13 September 2007

Habits of a lifetime

We are taking most of our evening meal from the garden today. I've picked cabbage, carrots, capsicum, daikon radish and red onions for coleslaw, some rocket and a frilly lettuce, the last of the green beans and snow peas. I have tomatoes and cucumber, from the local market, ready to slice. Eggs have been collected and are now boiling and the bread is baking. Soon I'll cook some of our kipfler potatoes which I'll serve with butter and parsley. Our dessert will be mango yoghurt for H and one of our oranges for me. A simple but satisfying meal after a busy day's work; I'm getting hungry. : )

I want to say thank you to everyone who calls by to read my blog. Without you, there would be much less gratification for me in the writing. It is such a joy for me to read your comments and emails and to see the sisterly embrace of the swap. We have created a world wide sewing circle that I'm very proud to be part of, and I'm impatient to see lots of photos of the napkins. I started making mine this afternoon.

So that's another day winding down to its slow end. H will be in shortly and he'll say: What time is dinner? We always eat at the same time and he always asks it. The habits of a life time never seem trivial and hearing H ask that tells me that all is right in my world.

I'll see you again tomorrow, friends. : )


  1. I enjoy popping in to see what you've been up to.

    You make me think about 'things' - about your way doing things and your sugestions and about the way I actually do them and whether I can blend the two together.


  2. I sewed up my napkins yesterday too! They even turned out quite nicely! (which is a nice surprise, given my sewing ability!)
    Sending them off in the next day or two
    Have a blessed day, Rhonda!

  3. I enjoy visiting with you ,I always learn something from you.
    I made my napkins and they are in the mail.
    I saw a pattern for reversed napkins.Yesterday I made 6 sets.A group of us gets together for a meal and small gift exchange for Christmas, so this yr., my gift will be a set of napkins and tea towels.I use cloth all the time ,hoping I can get more folks to do so.
    Thanks for all you share with us blogging Friends.

  4. Since finding you blog I can't start my day until I've read your posting. You have a remarkable way of writing that just draws one in.

    Your coleslaw looks yummy. What do you put in your dressing?

    Thanks, Paula

  5. hello cathy, writing about what I do makes me think about it too. it helps me focus on what's important. I am always trying to improve what I do so I love to know how other women do things. If it makes sense to me, I will modify what I do, or as you do, blend the two together. : )

    Yay! for small sewing tasks that improve our techniques, niki. And yay for the feeling of joy you show in a task well done. I hope I see a photo of your napkins. : )

    Thank you Lib. I learn a lot from the ladies here too. This gab fest is a good way of learning. ; ) I love your gift sets. I'm sure they'll be appreciated and used, and hopefully will help those who receive them think about other changes they can make. Keep up the good work in helping others live a greener life.

    Paula, thank you. : ) H loved the coleslaw. The recipe is:
    1 Egg Yolk (at room temperature)
    Pinch of Salt and Pepper
    ½ teaspoon Dijon Mustard
    1 teaspoon lemon juice or white vinegar
    1 cup Olive Oil
    Whisk together the egg yolk, salt, mustard and lemon/vinegar in a largish bowl.
    While whisking the yolk mixture and let the oil fall slowly, drop by drop, until you have achieved a thick, velvety mayonnaise.
    Taste it and adjust your seasonings if necessary.
    It will keep for a few days in the fridge.

  6. Have yet to start on my napkins, but I haope to have some spare time this coming week to fit it in. Thanks for the dressing recipe, it looks very yummy!


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