One of the things H and I are trying to do is to bring as little as possible into our home from outside. We try to make or grow what we need...
Someone wanted this stitchery pattern. It might have been Jenny. I'm not really sure now. Anyhow, everyone is welcome to use it. : )
If you believed the advertisements on TV, washing clothes is one of the most difficult things to do if you don't have THE special magic ...
I've been meaning to post these photos for a while. I took them when we attended the funeral of a dear friend of H's a couple of mon...
I've just realised that Frugal Gifts is my 100th blog post. I've been blogging almost eight weeks and so far, I'm loving it. I t...
It's Christmas in July here next weekend. For our international friends that is the time when many Australians - at least those in area...
One of my current projects in the garden is to cultivate more fruit. I would love to be able to have days when I eat all raw food, preferabl...
I nominate the following blogs for the Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award: Towards Sustainability Julie is a stay at home mum to thre...
Wow, what can I say. I was nominated for this by downshifting-path to simplicity and I'm surprised and delighted by it. Thank you. The...
As soon as you realise that lifestyle change is essential in every affluent country and understand that you must be part of that change, you...
This sourdough bread is delicious! Really, it's got a lovely depth of flavour unlike plain yeast breads. And it's nicer than the sou...
I feel like I have my full strength back now. I have no back pain at all. Yay! I didn't make brownies for Shane yesterday as I didn'...
I’ve been thinking a lot about positive role models lately and how there are so few of them. I look at my friends and none of them live a...
Here it is, the yellow apron with cross over straps. It feels really comfy and I like that there are no ties to do up. I started my sourdou...
Well, it's mid morning, I'm just about to put the kettle on for tea and I've done everything I wanted to do. I just took a photo...
There is a busy day ahead of me. My back pain is almost gone and I need to catch up on my housework. First step will be to check the sourdou...
I buy organic flour for my bread. I figure if I'm baking it should be the healthiest bread I can manage. Organic flour is cheapest when ...
Now that my sons are almost 26 and 27, I find it difficult at times to remember back when they were this little. This is Kerry on the left ...
This quilt was made by my sister when she sat with our mother as she was dying. I want to encourage all of you who aren't yet making th...
It was going to be too time consuming to convert the drawings to PDFs so here are some that you can "save as". Jenny, I'm assu...
I started the sourdough starter on July 1 with one cup of flour and one cup of rainwater. Then my back gave me a lot of grief so although I ...
I'm really happy to be able to sit here now without the pain of the past few days. When you're usually healthy and something like th...
Hello everyone. I have a pinched sciatic nerve so I can't sit at the computer for long. The good news is there is an improvement sinc...
I'm fighting to go to work today as my hip is still giving me curry. I hate being sick or incapacitated in any way so I refuse to stay h...
I've been making yeasted breads for a long time now and I think my bread is pretty good, even if I do say so myself. There's always ...
I've been out in the garden enjoying the mid-afternoon sunshine and pouring a little rainwater on the vegetables. We have some dutch cre...
I spent a leisurely afternoon making my apron and although there are flaws - the bib is too wide, the ties too long and I had to patch fabri...
I'm not a particularly good sewer but I do my best to make a wide range of things for my home. Today I'm making another apron. I nee...
These are are Rhode Island Red chooks. How could you live without chooks in the backyard? Don't answer, I wasn't really asking. ; )...
I sometimes have people ask me how I fill my days. It's a bit of a patchwork really and each day is different to the ones on either side...
Being the type of person I am I always read about things before I do them, or soon after. When I had my kids, I read everything I could whil...
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