20 April 2018

Weekend reading

My birthday flowers were sitting right at the front door to welcome everyone who visited.

Thank you all for the birthday greetings you sent this week.  I have to tell you, I don't feel like a 70 year old lady but I'm enjoying getting used to the feel of it.  It's a good age. I feel like I've earned my stripes. 😊

I hope you enjoy today's links. See you again next week, my friends. 💗

The Great Vanilla Slice Taste Test
'This is my country': how a Melbourne suburb defied the far-right to welcome refugees


  1. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady!

    The link for tomato cages for a set of four for $59.95 really surprised me since here in the USA they are available everywhere this time of year for as little as $3 each and up depending on the size and Aldi will have them soon for even less. Ours do not fold up but we just stack them and stash them in the corner of the shed. I have one in each of my containers for tomatoes and they are so handy.

    1. I didn't take any notice of the prices, Lana. I was showing them so new gardeners could see the wide variety of staking methods. I think the site is an American one. Most of these methods could be made with bamboo canes or from tree branches, and I hope no one would go out and buy stakes for $60. You'd have to successfully grow tomatoes for ten years to make back that kind of money. And even then it wouldn't make sense to pay that price for something you could make from what you had on hand. LOL

  2. Firstly I am glad you had such a nice birthday and I love your roses. Secondly my dad had a Gladstone bag when I was very young. He was a white collar worker and used it for his lunch.

  3. Thanks for the weekend reading links, Rhonda. The one about the refugees in Eltham is very interesting. We have a good track record here in Toowoomba for resettling refugees and at our local show I came across an organisation called The Mulberry Project where migrants from different countries are utilising unused farmland to grow food and connect with one another.

  4. The tomato cages available for $59- are a product of a garden goods site, and a reliable one. These cages are very much stronger than the ones that are like a wire hangers for a closet! They are also taller, heavier, come in four different colours, and fold up to be put away for future use. You get three cages for that price. The $3.00 ones are rather useless in my opinion. It depends upon the type of tomato you are growing as well.

  5. Hey Rhonda, Happy Birthday! Love, love, love your blog.

  6. Your birthday roses are beautiful, Rhonda. And, I love the jug you've got them in too. I will enjoy the weekend reading links, as I always find much of interest there. Have a great weekend. Meg:)

  7. Happy Birthday Rhonda! I didn't realize we are both April babies. Have a wonderful weekend, I intend to spend my Birthday weekend gardening and sewing;-]

  8. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I hit the same decade earlier this month & don't know what it's supposed to feel like, but it's definitely not 'old'! My philosophy is your as old as you FEEL. I check your blog frequently and have gradually gone back to some of the ways my mom did things and enjoy doing tasks in a more homemade method, especially cooking. Thank you for inspiring me.

  9. Sorry I missed the day but wishes for a very Happy Belated Birthday! Beautiful roses.


  10. You are not getting older. You ate better and wiser based on being more experienced.

  11. Happy belated birthday Rhonda, your flowers are beautiful. Thank you for introducing us to Steel Kitten - it is nice to read a blog from the area I originate from, plus others from the UK. Not really involved with the gardening topic this month, but still moving forward with the previous topics. Patricia, New Zealand

  12. Happy Birthday! Such lovely flowers. Celebrate well.

  13. Happy Birthday Rhonda, I'm just a few years behind you. The roses are beautiful, my favorite flowers


  14. Beautiful roses Rhonda. Glad you had a good birthday.
    Sometime when I am out and keeping up with the grandies - I get a shock to see the old (ish) lady in the reflection! Must add you do have a young face Rhonda!

  15. Gorgeous roses, nothing like a good jug of flowers to brighten up a day! Thanks for link to my blog. Still ironing out a few niggles here and there (image captions mostly) but otherwise it's nearly done. The course was a great experience and you are a very good teacher. Thank you for all of your help.

  16. Happy Belated birthday Rhonda, your roses are beautiful! :)


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