I had some new paperback Down to Earth books sent to me during the week and decided to sign and sell them. I sent the first batch off yester...
It's been a busy week here.  Hanno was in the hospital on Monday to have an angiogram. We thought he might be headed for heart surgery b...
I want to start today by thanking everyone who bought a paperback copy of Down to Earth. The hardback was published in 2012 and became a be...
We've continued to get the garden ready for summer but the most important part of this week has been preparing for the publication of th...
We got our internet connection back yesterday afternoon so I'm pleased to be back with you. There'll be no Weekend Reading today bec...
We had "scheduled maintenance" on our NBN on Thursday and now we have limited broadband and no explanation why. Anyhow, I'd al...
Tomorrow is Hanno's 80th birthday so our family will be here for lunch and celebrations. I met Hanno when he was 37 and I was 28, we sur...
Yesterday afternoon, I'd just planted some snapdragons. I've never grown Californian poppies before but some were in a bee and butte...
Each week the weather is warmer and each week I try to do more in the garden because I know that come November, I won't want to be outsi...
The backyard at 3pm with Gracie's woollen blanket drying in the sun . Hanno having a rest while he fixes the pathway in the chook run.  ...
More work in the garden this week. It's been good to be outside although the wind is annoying as it dries out the soil too quickly. Hann...
I've spent time every day in the garden this week. The warmer weather has promoted growth and the two tomato plants have grown a lot in ...
I showed you a photo of our sofa recently but I've gone closer now so you can see the Australia cushion made  by my sister, Tricia . She...
I will never tire of looking at this face. Gracie was under the table on the back verandah with the sun streaming in. She enjoys being th...
I forgot it's Friday! 😳  I just came home from grocery shopping and it clicked. I'm glad I remembered now and not Sunday afternoon...
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