23 October 2020

Weekend Reading

I want to start today by thanking everyone who bought a paperback copy of Down to Earth. The hardback was published in 2012 and became a best-seller, remaining in the book shops for over eight years. I thought the book would help a lot of people cope with the COVID crisis by showing them how to create a safe haven at home, Penguin agreed and so a cheaper version of Down to Earth was printed. If you did buy a copy, I'd love you to tell me if you enjoyed the book and to review it on Instagram, your blog or Goodreads. Look in the link list below for a link to an extract of the book on Penguin's website.

There is another book I'd like to recommend to you - the Kindness Community's Vegan Cookbook. All royalties from the sale of this book go to Edgar's Mission, a not-for-profit sanctuary that provides a safe haven for over 450 rescued farm animals. That is certainly a good cause. It contains a lot of interesting and delicious looking recipes shared with Edgar's Mission by people who are cooking and eating these meals as part of their daily diet.  We have a vegan in our family and the book will eventually go to Shane but I'm cooking a few meals from the book and every one I've made so far has been something I'd cook again.  You can buy it here.

I've been tied up with Down to Earth and its publicity this week but I also cleaned out my workroom. I sew and write in here and the room really needed a clean, so when I was interviewed on Zoom and the light wasn't right, I turned my computer desk towards the window.  After the interview, that led to the whole room being rearranged and cleaned.  Now I'm going into summer in a clean and tidy space.  So what have you been doing this week?



  1. Hi Rhonda, Your work space looks very fresh and tidy. I have been doing a lot of housework up at the cabin. I donated several of the vintage items that the seller left that I wasn't using. I bought some gorgeous antique lamps, and hung them from the ceiling. They make the space feel so old fashioned and elegant. I just picked the persimmons off of the tree. Tree ripened fruit is divine. I'm so happy for you regarding the new paperback edition of your book. It helped me so much...

  2. I read the extract of your book from the Penguin site. Wonderful! So apt for our world at the moment. The book will help many people.

  3. The space looks absolutely refreshed! Beautiful light coming in the window.
    Look forward to checking out some of those weekend reading suggestions.

    Things are fine here in the Piedmont of NC. Staying close to home, as that is our nature. The virus just affirms our decision that home is always the best place to be. Our thoughts are filled with the election a couple of weeks away and I am praying that sanity is restored to our country.

    Have a wonderful weekend, knowing that what you do makes a difference. Blessings...

  4. your work area looks comfy and super tidy. I too lookd on Penguin, it's good to see that your book will help a worthy cause.

  5. I love your sewing space, Rhonda. So light and fresh and organised!! I have some sewing to do this weekend as I want to finish off a blue linen top that has been almost-finished for ages. Wonderful that your book is now in paperback as I think many more people are searching for ideas to make life simpler now. I'm looking forward to reading from the links you've posted too. Have a happy weekend at home. MegXx

  6. It is still so lovely to see you are heading up towards summer and we are preparing ourselfs for colder days to come. I'm so happy you are still able to write and share your thoughts with us Rhonda. I hope more and more people will buy your book as I did the hardcover version many years ago.
    Have yourself a good weekend!
    Love from Holland
    (former Crafts'n'Skills)

  7. We are constantly battling weeds that grow in our garden often from neighbours, but I got a massive chunk dealt with today. Also focusing on clearing out items no longer needed as our baby days are done and our youngest is no longer needing some of these things we don’t need to hang onto things... it’s exciting to see things go out the door, to bless new homes of friends, family and strangers and with each bag reclaim a bit of calm and less clutter.

  8. Cheers from the other side of the equator! Peach season is long gone but our tree bore for its first time this summer. We have lots of jars of spiced peaches now plus some peaches frozen in maple syrup to enjoy all winter. When they were it season we stuffed our faces, of course! Peaches in salads, peaches with yogurt, peaches on pork chops...mmm.

  9. Good morning Rhonda and Hanno (and Gracie). It will be lovely to have a neat space to retreat to when the humidity hits! Best wishes with the book sales I think there's something for every modern type of household in there. We left our close area for the first time since January and went 2 hours down the south coast of Victoria for our long weekend. The weather was bleak, but the coats and warm fire balanced that.We saw wild seas,many birds and koalas,wallabies and kangaroos in the wild,but of course the best bit was watching our grandchildren play! We're now home and getting our small yard ready for summer,washing down paths,planting out some of my vege seedlings and putting up shade cloth. Melbourne and surrounds come out of lockdown this week,so we must remain vigilant on the covid front still.We must wear masks and I feel this maybe our lot for a while. Have a lovely week🙃

  10. i just ordered a copy, hopefully for myself, i quite often buy it for gifts for those i know will appreciate it
    am glad all is well with Hanno
    lovely post
    thanx for sharing

  11. Hello Rhonda, thank you for your always interesting 'weekend readings', for example this weekend's reading about Merlin Sheldrake.
    Yesterday, just a couple of weeks later I was surprised by a large article about Merlin Sheldrake and the world of fungi. It was in my Dutch newspaper Trouw!
    Greetings from The Netherlands,



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