Dear friends I haven't been here for a couple of weeks because Hanno was sick, then I got a cold and it became easier to stay away....
Walnut biscuits. I spent most of Friday repotting hanging baskets and pots on the front verandah. Today is the first day of sprin...
I've been test baking bread this week. I've wanted to try Japanese milk bread for a long time and finally baked my own on Monday. I...
Most of the year we grow food in the backyard that will feed us on a daily basis. Whether it's vegetables, herbs, fruit, eggs, or honey...
It's been a week of gardening for me. I have doubts it will come, but we're waiting for rain now and I hope that the tanks will ...
My version of simple life has never been a big picture scenario, it's always been a series of small steps that change with the seasons....
I received an email from a reader last week who is packing to move to a new home. They are moving because her husband has been promoted and...
 Garden working bee.
August in The Simple Home “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”  William Morris ...
Gracie's birthday portrait, taken this morning. It's Graice's second birthday today and she's running around like a cr...
I still get a lot of emails from readers asking for more frugal living and budgeting posts but this is the closest I'll get to it.  I t...
It was becoming "normal" to not write a post here so I thought I'd better get back and say hello to you all.  I had an enjoya...
One of our Barnevelders is worrying us. She started limping during the week and now she can barely walk. She is eating and drinking a...
July in The Simple Home "... he got out the luncheon basket and packed a simple meal, in which, remembering the stranger's origi...
The girls are laying 6 eggs a day now. This is two day's worth. Hello everyone. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  ...
Hello friends. I'm almost back to normal and with the exception of a bung knee, I'm feeling pretty good. I had the exceptional gift...
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you all know I've been sick so I'm going to cut back on my work, which includes this blog,...
I've been kind of busy here lately with family dropping by, looking after Jamie, winter cooking and baking, gardening and a few small c...
Congratulations to Meg Hopeful who has won one of The Simple Home books for her encouraging and helpful comments over the past few m...
There are many food products that are easy to preserve at home. They are usually tastier, healthier and cheaper than those you can buy, and...
Hanno and I are off to lunch with Nanna Chel and her son today. It's nice to keep in touch with her and luckily I can see her when she ...
Hello friends!  Here are the cushions I made yesterday. The pink is a Tilda fat quarter found with the other one I made into a lamp skirt a...
I've been sewing a few odds and ends to suit our new lounge room colours and style.  I didn't want to spend much, or anything reall...
I had a few emails from readers asking me to list the books in the bookcase I showed last week. Well, that would take too much time but her...
As promised, here is a recipe for an Australian biscuit called the Monte Carlo. I think they started selling Monte Carlos in the 1920s and ...
There is no doubt you'll save money if you keep a clean and well organised stockpile and you don't waste the food you grow or buy. ...
Monte Carlo biscuits, I'll write about these and give the recipe next week. It's a public holiday today for Maleny Show Day....
We've come to the end of a two year period of renovations and home improvements. We did the work as we had the money, time and energy f...
Hello ladies and gentlemen of Europe. Privacy laws are in a state of change at the moment and as a blogger, European Union laws require me...
It was delayed a short while but we're almost finished our final renovation project - a new tiled splashback in the kitchen.  I'll ...
I had a wonderful week away from the blog. Hanno and I were going to work on a project but he had a sore back and I had a sore knee so inst...
Buying laundry and cleaning products can become quite an expensive part of grocery shopping, but it doesn't need to be. They are easy t...
Hello friends. I want to take a small moment to thank you for your comments. Over the years I've tried to build the comments sectio...
It's been a busy week here although I must point out it's not the same busyness we knew when we were much younger, working, looking...
Our laundries are mainly used for washing clothes and household fabrics but they also hold a place of importance as your home cleaning head...
It's unheard of around here but I've been out three mornings in a row this week. On Tuesday I went along to my GP for a flu vac...
May - week 1 in The Simple Home “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to ...
Don't forget my book giveaway. I have two copies of The Simple Home , kindly supplied by Penguin. I'll give one away in June and th...
Hello dear friends. It's Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand today. I've been sorting through my photos and found a nice Anzac D...
April - week 4 in The Simple Home Being able to grow some of your own food is a wonderful skill to have. Many gardeners dig in the s...
My birthday flowers were sitting right at the front door to welcome everyone who visited. Thank you all for the birthday greetings yo...
April, week 3 in The Simple Home By now you have probably had enough time to think about what you want to plant and where it will grow ...
Hello everyone. There will be no Simple Home post today but I'll have it up tomorrow.  I had a computer-free weekend while I celebrate...
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