4 May 2018

Weekend reading

It's unheard of around here but I've been out three mornings in a row this week. On Tuesday I went along to my GP for a flu vaccination and ended up having the Pneumococcal vaccine as well. Apparently it's a one-off jab that will help protect me from a few nasty diseases and along with the flu vaccine, I feel it was a good reason to head off into the traffic. Both these vaccines are free to all us Australian over-65ers and if you're in that age bracket, I hope you've had yours or have plans to have it soon. Apparently now is the ideal time to have the flu vaccine and with bad memories of last year's flu season, I think the visit to the doctors office is a small price to pay for the protection it gives us. 

At home here the painting is all but finished and we're putting the house back together again. I'm decluttering my book case today, Hanno is putting up some new shelves and I plan on having some photos of our work to show you next week.  I hope you've had a good week too. Have a great weekend, rest and relax, and we'll all be ready for another productive week ahead.  ðŸ”†ðŸ™‚🔆

If buying a house is a pipe dream, renting one is a nightmare
How to propagate from cuttings
Plant a container garden from seed - this is Bubblebeet's a video and it's very detailed and accurate. You don't have to buy any of the products he uses, it will work with the organic sprays you have on hand.
Here is bubblebeet again with more container crops.
World's oldest known spider dies at 43 after a quiet life underground
Lace doily crafts - I love these
Disappearing jobs around the world – in pictures
Vintage linens and stain removal
The startling colors and abstract shapes of salt ponds
20 free DIY raised garden bed plans and ideas you can build in a day
There are some great recipes on this beautiful blog - Local is Lovely


  1. Rhonda I rarely get the flu jab but after succumbing to the flu last year I got it this week plus the other one you had. I had no after effects at all. Glad the painting is almost done. Have a relaxing weekend.

    1. Hi Chel. I haven't had the flu vaccine before either and I've had no colds or flu for years. However, it's vital Hanno doesn't get pneumonia or flu again. He's had pneumonia the past two years so I thought a vaccination is a small price to pay to stop him getting sick again. I hope our plans carry us through, yours too. Have a great weekend. xx

  2. Hi Rhonda, I hope Hanno stays well, too. I've never had the flu vaccine, either. I eat fresh garlic and do yoga each evening. So far, it's worked. I also find hydrotherapy to be very effective. Glad to hear that you are busy and productive.

  3. Thank you so much for more interesting links. The salt pond photographs are amazing. Wishing you a great weekend.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos next week. Our house could do with a lick of paint too but with super active young lad I think we'll wait a while yet! Happy weekend to you, Rhonda and Hanno and Gracie (who looks so comfy curled up with that blanket). Meg

  5. Bingo - we are painting too! I'm a little bit over it to be honest.

  6. Just popping in to say Hello Rhonda .
    Still caravaning around Australia but staying with family for a short while in Brisbane . Always a pleasure to read your blog and catch-up : )
    Ps: We carry our own herbs in pots with us as we travel !
    Jenster .

    1. Hello Jenster! Lovely to see you here, thanks for popping in. Enjoy your travels. xx

  7. The first phase of our big painting project is finished! I am so happy that the two story stairwell is done without a mishap or injury. A professional painter friend told us about a cotton duck drop cloth with a rubber backing that allowed the stairs to be covered without the surface being a hazard.

    Have a great weekend. We are off to our house at the lake for two weeks today.

  8. I love yhe doiley craft! Its so sad to see them in op shops after all the work to make them!

  9. Watching a loved one go through pneumonia is awful. Our family has been get the flu shot every year since our, now 9 year old, had pneumonia when she was two. It was a dreadful experience. It doesn’t stop us from getting colds, colds is one thing but the flu and pneumonia is a whole other story. Hope Hanno stays well this winter. Jade

  10. Awww, love the Gracie pics on your blog! She looks so happy, contented & relaxed!

    The lace doily crafts (lovely ideas) & vintage linens weekend reading blogs are fabulous! Thanks for sharing these. It's perfect timing as I've been finding some super good deals in thrift shops lately and love them.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Rhonda.


  11. Decluttering a bookcase can take me a long time. Each book can hold postcards, momentos and last time I even found ten pounds, how I managed to use that as a bookmark and forget about I'll never know!!

  12. Its nice to come back to your blog and wise words again Rhonda. We are facing the possibility of going to one income in the coming months so I have been preparing for that. I initially found you because of your soap recipe and to this day i make your soap and my friends are always very happy to receive it as a birthday present. I always make a point of telling them its not because they are on the nose. Haha. This week I am going to cut up our old towels and make them into face washers, soap holders and dish cloths. Thank you again for your blog.

  13. I didn't get my flu shot last year. Luckily I didn't get sick, though the last flu season was really bad here.
    Hope you are having a relaxing weekend Rhonda.


  14. Hi Rhonda, Just popping back in after a break from all blogs/social media. I actually gave them up for lent this year, but have been enjoying the quiet :)
    I don't often post, but your blog has been a huge inspiration to me over the years. It is nice to see someone embracing the simple life and encouraging us to really enjoy and take care of our homes. The weekend reading links are usually interesting - I just need to remember to step away from the computer after a short while before I end up "down the rabbit hole"! Noni from Adelaide.

  15. I've heard recently that the flu vax is most effective for 3 months. My husband had it done recently, so I'm hoping he doesn't come down with anything in August once it starts to wear off!


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