17 July 2007

Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award II

I have been nominated again for Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award by Kate at Our Red House. Thank you Kate. At first I wondered whether I should accept the nomination again, but I've thought about it carefully and I think it's a good thing. I'll be able to nominate five more bloggers and thus spread the love.

The award was started at
Climate Of Our Future to highlight blogger's efforts around the world to share their knowledge and thoughts in making our world better, healthier and more sustainable.

One of the rules of the award is that I have to tag five other blogs that I believe are sharing what they know and inspiring others towards positive change. Those five blogs are:

Hedges Happenings Kim is working tirelessly to live sustainably. She lives on a farm in the US and is working towards reducing her impact on her environment. Her blog is always interesting, informative and full of encouragement.

gobblers run Kirsty is new to the blog world but already shows us what's possible on her block in rural Victoria. This is a blog to watch as I'm sure she and her partner will continue to show us many positve changes on their sustainable path.

fiveandtwo Susan is often busy sewing lovely clothes for her children. She recycles and has done a great job organising her home. She teaches her children by example how to lessen their footprint, and shows us along the way how she is working towards a simple and sustainable life.

a vision splendid This blogger is working towards a more simple home. She's gone back to basics and already has made great changes to her life. Another blog to watch as her journey towards simplicity continues.

pea soup I'm new to this blog and am still working my way through the older posts. But I'm happy to report that she is knitting, sewing, recycling and making the most delicious looking sourdough. Her life, via her photos, looks interesting and right. I know I'll be reading a lot more and hope to learn the secret of her sourdough.

Fellow Positive Global Change Award recipients, it’s easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge (Click here for the image url) on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:
1. When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
2. In your post, make sure you link back to so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they know they’re now part of the meme.
4. Optional: Proudly display the “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” award badge with a link to the post that you write up.


  1. wow, congratulations Rhonda on being nominated for a secind time and also congrats to the 5 people you nominated !

  2. Congratulations Rhonda.
    And thank you. My poor little attempts and blog are so encouraged by your support.

  3. Well done Rhonda, you truly deserve it :)


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