8 September 2017

Weekend reading

If you're making the recipes I posted yesterday, please check them again. A couple of kind readers alerted me to two mistakes which have now been fixed.  My thanks to Bernie and Sandra.

Enough meatballs cooking on the stove for a few days.  Yesterday we had them with pasta, today it's meatball tacos and tomorrow, who knows.

With the weather moving from hot to cold and from cold to hot, depending in the world you are located, I hope you enjoy the change over the coming weekend and weeks ahead.  Here, we've been putting the final touches on our summer garden preparations and can now sit back and relax for a short while.  I'll be cleaning up my work room tomorrow with some knitting and sewing on Sunday.

Thanks for your visits this week, enjoy your weekend and try to take it easy, at least for a few hours. :- )

My first link is to one of my blog workshop ladies.  Frances Lee Studio I'm sure you'll find Frances' blog interesting and helpful.
Women doing housework - Easy does it. The voice over on this is incredible, I remember when women were thought about in these terms. Thank goodness we've improved ourselves since then.
The Simple Year - Simple living in rural Alaska
St Clements polenta cake with blueberries
So Now You've Got a Chest Freezer



  1. Hi Rhonda, would love it if you would be kind enough to share your meatball recipe. They look delicious.

    1. It's on the blog, Suzanne. Just search for meat balls.

  2. What a cracker of a list this week Rhonda - thank you.

  3. I just wanted to tell you what a pleasure your blog is. I have gleaned so much from it and greatly appreciate you doing it. I have to compliment you on your profile picture. You get prettier and prettier as the years go by. Beth S. Masontown, pennsylvania

  4. Lovely things to read during breaks I take over the weekend. My guys will be away for two day so will take advantage and start clearing away some of the garden that's finished for the summer. I canned 42 quarts of vegetable soup and 16 quarts of roasted tomato soup last week. It's so easy to pull these off the shelf to heat up for a quick lunch or supper. I'm not looking forward to the cold and snow of winter but will begin fluffing the nest to make the house cozier for cold weather. Have a great weekend, Rhonda and Hanno!

  5. Thank you for the links - a couple of the blogs look just my sort of thing. We are going into early autumn in England, a time of year I love so I am looking forward to a snugged up weekend. I meant to say how much I liked your new photo when you put it up recently.

  6. My weekend reading is your book! I wanted to ask if you'd read The Kitchen Ecosystem. (Amazon link at http://a.co/9RJqBYy). I suspect that you already do this, but it's the first time I've seen someone cover it. She buys an ingredient, uses some of it fresh, some in a short period and preserves some for long term use. It's one of those books that really clicked for me.

    I'm enjoying your book as I am in the process of retiring. We need to sell two properties and have our eye on a new place. I work from home and enjoy my work, but I'm ready to spend time at home and hopefully finally have a garden again.

  7. Thanks for the reminder link to the St. Clements Polenta cake. That is now on my list to bake. I love meatballs as well. Thanks Rhonda.

  8. You're killing me with the food pics this week! Thanks for the links, lots of interesting reading. Urban farming makes so much sense and is a wonderful way to revitalize neighborhoods. My company's old office downtown overlooked a dog park on one side (very fun to watch and another good use of vacant space) and a big garden grown on empty space next to a church on the other side. One day a week the garden was opened so people in the neighborhood could come and pick vegetables and take what they needed without charge. The garden was run by volunteers and it was amazing to watch this huge garden grow from spring through fall. Wish I still had those views! Beth in MN


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