16 April 2018

Another decade milestone

Hello everyone. There will be no Simple Home post today but I'll have it up tomorrow.  I had a computer-free weekend while I celebrated my 70th birthday. We had a wonderful time yesterday with the family here for afternoon tea. When I was asked a few weeks ago what I wanted to do, my immediate reply was: no gifts and I don't want to go out to dinner. I wanted to be at home with my family. So that is what we did and when they all arrived they brought strawberry sponge cake, cucumber sandwiches, chicken pieces and a bottle of champagne. I made some little sausage rolls and a blood orange cheese cake. So we ate well, enjoyed each other's company and when everyone went home, I had a very contented feeling that it was exactly the right thing for me. It's good when that happens.

So here I am moving optimistically into my later years and it feels good. Today I'm planting up some herbs and vegetables for Sunny, who is a first time gardener.  She will grow these plants on the back deck of their new home. I'll plant any leftovers in our garden this afternoon. We have Jamie here today, the last day of school holidays, and tomorrow, I plan on a day of sewing.  It's been a busy time these past few weeks and with nothing planned for the coming days, I feel relaxed and ready to move into a new stage of life.  It will be slower, interesting and I'm sure there will be many new things to learn and enjoy. Who knows what will happen, I just know that on this day, right here and now, I feel ready for anything.



  1. A great big Happy 70th Birthday to you Rhonda & may there be many more to come! 🎂🎁

  2. Happy Birthday Rhonda. Your birthday celebrations sound just perfect to me and the food looked delicious. Here's to a wonderful year ahead full of all the things you enjoy. Margaret

  3. Hi Rhonda
    I feel that this is a very fitting occasion to post my first comment after following your blog for several years and having/using your three books.
    I thoroughly enjoy your postings and always look forward to them. Thank you for the inspiration you have given me!
    Sorry that these birthday wishes are late, but I do wish you many happy, active and fulfilling years of your wonderful life.

  4. Wishing you very many happy returns of the day, Rhonda.

  5. Happy birthday! It sounds like my kind of celebration. I love simple and tasty and it sounds like it met both those requirements! I hope you have a wonderful year that continues to feel relaxing!

  6. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Your celebration sounded lovely. Here's to another year of family, friends and new experiences.

  7. HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY! may you have many more wonderfully filled relaxing days enjoying what you love best! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    your day sounded wonderful!
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  8. Wishing you a very happy 70th Rhonda, all the money in the world cannot buy what you have, good family good food and a good sustainable life and the best blog, thank you for sharing your world with us all in internet land, many happy returns Kat of Gippsland

  9. Hi I too celebrated a significant birthday a couple of months ago, and all I wanted was a working water tank, (done by husband) and fish and chips near the water which happened even though a little late as eldest daughter lives in the US and younger living out in western Queensland, but by waiting a few weeks, in attendance was 3 children and other halves and 5 and 9/9 grandchildren sitting around a large table eating fish and chips with a lot of noise and a lot of enjoyment from me. About an hour before dinner elder daughter said what about a cake but as we were on holidays in northern NSW and bakery was shut and no time for even a 'packet' cake we decided to skip the cake altogether. I just enjoyed the overall 'noise' coming from everyone. It would be nice if all lived a little closer but now younger daughter has moved back to within a half hour drive.
    Melinda (Brisbane)

  10. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! I love your attitude about this new phase in life...I always think that it's wise to grow old gracefully, and you are starting right!! I love celebrating at home, after all, that is where your heart is!

  11. Happy Birthday, Rhonda!! Here's to many more happy years filled with family and good health :)

  12. Happy, Happy Birthday! That is the best celebration there is!

  13. Happy Birthday indeed, Rhonda. I hope you enjoy the happiest year of your life. You bring so much joy and inspiration to us; I thoroughly enjoy your blog and have for a few years now. The birthday celebration looks delicious. You have earned a day or two off. May you continue to enjoy your relaxation. Many Happy Returns!

  14. Happy 70th Birthday, Rhonda!!! Here's to many more! Shirley near Seattle USA

  15. Happy Birthday Rhonda, looks like you had a lovely day. Family and good food.

  16. Happy Birthday, Dearest Rhonda! What a pleasant way to celebrate. Wishing you well in your new decade :)

  17. Happy 70th Birthday Rhonda - Becci xx

  18. Happy, happy birthday! It sounds like a lovely way to celebrate.

  19. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! May you find happiness but also new adventures in this coming year.

  20. Wow, I remember reading your post when you turned 64...it mentioned the Beatles song When I'm 64 🤔 What a long time you've been writing and I've been reading v. Happy birthday dear lady 💞
    Cassandra xx

  21. Rhonda, so pleased the day went as you wanted it to. Everyone looks relaxed in front of that yummy food. I wonder what the new decade in your life will bring.

  22. Happy Birthday and keep enjoying every day!

  23. Happy Birthday, that sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate. Afternoon tea is one of my favorite things, although I dont do it often enough. a way to slow down and enjoy the moment.

  24. Happy Birthday Rhonda! May the coming years be full of many more happy content times. What a lovely way to celebrate!

  25. Happy birthday - it sounds like a marvelous celebration!! Sarah

  26. Happy birthday Rhonda. Wishing you a splendid year!

  27. Happy birthday from someone a bit older than you are. Sounds like my idea, no presents, family and a family meal with sons and grandchildren. That sponge looks delicious.

  28. A very happy birthday to you Rhonda! Hope this year is full of good things for you. All the very best!

    (I celebrated 50 last Thursday. :))

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY , Rhonda . You are such an inspiration to me .I have been following your blog for a few years now but rarely comment . I feel so encouraged to try new things as I move through my 50 's .Thank you x

  30. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration.
    And thank you for all those years of blogging. Hope you will continue to write (as long as you feel up to it). I love reading from/about people who are at peace with the stage of life they're in (instead of the unsettling denial that aging is unevitable).

  31. Happy birthday Rhonda, may you have a wonderful year. My kind of birthday party too, I rather have something at home and invite friends and family over.


  32. 258/5000
    Happy birthday, my dear Rhonda,
    Thank you for sharing with me your moments of happiness such as this beautiful birthday. Nothing like the simple pleasures of life. Maybe that's just happiness.
    I kiss you

  33. Many happy returns, Rhonda, and glad that you had a lovely family celebration. I too feel ready for whatever is ahead of me. I was 70 a year ago. I have bouts of energy but let myself have a 'nana nap' if necessary. I think the secret is to do whatever feels right for you.

  34. Happy, happy birthday to you, Rhonda! I'm glad it was a special day and that you celebrated in a way which made you feel so happy. A lovely afternoon tea (that sponge cakes looks delicious) and your family around you, sounds just perfect to me. May the coming years continue to bring you much contentment. Meg Xx

  35. Happy 70th Rhonda. You deserve all the contentment in the world - goodness only knows you have actively assisted countless folk create contentment in their homes too. Do you every stop to reflect on how many lives you have positively impacted over the years? - I hope you do and feel glad.

  36. Happy birthday Rhonda! My best wishes for the year!. It's my first comment on your blog though I've been reading your posts for years know. I live in a different continent (Europe, Belgium) but I've learned so much! Thank you, thank you!

  37. It looks like a lovely family gathering, and a perfect way to spend your 70th.

    Happy Birthday Rhonda 🎂

  38. Happy 70th birthday, dear Rhonda! Thank you for sharing your experience, knowledge and wisdom with us so generously over these many years.

    Wishing you a very happy time in this coming decade,

    With lots of love xxxxx Mo

  39. Happy 70th Birthday Rhonda. May you be blessed with good health and happiness in the years ahead. Your birthday meal looks so delicious and surrounded by family I'm sure made your day extra special for you! xxxx

  40. Happy 70th Birthday Rhonda. What a lovely family celebration, you are blessed. And the spread looks delicious, too.

  41. Happy 70th Rhonda! I'm glad you brought in the new decade in a way that perfectly suits you and makes you happiest. Wishing you every happiness and many more lovely adventures! Thanks for sharing so much wisdom & simple living inspiration with all of us. Love Kelly xo

  42. Belated Happy 70th birthday greetings dear Rhonda. It looks like you all had a wonderful celebration!

    You are such an inspiration and I thank you for showing us your gentle way of living life.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  43. Happy birthday Rhonda. Very happy that you were able to enjoy it as you wanted. Many happy returns. Brigitte

  44. Happy birthday Rhonda. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr HM. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom over the years xx

  45. Happy Birthday - the party table looks amazing! It looks like a wonderful day spent with family and doing things that you love. I hope there are many more years to come.

  46. Congratulations on your 70th birthday Rhonda - may there be many happy returns. Thank you for sharing life with us through your wonderful and inspiring blog.

  47. Happy Birthday Rhonda, wishing you everything good. Sounds like a wonderful day. EstherB x

  48. Happiest of Birthdays Rhonda :)

  49. Rhonda wishing you a very happy 70th birthday, thank you for the huge effort you put into your blog, I look forward to reading each post, I also enjoy the weekend reading posts,I hope you and Hanno enjoy many more years of simple living, you are a great inspiration to us all

  50. Hi Rhonda - my birthday is tomorrow, and I want (and am having) the same thing - family company. My younger ones can't understand how I'm not excited for presents!!! My sister is bringing my parents up for afternoon tea (they can no longer drive this far) - it'll be a noisy and happy afternoon!
    Happy belated birthday to you Rhonda. Like others, I always read and rarely comment, but your blog has become one of my "staples" over the years.

  51. Cherishing PeaceApril 17, 2018 8:00 am

    Happy 70th Rhonda. As a relative newcomer to your excellent blog I am thrilled to have found a community of like minded people. Love your writing and recently read your first two books. Now for the third.

  52. Happy birthday! I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful day. Like you, I feel the same way about birthdays. As I've gotten older I appreciate so very much the time spent with my family with food and lots of laughter. I have everything I could ever want or need and just being with those I love is such a gift to me. diane

  53. Birthday blessings to you Rhonda. That looks just like the sort of celebration I like. Your attitude to the ageing process is an inspiration to me. Thank you for being you.

  54. Happy Birthday Rhonda! You make such wise choices. Your table looks beautiful. Sounds like a fantastic birthday...

  55. A very Happy 70th Birthday to you Rhonda, thank you so much for reaching out and sharing yourself and your family with us, also for the inspiration you have provided and the care you show to all. xxx

  56. Happy birthday, Rhonda! What a lovely gathering, beautiful.

  57. What a wonderful birthday celebration -- it sounded (and looked)like perfection. Happy, happy birthday!

    Mary (Maryland, USA)

  58. A very Happy Birthday to you, Rhonda! God bless you, too. :)

  59. Happy Birthday Rhonda! What a wonderful way to celebrate at home with family.
    ~Sue M.

  60. Wishing you a wonderful year filled with joy and many pleasures Rhonda. Such a special celebration to share with your loved ones, how beautiful! Shuairan

  61. Belated birthday wishes.
    Claire in Melbourne

  62. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Welcome to the 70-club lol. It´s a good place to be. I´ve followed you for many years now - don´t know how long really. Trying to cut down on computer time so I don´t check in every day but not far off it. Here´s to many more good years.

  63. Happy Birthday Rhonda! wishing you many more years of Simple (happy) Living! Annie C

  64. I am glad you had the day you wanted with your family. Nothing better!

  65. Happy Birthday Rhonda - sounds perfect to me!

  66. Happy Birthday Rhoda. Sounds like a great Birthday. Sharon in KY(USA)

  67. Happy birthday, wish you health and happiness

  68. Happy Birthday Rhonda. May you have many more birthday meals with your family. xx

  69. Happy Birthday Rhonda! I too will celebrate my 70th in two weeks. My request was the same. Dinner with my daughter and grandchildren. A lovely surprise is that my beloved sister will travel to join me for a few days for my birthday. I couldn't ask for anything more!

  70. Many happy returns Rhonda! You are an inspiration with your energy and motivation. Totally agree with the way you spent your day, with your family at home. So much more enjoyable.

  71. A little late, but still happy birthday! What a wonderfull way to describe it:" Who knows what will happen, I just know that on this day, right here and now, I feel ready for anything."
    Those are the comments that make me stop and think things over, thank you for writing such sensitive and sensible words.

  72. Happy birthday! I hope that you had a great day. Would like to thank you for a fantastic blog been following it for a couple of years now.
    Annika Wänström Sweden

  73. Happy Special Birthday Rhonda, and thank you so much for your blog. One of the best!

  74. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! What a lovely way to celebrate, surrounded by your favourite people in your favourite place with delicious food. Sounds perfect!

  75. Happy Birthday 70th for the other day Rhonda. I’m late catching up on all the readings on the blog as usual. It warmed my heart to see the lovely photos of the way you celebrated your special day. Happy, content and homely. X

  76. Huzzah on the birthday!! And double huzzah for what sounds like a most perfect way of celebrating it! Many happy returns!

  77. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, dear Birthday Twin! What a gorgeous birthday table you had laid out - yes, I noticed those beautiful linens :-) My celebration was quite the opposite to yours, but I was always a bit of a Wild Child, so I loved my party out with 10 good friends on Saturday night, and a quieter afternoon tea with family members on Sunday. My biggest celebration for the year is being free of cancer after last year's scare!
    Love and hugs

    1. Hello Gina, thank you. It sounds like you had a great day too. I thought of you in the morning and decided it would be a good idea to send an email, then forgot all about it. I'm so pleased to hear you're well again. xx

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