School holidays start today in my state of Queensland. The kids have a long summer break and go back to school late January. Jamie is ver...
I've been thinking of going through The Simple Home book with you next year.  The book sets out, month by month, various ways of de...
We went out to vote in our state election last Monday and took Gracie with us.  Many of the people there supporting the politicia...
Yesterday, Clare commented on how difficult it is to keep her utensil drawer clean and tidy.  I think it's a problem for many of us. ...
Dear friends, I thank you for your patience. The stats tell me that several thousand of you are visiting everyday during my break so I tho...
This is my one and only vase of sweet peas this year. I had to pull them out to make way for the cucumbers over the garden arch. They are...
The temperature rose to 38C here yesterday which isn't a good start to the season, especially as we have very little water. Still, I di...
I had my eyes tested on Monday and was told I have cataracts on both eyes. They're not bad enough to be operated on yet but he said the...
If you're making the recipes I posted yesterday, please check them again. A couple of kind readers alerted me to two mistakes which hav...
We have wood sorrel growing in the dappled shade under our outdoor table in the vegetable garden. The leaves add a citric taste to salads....
Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to a quiet and relaxed weekend. I made a lemon tart yesterday and lunch is left overs so not much c...
There are a lot of elderflowers this year. Hanno hasn't been well and during the week he was diagnosed with pneumonia, again. Thi...
 Who?  Me! Hanno's been been hit with a bad cold this week so things have been quietly busy here.  I'm hoping  I don't ...
This season's first tomato harvest. I pick these when they're green to avoid the tomato grub. We can leave the cocktail tomatoes ...
Gracie, our beautiful Scotch Terrier, will be one year old soon. It seems like only yesterday when we picked her up from the airport aft...
Thank you for visiting me this week. It's always great to see increasing visitors. I'm hoping that with more visitors here, that me...
We're having a fairly mild winter so far with cool to cold nights and warm sunny days. It's ideal gardening weather. How is it...
Another week almost over and I don't have much to show for it. I've been concentrating on my blog course this week and should h...
Baked caramel custard. Yesterday was the first day of winter here and right on time the cold weather arrived. I wrote this post last n...
 Yes, these two photos are related. That hole next to the elder seedling is Gracie's latest masterpiece.  We're enjoying a...
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