekend. Many of the ladies from aussieslivingsimply recently sent warm gloves, hats, scarves, socks and jackets to me to give to our homeless people. The other volunteers and I have been happily giving these out over the past week and it's made me smile like a loon when I see our people around town later on wearing their gifted warm things. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to surprise someone with something that will make them more comfortable during these long cold winter nights. Thanks again, ladies.

Before I go to the Centre today I need to put away clothes that I ironed yesterday, make my lunch and a flask of tea to take with me, make the bed and tidy the bathroom, so I'd better get a wriggle on. Hopefully I'll have time to stop in again later. Thank you all for stopping by. : )


  1. The cake looks great Rhonda and yes it freezes well! I'm so glad you liked the recipe. This week I hope to post a few other fave recipes on my blog
    take car and don't work too hard today :)

  2. Lovely of your son to take care of things while you are on holiday. It sounds to me as though you are a very organised person , I tend to run hot and cold with my organising skills.

  3. the cakes look scrumptious :)
    I admire you for the volunteer work you do ~ I bet it's much appreciated by the people who use your Neighbourhood Centre

  4. Yummy!
    I love checking in to see what you did for the day.
    It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who still irons, and enjoys it.

  5. I loooooove anything lemon cake LOL.


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