3 August 2007

Violets in a tiny vase

It was almost like a spring day today. I hope the worst of winter is over. I'm down with a cold at the moment, it seems I caught the bug H had so I've been taking it easy all day. I took a stroll around the front garden and found the true violets were flowering. These are very special flowers, they are from my mother's garden and the one plant of hers that still lives on in my garden. True violets shouldn't really grow well here, but these do. I picked a little vase full and brought them inside, it so reminds me of my mother. She used to always have a tiny vase for tiny flowers and it's probably the reason why even now, small things, especially tiny flowers, are among my most favourite things.


  1. They are so nice Rhonda.
    Isn't it nice to have something so small and dainty make you feel so happy
    Hope you feel better soon
    Warm hugs to you

  2. violets always make me think of my mother too.. a small pose of flowers were often on the centre of the table just a little scented bunch in a delicate vase or small crystal vase.. and we always after a visit with friends had to do the rounds of the garden to get the cuttings.... to take home.. must have saved a fortune hope you are better soon the bugs about are savage. margie

  3. They're beautiful Rhonda!

  4. Good day Rhonda Jean, I find it fortuitous that you are showing a vase full of violets today. I lost my mother 2 years ago today and she loved violets. We could never have flowers in the house because of her asthma, but she certainly appreciated those growing outside and would have loved yours. Thank you for sharing.

  5. They are beautiful Rhonda Jean! Thank you for sharing. I hope you feel better soon.
    Blessings, Maria S.

  6. My grandma in Melbourne used to have violets in her garden and made lovely posies with them the green leaves were picked and placed perfectly around the bunch of flowers then she would tie them with cotton and give them to my mum or myself. Thanks for bringing back the memories Rhonda. I have a warm fuzzy feeling happening. Marlo

  7. Very pretty :)
    Wishing you a speedy recovery Rhonda.

  8. hope you feel better real soon. oh my those little flowers are so lovely. I don't think I have seen anything like that here in Florida. how darling!


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