19 June 2007

Slow start for the sewing circle

It was very disappointing, only one woman came along to the sewing circle. She wanted to learn how to cut out and sew a pair of pants that fit properly. Not a problem, she now has her pants cut out and pinned. It was really good for me to see how easy it looked to do it, although I think it may be one of those skills that looks easy, but isn't. The ladies weren't put off at all by not having more people there and will meet again in a fortnight for the second sewing circle. Hopefully by then a few more women will join up.

The first Brandywines have been picked from the aquaponics garden and are now waiting in the kitchen to be eaten. I might have one with an egg for breakfast, or I might have it with a salad for dinner. Decisions, decisions. Anticipation is a wonderful thing.



  1. What a shame Rhonda. All it needs though is for that one woman to tell a few people and for the word to spread. Better luck for next week :-)

    I'm very envious of those tomatoes, they look beautiful.

  2. thanks polly. I'm the eternal optimist so I'm sure we'll improve on numbers as we go along. The tomatoes were delicious. : )


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