26 August 2007

It will be a busy place at this homestead today. I'm going back to my voluntary job tomorrow after having two weeks off and I still have a few things to do before my holiday is over. First job will be to make sauerkraut from the cabbages pictured above and two others, they all still have to be picked and will be pickled absolutely fresh from the garden. I'll write about making sauerkraut, with photos, tomorrow.

After the big cabbage session, we'll go to our local garden centre to get some fine netting for our peach and nectarine trees. It's fruit fly season here, so the netting and Eco-Naturalure bait will help us deal with this horrible pest.

This afternoon, H and I will be in the garden. We have things to plant and the garden needs a good clean up after all that rain. We ended up with 423mm (16.5 inches) H took a reading that he didn't tell me about, so it was more what I originally thought.

In addition to the above, I'm baking bread and an apple spice cake and ironing. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. Thank you for stopping by. Take a minute to make a comment, even if you've never done so before. : )



  1. Sounds like great day ahead of you - you garden still looks great even after all that rain! Fortunatelt we don't have fruit fly in SA so I gladly enjoy anyones gifted backyard produce.

  2. your gardens look so beautiful! with no rain ours has dried up.

  3. How pretty. I love cabbage. Will you please post your recipe for the apple cake?

  4. Thanks so much for your great photos and the time you take to teach us how to live more fulfilled ilves! My hubby and I are procrastinating this very weekend about whether we plant a veggie garden agian this summer as its very very dry in SA and water restrictions are getting tighter! Its hard when we have one son who loves to grow tomatoes etc and see them spring to life! Of course we also love the rewards too. Yes the apple cake sounds so yummmy and I wonder if its similar to your muffins you shared recently! Enjoy your day. Lynette from Adelaide Sth

  5. Gosh my spelling is dreadful today! Forgive me! LOL

  6. Lisa, I'm thankful that we have such a great climate here. We don't have the long months of hot weather the tropics get, it's cold in winter but we get this period of about 6 months where the weather is perfect. It all makes for good gardening too, which helps us live this simple life and grow much of our own food.

    Hello Peggy, thanks for stopping by. We had no rain either until this downpour. I hope you get some rain soon. Everyone, please go and check out Peggy's website. You'll love it. http://hiddenhavenhomestead.blogspot.com

    Elizabeth, I love cabbage too. Yum!. The recipe I use for the apple spice cake is the Martha Stewart one. The recipe and video are here:

    Lynette, I know how you and your husband feel. It's a lot of work to put in if it fails through lack of rain. Do you have water tanks? We put up shade cloth tunnels in summer to give some of our vegies a better chance at survival. Maybe that's worth a try down there. It's also good to incorporate lots of organic matter and mulch. But I'm sure you do that already. Please, don't set a precedent with apologies for incorrect spelling here. I'll be forever apologising. Take care love. : )

  7. Hi Rhonda, I'm glad to see that you haven't grown webbed feet and feathers after all the rain up there.....We had enough here to fill our tank in fact I was wishing we had another as I'm sure we could have at least half filled it. Enjoy the rest of your day.... I'm off to try and get some needlework done while the boys nap :-)

  8. My grandmother was Austrian and she used to make sauerkraut.I haven't eaten that for years!!

    You certainly had a lot of rain down your way!!

    I'm looking forward to starting the electricity audit tomorrow.
    Thanks for suggesting and organising it :)

  9. Hi Jen. it's good you got your tank filled. I hope you enjoyed your rest. : )

    Ali, check out my two postst today. I hope you get something from both of them. : )

  10. I can almost smell the bread and apple slice. Love the pics and your blog. Read it all the time.

    Thank you Jaycee


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