1 June 2007

It's show day!

It's show day! Actually it's today and tomorrow but today is the day H and I go. Our local show is celebrating its 70th show year so everything is set for two days of dairy cows, chooks, show jumping, wood cutting and country cooking, right in the heart of Maleny.

It's just after 5am but I've already got bread on the rise, I've showered and washed my hair, I'm charging the camera battery and I have my show program and water bottle ready to pack into my basket. I am excited. : ))

The main reason we're going this year is to man the Neighbourhood Centre stall. It's really the community bus but we'll have a table, chairs, laptop with Powerpoint presentation and flyers ready to give to anyone who wanders within earshot of us. We want to promote our wonderful organisation so that all the newer residents and the more established ones, will know we offer support, cups of tea, food and a willingness to listen without judging when times get tough. We've been given $1.5 million for a new building so we'll also have a display of the plans and answer any questions people might have. H and I will do that for two hours and then someone else will step in. Over the course of the two show days, all the centre volunteers will be there so it's a wonderful opportunity to show our town what it is we do at the Neighbourhood Centre.

When our shift at the bus is finished, H and I will wander over to look at the chook judging, then we'll go to see the rows of jams and preserves and the cakes and scones. They should have all been judged by then so we'll also see who won the coveted first place blue ribbons. Hopefully we'll be able to see the wood chopping too.

It's going to be a good day. Come back again later as I'll take a lot of photos and post them for all to see later this afternoon.

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