5 September 2007

Swap deadline

I forgot to let you all know the time frame of the swap. Your napkins must be posted on, or before, October 1. That gives everyone 3½ weeks to make or buy their napkins. I will finish replying to emails later today. If you can't make contact with your partner, please let me know and I'll help you.

I hope you all have fun with the swap. It's a great way of getting to know each other.

I had a big day at my voluntary job yesterday and when I came home, I promptly sat in a lounge chair and went to sleep. I've just woken from a good night's sleep, that was filled with the sound of rain falling on the roof, and now I'm feeling ready to take on the world.

H and I will drive the youth bus into Brisbane today to pick up food for the Centre's emergency food bank. We'll do our own shopping at Aldi on the way home, unpack that, then drive up to the Centre to unload the foodbank food. I'm hoping to have enough time this afternoon to answer some emails, so if you've sent one, I hope to answer soon.

Thank you for stopping by today. : )


  1. My birthday is October 2nd, so the napkins will be a lovely birthday present!

  2. Rhonda I would like to be in the swap I read about in eyes of wonder if it is not too late thank you


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