1 December 2017

Weekend reading - UPDATED

I've been thinking of going through The Simple Home book with you next year.  The book sets out, month by month, various ways of dealing with home organisation, housework and family food from January through to December.  Rose wanted to do this on her blog and we talked about it a lot. Then she got sick, the focus and energy went elsewhere, and when she died I just couldn't face it. I know she'd want me to finish what she was determined to start so I thought a few of you who have the book, and those who don't, would like to waltz through it with me. I still have to think about how to do it but before I start doing that I want to know if anyone is interested. Let me know in the comments. Thank you.

I'll see you again next week. I hope you enjoy your weekend. ❤️

Thank you all for being so enthusiastic about working through the new year with The Simple Home. I think it will be fun and we can all share our ideas.  I'll start making notes on how it will slot into the blog. I'm thinking we might do a different aspect of each chapter on all the Mondays of each month. That will enable us to cover more territory. There'll be more news on this when I formulate a plan.

And just a note about one of my sponsors, Odgers and McClelland. I've just received my monthly newsletter and it lists the top ten items in the shop.  I'm pleased to say I have the teapot, set of spoons,  the enamelware and the Opinel knife and use them all constantly. If you have a hard to buy for person on your Christmas list, grab one of those Opinel knives. They are so handy, they fold up to go into a pocket or purse and will last for a long time. I use mine in the garden and I also have one tucked away in the car's glovebox. If you've never looked at the online shop, do it now and see real products that will really help you create a lovely home.  While you're there you can signup for the free newsletter. BTW, I always smile when I see those pudding bowls. :- ) 

Something between compulsion and comfort: the quiet therapy of counting
Bush fruit Christmas cake, milk jellies and other Australian Christmas food
Recipe for Switchel
My father's tools
Mynas v miners: they might be swooping menaces but they're not all bad
How to sew basics
Make your own reusable hand warmers
A cute little Christmas colour-in
How to draw and sketch cats
14 surprising things you can clean in the washing machine



  1. That would be great Rhonda I am sure many others would enjoy it as well

  2. That’s a lovely idea, Rhonda, I would love to walk through your book with you, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. Yes please Rhonda. I have the book and think it would be so much better if you could go through too:)

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    What a brilliant idea. Rose would be delighted. I am in and looking forward to 'waltzing" with you. Many, many thanks Jo

  5. I would love to go on that journey with you in honor of your friend Rose. I have both of your books and they are life changing and enhancing!

  6. Yes please Rhonda, that would be really useful and interesting, thank you.

  7. Hi Rhonda,
    I have your books and have given them as gifts to others. I think your idea of going through The Simple Home is a great one.

  8. Working through your book, what a great idea Rhonda and a wonderful way to respect the memory of your friend Rose. I will be waiting with my book ready to start.

  9. I'll absolutely play along Rhonda x

  10. Going through your book is a good idea, Rhonda and it is what Rose would have liked you to do. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. That would be a lovely way to start the New Year. Thank you.

  12. Yes please to "The simple home".

  13. I think it's a great idea. I read The Simple Home from January to June this year but I got distracted by other matters and I never quite got back to it, even though I really wanted to because I was learning so much from you. Going through it together would make it easier to stick to it.

  14. I don't have the book, but it sounds interesting. I live in the states so I will look around here for a copy. It is always interesting to know how people do things, maybe better and easier than me.

  15. I would really enjoy going through it with everyone! It's one of my favorite reference (and leisurely) books - I turn to it so often for inspiration.

  16. YES YES YES! I would love to join you in going through the Simple Home! :-)

  17. From Leah in Devon, England

    That would be fantastic as I've looked and don't think I'm able to get your books in England. I'm a real books fan and don't have a Kindle. I'm sure I hope I'll be able to learn more, along with those who do have the book.

  18. Rhonda, this is a wonderful idea. I have two of your books, they are full of info and so comforting to just look through. Going thru the Simple Home with you would be a joy.
    Jean in the USA

  19. Rhis is such a GREAT idea, dear Rhonda. I'd be delighted :D

    Nadine (Belgium)

  20. Yes please. Most definitely.

  21. I would really like to join you - will help me a lot.

  22. I would love for you to go thru the book.

  23. How great Rhonda. I was just thinking the other day that I would like to go through it from January. It would be so much more fun to do it along with you.
    I'm making your orange cake from Down To Earth this afternoon. We have some Wwoofers arriving later today and the cake is always a great hit with them. I usually serve it with ice cream for dessert....yum!

  24. Yes, please do review The Simple Home in your blog. Your words keep me grounded and give me strength.

  25. Yes, please do review The Simple Home in your blog. Your words keep me grounded and give me strength.

  26. Yes please Rhonda it would be interesting to read your thoughts on the book , I have three of your books and enjoy the message in each, a review and then reading what other ladies comment would be great

  27. Yes please! That would be great Rhonda and it would help me keep on track. Wonderful idea!

  28. Hello Rhonda,

    I would enjoy this journey, too.


  29. I think that's a fabulous idea, and a wonderful way to also keep Rose in our thoughts...

  30. Yes please Rhonda. I would love to work alongside you and other readers as you move through the tasks.

  31. I would be very interested in this!

  32. My Father's Tools was beautiful to watch. It slowed me down just to watch this true artist at work.

  33. That is a wonderful idea Rhonda. It would be a lovely way to honour Rose's memory. I was planning to re-read and work through the book month by month next year. I would love to do this with you and other lovely readers. Kelly

  34. That is a great idea Rhonda. Hoping you have a good weekend as well. Pauline.

  35. Good idea, I enjoyed the book and would appreciate a review and expansion. Thank you! Hilogene in Az (I am having problems signing in using my google account, not your site, I have a google problem.)

  36. Oh, what a fabulous idea! :) I would love to participate. I'm planning to retire from full-time work next year and this seems like the perfect timing to begin anew with my home and a new chapter in my life.

  37. Rhonda,

    I would love to go through the book with you month to month, it would give a positive focus to the year and be a great anchor during busy times.

    Happy weekend!


  38. I don't comment very much, only read, but I'm still here after many years. My answer is yes! I would love to go through the book with you. It honors Rose and that is a beautiful thing.

  39. Hi Rhonda, I think it's a wonderful idea.
    Also, all week since reading your post, I've tried to channel you and slow down while I'm doing the house work. It is definitely not something I enjoy so I usually rush through the bare minimum just to get it done. Setting the intention has allowed me to see the bigger picture and therefore the value of what I'm doing. I hope I can hold onto that in the crazy busy months on the farm ahead. Thank you and I hope you have a lovely weekend. xx

  40. Another big yes from me too thanks Rhonda.

    Re the link of items you can wash in the machine. We have a front loader and I wash stuffed toys, backpacks, oven mitts, shoes, school hats, shopping bags and insulated lunch bags. Works well. One thing I did learn with the sports gear is to never use fabric softener on those 'wicking' fabrics. It creates a coating and prevents them from absorbing sweat - wicking. Best not to use softener at all as it damages the machine too.

  41. Those biscuits look yummy Rhonda. I'm hoping to organise, declutter, sort my house out next year when my oldest one will start school and my daughter is out the house for 3 days a week. Im also doing reverse Advent with my kids this year, 4 and 5 (nearly 6) They are putting one of their possessions plus shampoo, soap etc in a basket so that at the Advent we can get the Salvation Army to pass it on to a family in need. Rhonda I am sorry for my ignorance but I don't know who Rose is or her blog. I'm sorry, can her blog be read still? Sounds like a great idea. I would love to buy your second book sometime. i've enjoyed so much reading an digesting your first book that I borrowed from the library. All the best, Clare

  42. Fantastic idea Rhonda. I love the book and think it would be wonderful to hear your "voice" lead us through it, chapter by chapter. Cheers Lyndie

  43. It would be a great inspiration to work along with the book, you and others.

  44. I am very interested Rhonda. I do refer to the book, but not as often as I should.

  45. I would love to go through this book with you. I think it is a good thing to have a kind of plan for the whole year.
    Hilde in Germany

  46. I would be very interested in this project you would like to get going with next year.

  47. I would love to join in Rhonda, I have a copy of your book. I was thinking about using your book to guide my cleaning schedules next year, so this would be great. Melissa

  48. Dear Rhonda, thank you, thank you for this great suggestion. I'm in. This gives me the perfect excuse to buy this book too after having read "Down to Earth" several times. Sandra

  49. I would love to go through your book! Looking forward to it. Have a lovely weekend!

  50. am the same as everyone else here, great idea, might help me getting into a routine with the house duties; i liked those cleaning routines Rose did in DTE & never knew there were so many other areas you were supposed to clean! (tops of doors for one)
    looking forward to it
    have a great weekend
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  51. This is a wonderful idea. I look forward to going through the book with you

  52. We absolutely have to go through The Simple Home online journey in honour of your friend Rose and yourself. I very much look forward to this. In fact, I can't wait!

  53. I am in Rhonda, I loved Rose's challenges on your forum and although I was only on there a few months before she became ill, I feel I knew her through her posts.
    I love your books and to do this along with others and with you leading the way will be a fabulous experience!

  54. Thank you so much for sharing your book with us. I am so looking forward to this. I subscribe to simple living/frugal living blogs around the world as I am very interested in how people round our planet view simplicity. And thank you also Rhonda for the week-end reading links you share.

  55. Hello, Rhonda! I'm a huge fan for quite a few years now. I've tried some of your recipes and I love 'em. I continue to read your posts [almost] every day. I'm just so inspired with your simple and frugal living ways. I am so looking forward to reading your series of the Simple Home Book. Thank you for sharing your stories and wisdom.

  56. Yes please, Rhonda, I would love to go through the book with you. I don't comment much but read everything! I love your simple down to earth advice.

  57. Hi Rhonda, I'd love to participate in the year-long Simple Home Book series. I need your help - I want to purchase the individual pudding bowls but am having a difficult time in finding out how much liquid they hold in ounces. I want to serve ice cream or soup etc in them. Thanks! Shirley near Seattle USA

    1. Hi Shirley. If you go here, https://www.exchangestores.com.au/collections/mason-cash/products/mason-cash-ceramic-pudding-basin you'll see a pull down menu which shows the sizes. They start at 250 ml, which is about a cup full. These pudding bowls are usually used to cook puddings in but I too use my small mixing bowls to serve pudding.

    2. Thanks, Rhonda. I like knowing I can bake in them, too. Shirley

  58. Sounds like a great idea! I look forward to it.

  59. Definitely interested in working through your book with you, Rhonda. I've started doing exactly that for the past two years but then wandered off into the ether and didn't follow through.

  60. SUch a perfect idea! have both books will help keep me on track...somehow, i dont always pull your book down from the shelf, but i check everyday (except weekends of course) to see if you have posted

  61. Yes please. I follow your blog and have both books. Veronica from a very damp and rainy England

  62. Have read your book twice now and would love to go through it with you. Great idea I think it would help keep me on track :)

  63. Love that you are going to do this. My daughter is buying me this for Christmas so I’ll be ready to learn. Only two years until we retire :)


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