15 June 2018

Weekend reading

Hanno and I are off to lunch with Nanna Chel and her son today. It's nice to keep in touch with her and luckily I can see her when she comes to the Sunshine Coast for her break. Apart from that we have the last bit of interior ceiling painting being done today by a painter.  Life's good here - the garden is growing well, the chooks are happy and back to producing eggs and Gracie is progressing well with her training.

The honour guard of chooks.

That plant in the front is a flowering wasabi rocket. It's delicious in salad with a not too strong wasabi taste.  I'm allowing it to flower so I can collect seeds to keep it growing. On the side there is rainbow chard with parsley and tomatoes at the back.

I hope you have some plans for the weekend. Whatever you do, take care of yourself, spend time doing something you love and come back full of energy next week.  ♥️

My patients teach me that marriage can mitigate suffering or multiply it
I'm going to try this chicken dish next week
Coffee pods take between 150 and 500 years to breakdown in landfill


  1. Wow! Your garden looks incredible! That green is so lush. Thank you for all of the links. They look excellent. I am really enjoying my new Silkies. I always think about you as I feed them. Chickens are so much fun, and they provide free entertainment and company.

  2. It's so nice that you get to meet Chel. Have fun Rhonda!

  3. Haven't done that many mitters corners.
    Coffee is on

  4. Hello Rhonda,
    thank you for the weekend reading and for sharing your photos. Your garden looks amazing. The plants look so green and appetising. Nothing compares with beautiful, fresh home-grown produce. You and Hanno should be very proud of your lovely garden. Congratulations on getting your chooks to pose so well for the photo. We have six chooks and it is impossible to get them to stand together long enough for a group photo.
    I made your Beef, Pearl Barley and Vegetable Soup last weekend. It was delicious and the whole family enjoyed it.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Warm regards, Maria from Adelaide SA.

  5. Love the new photo. Our veggies are rubbish this year, too wet/dry or to hot/cold:(

  6. Hi Rhonda. I love the green of your garden and also your new profile pic! Looking great!
    I wanted to comment too on just how lovely I found the marriage and mitigating suffering article. It's so lovely to read positive stories of couples who work hard and "love on" through the hard times as well as the good. I believe that the hard times make the good times better and the good times make the hard times endurable.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Ohh! I think I’ll have to try that chicken recipe too. Looks delicious. Love all the links, sewing ones are good for a beginner like me too. Have a lovely weekend Rhonda and Hanno.

  8. I read with interest on Okinawa. I have been to Japan twice absolutely love the place. I can remember going to the markets and buying sweet potato sweets they were delicious.

  9. That chicken recipe looks delicious!
    Wendy Clark

  10. Gorgeous pic of you. Enjoy your catchup.

  11. Love, love, LOVE your new photo! Way to go!

  12. Hi Rhonda, That chicken recipe looks fabulous, thanks, oh and I love your new photo, sans glasses❤️

  13. It sounds like a lovely weekend up at your place, Rhonda. Enjoy your catch-up with Nana Chel. Your veg looks healthy and lush, the rainbow chard in my garden is growing strong too. I will spend some time out in the garden later, when it warms up a bit, for I've neglected it a bit lately while I've been working. Love your new photo! Meg:)

  14. I love the Women's Work video! Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy watching the old educational videos, but the sneaky advertising ones are pretty funny too. I particularly love the clothing and the hair and the types of houses that people lived in. A window into the past. Noni from Adelaide.

  15. Your chickens and garden look so wonderful. The garden is so beautiful and growing. The chickens look very healthy

  16. Love the new hairdo and photo - you look wonderful!
    Thank you for these "Weekend Reading" links - I always find something interesting to find out a bit more about.

  17. Lovely photo. The Women's Work video is very funny! "The fairer and weaker sex" indeed. Sigh! Also love the Okinawa article and the sewing links are very handy. There's snow on the hills here in Canberra today, so the fire's on and it's going to be a sewing day.

  18. Thanks so much for the weekend readings, which I have almost finished now. Today I pruned my out-of-control tomatoes, planted some more lettuces, harvested some strawberries, and fed my gardenias. It was a wonderful, productive day in the garden. Tonight I will go over what I may need to mend and get some sewing projects in order. Your garden and chickens look wonderful.

  19. I love your new hairstyle!

    Our oldest son has a Jura coffee maker that grinds and brews individual cups of coffee. The machine is pricey but he did the math and for the amount of coffee that they drink it paid for itself in a year over using a machine with pods. At that point we bought one too and ditched the pod machine. We have way better coffee and the machine dumps the grounds neatly into a cup and we can take them straight out to the garden and put them on the tomato plants. We do have a water filter on the machine that we have to replace about twice a year but our garbage footprint has gone way down.

  20. I spy your new profile photo also.....looking good, Rhonda!
    But I liked those glasses frames but I'll bet you don't miss them one little bit!! :D
    Your cluckles are all looking great too, & yes your 'chook whispering' skills are on display in that photo!
    Interesting how they are almost all looking at you with their left eye.
    I read once that for chooks its their left eye that is like us being right handed.
    I also note 2 using the other eye to see you. Roughly the same ratio as left to right handed people.
    Apparently those who teach chooks tricks will always offer the reward treat on the dominant eye side for best success.

  21. thanks once again for some interesting reading. I loved the story about marriage, also love your new photo.

  22. Your blog resonates with me and has for many years. I rarely take time to comment, and I apologize for that. I feel very connected to you and this blog community. Thank you.
    May peace and love be with us all, Dianna

  23. I'll have to try cleaning the fans that way--it's one of my least favorite jobs, especially since most of ours are over beds so we really don't like the dust flying down everywhere. Thanks for sharing that!

    Also enjoyed the article on cutting down your use of food packaging. I've found that some places don't advertise the fact that you can use your own cup, but if you ask, you may find that the option is available (for example, at my favorite boba tea place you can bring your own cup...and I recently found the company Strawsome, which makes glass straws and also sells a size big enough to accommodate boba pearls, so I'm going to order one soon (I have a smoothie-sized straw from them and love it). I also bring my own mug to church now--it's the only time I drink coffee, and I hate using a Styrofoam cup for it. So I just pop a mug in my purse before leaving.


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