24 July 2020

Weekend Reading

I forgot it's Friday! 😳  I just came home from grocery shopping and it clicked. I'm glad I remembered now and not Sunday afternoon.  

Making finger lime and lemon cordial. The little floaters in the pot are finger lime pearls.

It's been a busy week here with a few exciting things happening that I can't tell you about just yet. Tuesday I had my eyes seen to by my eye specialist and I was convinced I'd have to have surgery again.  But no, he said a film had grown over the artificial lenses and he could fix one eye immediately, the other one will be done next week.  He burnt the film off with a laser, the entire procedure lasted less than two minutes and was entirely pain-free.  Go science!

I hadn't taken any photos for this post so I'm using some from earlier in the year when my good friend Nicole Lutze (happy birthday Nicole!) gave me some of her finger limes.  I made cordial using the limes and a few of our lemons.  Oh my, it was the best cordial I've ever tasted.  I only made one bottle so I guarded it carefully, still, it didn't last long.  For anyone wanting the recipe, it's exactly the same as my other cordial recipes with the fruit component being finger limes and lemons. It's the most refreshing drink on a hot day.

It's Kerry's birthday on Sunday and seeing as we had to postpone Shane's birthday on 15 July due to illness, we're having a combined birthday party.  I'm looking forward to seeing my family. Have a lovely weekend everyone. 



  1. Finger limes are a new fruit to me, are they are variety of lime or a completely different fruit entirely. Your cordial sounds like a good drink to have when the weather is hot. I hope you have a lovely birthday celebration over the weekend.

    1. Thank you. Finger limes are a variety of lime native to Australia. They come in several colours. https://mdnc.org.au/portfolio/finger-lime/

  2. So funny, Rhonda, I forget it's Friday every week until your post arrives! The weeks just seem to fly by. I'm sure you will have a lovely family weekend, every get-together now is just that much more special. On my first get together with close friends I was so excited I probably sounded like I'd been drinking before I'd even had a sip of champagne!


  3. I'm sure a lot of folks are forgetting what day it is, with the changes in work and school schedules. It wouldn't matter if you posted on Sunday, as long as we get to check in with you and know that you and yours are alright. ;0)

    Looking forward to tackling that list of reading. You always provide lessons.

    Enjoy your family weekend.

  4. That cordial sounds so refreshing and delicious! How exciting to be planning a family birthday. It's been a long lockdown, here in California. I'm glad that your procedure on your eye went so well. It's amazing what they can do now, with modern medicine.

  5. That cordial looks so delicious. I've never heard of a finger lime and they are not sold here so too bad for me. Enjoy your party.

  6. Hi Rhonda,

    I am having trouble with the Legendary Australian Permaculture Garden Tour – David Holmgren & Su Dennett's Melliodora link, not sure if it is my end or yours. Just thought I would let you know.

    Have a lovely birthday weekend.


  7. Have a wonderful party, there is so much catching up to be done with loved ones since lockdown began.

  8. It's cordial time here in the northern US too. I'll think of you when I'm making up cordial from the last of the currants this week. Your posts always brighten my weekend.

  9. Interesting! Thank you for sharing

  10. Rhonda finger limes are so precious aren't they, I know why you guarded your cordial carefully. I must remember that they are delicious in cordial if I am ever lucky enough to have a lot of them. So happy for you that your eyes will be Ok. Best wishes, Pauline


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