Hello friends. I want to take a small moment to thank you for your comments. Over the years I've tried to build the comments sectio...
It's been a busy week here although I must point out it's not the same busyness we knew when we were much younger, working, looking...
Our laundries are mainly used for washing clothes and household fabrics but they also hold a place of importance as your home cleaning head...
It's unheard of around here but I've been out three mornings in a row this week. On Tuesday I went along to my GP for a flu vac...
May - week 1 in The Simple Home “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to ...
Don't forget my book giveaway. I have two copies of The Simple Home , kindly supplied by Penguin. I'll give one away in June and th...
Hello dear friends. It's Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand today. I've been sorting through my photos and found a nice Anzac D...
April - week 4 in The Simple Home Being able to grow some of your own food is a wonderful skill to have. Many gardeners dig in the s...
My birthday flowers were sitting right at the front door to welcome everyone who visited. Thank you all for the birthday greetings yo...
April, week 3 in The Simple Home By now you have probably had enough time to think about what you want to plant and where it will grow ...
Hello everyone. There will be no Simple Home post today but I'll have it up tomorrow.  I had a computer-free weekend while I celebrate...
Gracie has a new toy - a pink pig called Vivienne (Westwood). She took great care with Vivienne the first couple of days she had her but no...
It's been a busy week so far. We're still painting, although not every day, and we probably have another couple of days of work wit...
April, week 2 in The Simple Home For all our new gardeners, there are two things I want you to decide on this week - what you're goin...
After a night with yoghurt draining over a bowl in the fridge, I finished off my yoghurt cheese this morning. I added salt and pepper and s...
April, week 1 in The Simple Home Growing your own food When you’re starting out on your simple life journey, or if you move to a home w...
Happy Easter everyone. 🐣 I'm viewing this screen with 20/20 vision; it's the first time my vision has been this good in 40 yea...
March, week 4 in The Simple Home This is the final week in our food and home cooking month. We've been discussing food shopping, sto...
Very early last Sunday morning, Hanno and I drove over to a town about 30 kms away to buy our first seedlings of the season. 
March, week 3 in The Simple Home There has been a sharp rise in the number of products labelled 'organic' and 'free range'...
What I thought was going to be my second eye operation turned out to be a post-op check. But now, vision in my fixed eye is just below 20/2...
While I've been writing The Simple Home series, you've probably noticed I'm not writing much about what is happening here on a...
March, week 2 in The Simple Home This week we'll focus on shopping for food and I'm guessing that will mean vastly different thin...
It's been a busy week here. We started on another home maintenance project, I cleaned the fridge out yesterday and suddenly I have more...
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