13 June 2007

Organising a table

I did it! Check out the photo. It took about 15 minutes to clean this table off, wipe it over with a clean cloth, sort through papers, catalogues, mail and books and put things back where I need them. This desk, my friends, will help me remain organised and on target.

I know now what I'll be doing over the next week because I've written it all down in a place that I'll look. I have my list of tasks to be completed over the next few days. I'm compiling a task list for work next week too so I don't have to organise myself when I get there. I'll add to it as I think of things over the coming week.

I won't forget to do what I'm supposed to so now that I have my list. One of my jobs is to write articles for the local paper. I forgot to include something last week, having a list will keep me on track with my articles.

Keeping lists is something new to me. I used to be suspicious of list keepers. I could always rely on my brain to remind me what I had to do. Now it doesn't work as well as it used to in the past, so the lists take over. I've learnt that lists are helpful. They are just another tool in the tool kit of an organised life that help keep life simple. Eureka!



  1. Hi Rhonda
    Definitely a couple of list keepers here too! :)
    I even have a diary just like that one ;)

    But I can't say my desk is anywhere near that tidy! and no you're not getting a photo!

    I know where everything is when it's in a mess...best way to lose things here is to have a tidy up. lol

  2. Hi scarecrow! my natural inclination is to be messy but I find that now I function better with a bit of organisation. It takes all types, eh?

  3. Great job. This is one of my prime list making times as over the next week or so three members of my family have their birthdays. My main problem with lists is that I lose them- maybe I need a clean up too.

  4. ahh yes, the lost list. I used to misplace mine too but now I only make lists in my notebook - which I take with me whenever I go.

    I hope you enjoy your birthdays.

  5. Love your blog Rhonda, always so interesting and often thought provoking. I'm a great list maker but I loose them too, so I'm going to take on your idea and carry a small notebook that I can write it all in then hopefully I will be more on the ball.

    cheers Lenny

  6. it's good to have you here, Lenny. I love it when people comment. No more lost lists from now on. ; )


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