18 August 2017

Weekend reading

There are a lot of elderflowers this year.

Hanno hasn't been well and during the week he was diagnosed with pneumonia, again. This is the second time in 18 months. He also had an internal bleed due to his Warfarin levels being too high - apparently a side effect of the antibiotics. He's going through the process of healing now, taking it slow, breathing in clean air, eating nourishing food and getting back in shape for his birthday next month. He'll be 77.

With Hanno out of action I've been doing a bit more work here which, of course, takes more time.  At the moment I'm trying to get the garden and bush house ready for summer. I'm on target to do that which will make things easier for us later when the hot weather returns.  We've had a sneak preview of that the past couple of days with our temperature here rising to 31C yesterday after a very warm week.

I hope things have been good in your neck of the woods. Thanks for your visits this week, enjoy your weekend and don't forget to stop a few times during the day to appreciate what it is you're working for.  See you next week. 💕

Inner Pickle blog is back! For those of you who know Fiona, she's blogging again, for those who have no idea, click on the link and get acquainted. She returns with her passionfruit slice recipe. Yum!


  1. Dear me, I hope Hanno recovers quickly, Rhonda. It has been a bad year for the flu for some reason. We have our War on Waste workshop tomorrow which should be very interesting. Our simple living group is going very well and a big crowd is expected tomorrow. You know you and Hanno are always welcome if you want to take a drive up the Range sometime :-)

    1. Thanks Chel, we might take you up on that one day. I get the emails so I'll let you know if we plan on coming. I'm guessing there are pet friendly motels in Toowoomba. xx

  2. Margie from Toronto, I haven't published your comment because it contains a link. I don't publish links anymore because it takes too much time for me to check them out before publishing. You can see the note I have here regarding this. I'm always happy to see your comments, without links. :- ) Thanks for your understanding.

  3. Wishing Hanno a speedy and complete recovery.

  4. I hope Hanno recovers quickly, Rhonda. Thank you for the weekend reading, I missed it last week, I look forward to it each Friday. I've seen the Michael Pollan segment before, it affected me a lot and is great viewing. I like the look of the two new blogs too, thanks again!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that Hanno has been ill, Rhonda. You still sound so bright and optimistic. Your cover photo for this post is gorgeous! Time sure passes quickly. The challenges that come with age are pretty universal. I'm even noticing it with my dogs, who are eight and ten.

  6. Sorry to hear about Hanno. I hope he recovers soon.

  7. Hi Rhonda sorry to hear Hanno has been unwell , yes the best medicine is rest. I must admit I find that hard I'm always on the move but a good book helps no way of moving and reading at the same time. Well not safety anyway . Hope you both has a lovely weekend , its fine here today in Auckland but only about 15 degrees

  8. Hello Rhonda, I am still reading your blog but unfortunately very rarely comment, however to day I want to send loads of get well soonest messages to HANNO, love Lorraine xx

    1. thanks Lorraine. Hanno will probably read the blog and comments this afternoon. I'm sure he will appreciate the good wishes from you and the other readers.

  9. I wish Hanno a speedy recovery, Rhonda.
    Thank you for the reading list. I just finished watching Michael Pollen's In Defense of Food on Netflix. Will check the YouTube video as well.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. Get well soon Hanno, from chilly Hawthorn, Melbourne.

  11. Get well soon Hanno. Thanks for the w'end reading Rhonda. Don't overdo the work or you'll end up run down, have a nice w'end.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear Hanno is not well and send him all my good wishes and get well hug.
    I'm heading over to Inner Pickle now to look at her recipes.

  13. Sending warm get-well wishes to Hanno, and extra strength to you Rhonda, carrying the extra load, both mentally and physically. I love, love, love your blog and it has sustained my 'inner mojo' for many years now. Thanks for all you do, and hoping Hanno's health will be restored very soon. Warmest regards, Heidi

  14. I'm sorry to hear Hanno has been so unwell. I do hope he feels better soon. Breathing issues are exhausting and difficult.

    All my three boys are home sick today. Just colds and asthma, but goodness I'm looking forward to the warmth!


  15. A shout out to Hanno - he's a worry.

  16. Best wishes to Hanno. Hope he's feeling better soon.

  17. Bast wishes to Hanno for a speedy recovery.

  18. angelika spratlingAugust 18, 2017 10:41 pm

    Hope Hanno's feeling better soon,best wishes to you Rhonda,as it is a worry when our loved ones aren't well.Thank you for your inspirational blogs,they are a joy to read and put into action.

  19. Heartfelt homemade chicken soup wishes for Hanno's recovery, how stressful for you both. I hope he's feeling more well, very soon. (And thanks for the shout out, gorgeous lady.) xxx

  20. Wishing Hanno a speedy recovery. Pneumonia really takes it out of you so getting lots of rest and good food is certainly important. And take care of yourself as well Nurse Rhonda Jean.


  21. Oh dear! Healing thoughts coming Hanno's way from down here in Tasmania.
    I just finished reading the DtE book and also wanted to say thank you. I have been fluffing around the edges of this kind of lifestyle for a while now. So reading the book was not an epiphany so much as a comfort that I'm not alone on this simplifying journey, and reminder that I'm on the right track. And also some great ideas for things I wasn't already doing. Thank you Rhonda!

  22. Wow, Rhonda. Best of luck to Hanno. That can be a nasty bug or bacteria. We had it in the house earlier in the year; no fun at all. But he should be on the mend soon if it's taken care of promptly. Lots of rest and fluids.

    Thank you for our weekend reading list. I will go check it out.

  23. Best wishes to you Rhonda and Hanno. Enjoy that beautiful warm weather. Thank you for the Weekend Reading. I look forward to some quiet time reading/watching some. Take care of you.

  24. Another infrequent commenter but regular reader here. Sending get well wishes to Hanno for a speedy recovery. Try not to overdo it yourself Rhonda, with extra jobs, as the carer has to care for themselves too.
    <3 xo

  25. I am sorry to hear that Hanno is not feeling. Please take care of yourself as well and do not over do it. Thank you also for the weekend topics that I thoroughly enjoy reading. Have a great day tomorrow. MaryC

  26. I'm sorry that Hanno isn't feeling well, and I hope he has a speedy recovery. Beautiful elderflowers! I would like to grow them because every year I order freeze-dried berries and make elderberry syrup to get my family through the cold and flu season.

  27. Prayers for Hanno's recovery!! Wishing him continued health and well being!

  28. I haven't commented for a while but wanted to send warm wishes to you both and Hanno's speedy recovery. Take care.

  29. Thinking of you up there in Qld. Hoping Hanno feel healthy and strong really soon. He has a wonderful nurse and helpmate.
    Blessings to you both.

  30. Hop Hanno is well on the way to a complete recovery. Take care.

  31. Sending you my best wishes and blessings. We had a good crop of elder flowers and my wine is in progress. Went to pick sloes today, so early!

  32. Hi Rhonda
    so sorry to hear that Hanno is not well :-(
    Me and my eldest son had Pneumonia last year - not nice at all.
    Wishing him a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourself too.
    Eve xx

  33. Rhonda I hope Hanno is feeling more like himself. He's lucky to have you to look after him.
    I have been hunting through your blog and cant find where you order your big bags of flour through. I want to compare the flour and the costs with what I can get at a local wholesaler. If you could just let me know I would be most appreciative.

    1. Hi Jane, I get my flours from a town I drive to. It's Simply Good in Morayfield https://simplygood.com.au/bakers-flour/ They don't have the big 12.5kg bag now, they have a 5kg bag. They have a lot of premixes which I never buy but they also have a good selection of flours. They send out orders via Austpost.

  34. So sorry to hear about Hanno's ill health - my very best wishes to you both and I hope he'll be fit and well again very soon - but taking it a bit easy for a while!

  35. Sending healing wishes to Hanno from northeast Ohio. May you both be well. Thank you for your great blog. It's always such an inspiration!

  36. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better Hanno - keep taking it easy so you are in shape to celebrate your upcoming birthday. It takes energy to eat all that cake! I also want to wish a happy belated birthday to Gracie. If advancing age and a crate don't ease her desire for making mischief, maybe it's time for Scottie number two! :0 Beth in MN

  37. Glad you are on the mend Hanno! Sending prayers and healing vibes from central Illinois. Rhonda, thank you for another inspiring post. Take care you two! ����. Debbie


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