29 September 2017

Weekend reading

The temperature rose to 38C here yesterday which isn't a good start to the season, especially as we have very little water. Still, I did water everything and hope that the rain predicted for next week actually falls and fills the tanks.  We have a few days of school holidays left with Jamie here today and the weekend. He and I talked about this earlier and he wants to help make a "big cake" today, he's moving on from cup cakes. :- )

Yesterday's lunch - salmon, potatoes and a simple salad.

Apart from trying to keep the plants alive, I've been decluttering and getting our unwanted items ready for a garage sale. If you're in Australia or NZ, it's good work for this time of year and if you have my The Simple Home book, the October chapter leads you through this and spring cleaning.

I live a healthier life now I’m free of the trappings of modernity
Grown and Gathered - I'd never heard of Lentil and Matt until I stumbled on to their fabulous blog. Their book looks great too. I love seeing young people sharing what they know and encouraging others to develop useful life skills.
Do you have a plan B or C?  I love reading Grandma Donna's blog. It's full of practical information and encouragement and it's written by someone who knows what she's doing. This post is a stand out one for me and although I do many of thing things she writes about, it's an excellent reminder to keep on keeping on.


  1. Hahaha, moving on from cupcakes😁. That salmon looks good. Goodness it is hot up there. You take care.
    it is a public holiday here so we are on a mission, we are declaring war in the cupboard in spare room and maybe some of the pantry. Another words - DECLUTTERING!

  2. gDonna's is a favourite blog of mine too - rather unique

  3. Your meal looks so healthy. It's finally cooler here in California. Each summer I contemplate moving to the mountains, where it's cooler. The heat is such a challenge. Thank you for the links to the blogs.

  4. Gosh I've made the Pebbles vest so many times. I've adapted it to so the side seams are joined and buttons are on both shoulders to save on buttons..

    1. Yeah Bec, it's a good all round vest that suits a lot of children. The last one I made was in the round. I think the side buttons would be uncomfortable.

  5. Re the Swedish visiting cake recipe, I made this earlier today and it's turned out beautifully. Thanks for the link Rhonda.

    1. I'm so pleased you made it Daffodil. Isn't the aroma divine. :- )

  6. Grown and Gathered is one of my favourite blogs and their book is beautiful- I think you would love it! - Michelle

  7. The visiting cake looks Devine. How mush is a stick of butter in grams?


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