1 June 2018

Weekend reading

Monte Carlo biscuits, I'll write about these and give the recipe next week.

It's a public holiday today for Maleny Show Day. We'll have Jamie here during the day and I have no doubt I'll be out in the garden celebrating show day my own way.  I made a batch of monte carlo biscuits for morning teas yesterday and I'm doing some school fete knitting for my grand-nephew Jonathan's school in Blayney. I'll be sending organic cotton dishcloths and homemade soap down for one of the stalls and I hope it contributes to a very good fundraising event in October. Country school fetes are such worthwhile events.

Thanks for your comments and visits this week. I hope you enjoying the coming weekend and take time out to relax and look after yourself. ♥️

Chicken safety fear as chlorine washing fails bacteria tests
Living off the grid
Defining generations: Where Millennials end and post-Millennials begin
School lunch in Japan
10 bad habits that are costing you money
The dangers of air fresheners
How to negotiate the chore chart like a champ
Aussies accents differ from Canadian, American, British and Kiwi. Here's why
Allotment gardening
How to simplify your life
Make a large batch of caramelised onions in the slow cooker - and freeze them



  1. How nice of you to make organic cotton dish cloths and homemade soap! I'm sure they will sell out. Enjoy your time with Jamie, and your gorgeous garden!

  2. Good morning and greetings from frosty Gippsland, I sat staring looking at the picture of your monte carlo biscuits, yum my absolute favorite as a child, I wait in anticipation for the recipie. Rhonda the article on air freshners was an eye opener but I am not surprised by the nasties in the air freshners that we buy, luckily I came across a recipie for a home made air freshner with sage, lemon, lavender and rosemary in it so that is what I will make today after I make laundry powder(your recipie) and fabric softner, once again your links for weekend reading are varied and informative, thank you Kat.
    p.s I love your kitchen, those tiles are a piece of art

  3. Some good weekend reading there by the looks of it, Rhonda. The caramelised onions in the slow cooker sounds very interesting. I agree about the country fetes. I hope you , Hanno and Miss Gracie have a relaxing weekend and I hope to catch up soon.

    1. Hi Chel, give me a call when you're here and we'll meet up for lunch at the club we went to last time.

  4. Good morning Rhonda,
    how timely that today's post features the photo of your Monte Carlo biscuits and that the recipe is coming next week.☺
    I was only thinking yesterday that I have missed you posting your delicious recipes on your blog. I have really enjoyed the Simple Home posts but I do love reading about what you are doing in your garden and home. Your garden photos are stunning and inspiring. The hints I have used from your blog are too numerous to mention.
    The colder weather has finally arrived in Adelaide so I have made some of your soups and stews. Your 5 min bread is baked often and is a favourite in our home.
    Thank you for sharing your recipes and advice.
    Warm regards, Maria.

  5. Will do. A little over one week to go.

  6. Yum. So much better than bought ones. Country fetes are great and always lots of them on over the next few months. Now for some reading...

  7. Oh, so tempting, Rhonda! A batch of those wouldn't last 5minutes around here. Delicious and looking forward to the recipe. Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

  8. Your biscuits made me realise that the biggest change in our lives since we've cut out processed sugar for the year has been my baking. I've always loved whipping up a treat for the family before the weekend. We are nearing the half point and were discussing the other day if we feel that it's made any difference to or lives at all and we all said it hadn't, but now I am reminded that it has. I hope your family enjoy the sweet comfort of their home baked treat, I look forward to following your recipe and making our own next year. Have a wonderful weekend Rhonda, I look forward to checking the mail box this week. xx

  9. Monte carlo biscuits were a rare treat when I was a child and they are the first ones i eat out of the packet on the odd occasion there's cream biscuits from the shop. Looking forward to the recipe.
    Claire in Melbourne

  10. I am looking forward to your recipe. They look delicious.

    Those of us in the US do not like the chlorine chicken washing either!

    We have grandchildren in school in Germany and they have wonderful school lunches with salads and entrees like baked fish. They would not have liked those lunches at home in the US but happily eat them there because all the other children eat them.

    I was happy to see that none of the bad habits are habits here!

    Have a great weekend and enjoy your garden and Jamie!

  11. Monte Carlos are my favourite!! I make them too and everybody loves them. I look forward to your recipe. Yours look scrumptious!

  12. The biscuits look fabulous, Rhonda! I can't wait for the recipe next week!
    I was so surprised when I clicked on your weekend reading link, "How to simplify your life" and find that it is from Bracken & Lindsay (Sounds Like Reign). I've found that they now have a new You-Tube Channel as well, called, "Tiny Notes From Home". I've been following their adventures in life for sometime now and have been really enjoying watching their children grow. I love the simplicity in their lives. But most of all, I love to hear Lindsay sing, especially when she sings by herself. I find her voice is so calming & relaxing. Very beautiful!

    Just this week I was wondering who really are "the Millennials" and what makes them a "Millennial"? And now I know! :)

    Also, now I understand a bit more as too why Aussie's accents seem to vary so much. And I loved listening to & watching Jill Redwood and her life as she lives "off grid". She looks so vibrant and healthy. For some reason I have a hunch that she is older than what she appears! And BTW, I love, love her accent! :) I shall return to find more of her on You-Tube! Thanks for those links.

    School Lunches in Japan? Wow! How fascinating & admirable! Loved the video! We desperately need more of that kind of teaching in America, for sure! The kids here need more of that and less of the entitlement they seem to think they have in today's world! (sigh)
    Thanks again, so much for your weekend reading links. I've enjoyed them immensely. I feel more relaxed now after a rough day today --- I came home exhausted after having been to my husband's Grandmother's Memorial Service and then my car broke down on the way home. Had to get it towed.
    Your post was beautiful to come home to and find it in my in-box!:)

  13. I have seen the off grid lady before and I love her home. There is something about it that seems like it’s from a bygone era!


  14. How to Simplify Your Life - fabulous! I spent a few hours early morning going through their vlogs - wonderful people, and great music!

  15. Oh My Goodness your Biscuits look fabulous.
    I haven't read the Japanese Lunch post yet but Daughter and I do that when we pack our lunches for a day out. My Japanese family makes the best lunches ever.,even my oldest son.

    Love off the grid Lady. I would love to be like her but living on the border with Mexico I would not be safe living alone in the beautiful desert. She lives in such a beautiful area.

    Winston says wurf !
    cheers, parsnip

  16. Thank you for the carmalized onions in the crock-pot link. Wow, never thought of that, but can't wait to try it.

  17. Enjoyed Ms. Redwood's video as well, but I must say that I wonder why the types of people who live off the grid cannot be a bit more tidy! I notice that the work area or garage area is full of tools just strewn about. Surely, it could be more orderly! But I am sure she is a wonderful person concerned with the environment and she is certainly living by her values.


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