21 June 2007

Local food

It always pleases me a lot to cook local and home grown food. When I can combine that fresh food with something from my preserving cupboard it makes it even better. Last night I made pizza. I used the bread recipe below (without the gluten flour) and added two tablespoons of olive oil to make a tender and pliable dough. The topping was my homemade chunky tomato sauce (five jars of it was made last November), some locally grown mushrooms and local cheddar cheese. Perfecto!

We followed that up with a real egg custard danish with home preserved apricots. Unfortunately the pastry was a frozen square of the store bought stuff, but it was lifted by the wholesome homemade topping. The custard was made with our backyard eggs and milk from the local dairy. One of our Rhode Island Reds has just started laying, so her first egg was included. The apricots were part of a batch I preserved last summer. We were both smiling when we finished our dinner last night. Good food does that to you.



  1. Aw Rhonda, Yum Yum that looks absolutely delicious


  2. The pizza looks absolutely delish...
    We in India , especially those in the metros do not get the pleasure of tasting the food from the farm to the plate..
    But i pray to god that some day i might get one little opportunity to stay at a farm for sometime and enjoy the bounty


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