26 September 2020

Weekend Reading

We had "scheduled maintenance" on our NBN on Thursday and now we have limited broadband and no explanation why. Anyhow, I'd already added these readings to the list so I'll post them now while I can access the net (I hope).  It's 2.45am. I'll be back when everything is fixed.



  1. Good morning and thanks for the lovely garden photos. I can almost taste the tomatoes,ours are still wee seedlings! This morning here the sky is dark,the wind is gale force and it's 8deg with a smattering of hail so looking forward to some weekend reading and starting work on another old UFO from my cupboard. I also have a fancy for some shortbread bikkies for afternoon tea. I hope you had a restful week after your lovely party weekend. Stay safe🙃

  2. Beautiful garden Rhonda, everything is lush. Enjoy your weekend. I have my family travelling to Perth from Kalgoolie. School holidays have started x

    1. Ahhhh,,, KALGOORLIE... PEARL of the wide open Western Landscape...as I remember it from the 1960ths.

  3. Your garden looks beautiful, Rhonda! I'm always amazed at what a green thumb you have. I work hard not to kill my potted plants. lol Hope you get your internet woes worked out soon!

  4. Oh wow, look at those healthy tomatoes and flowers. Your garden is so impressive. I hope the broadband situation gets worked out. My dahlias and cosmos are in bloom. It's time to feed them some compost tea. Our soil up in the California mountains needs regular amending.

  5. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

    Our NBN was upgraded about two weeks ago. It is deadly slow and I have to keep rebooting from the box.

    Take care and stay well.

  6. My internet speed was just dropped from 10 to 3 Megabites. I noticed the slow connection and could no longer watch two tv's while streaming. I called and was informed that we were lowered to 3 because 10 was no longer offered where I am. I live in a rural area in which many people have moved to recently so they now only offer 3 in order to provide to all the new people. I am still being charged the same on my bill as I was for the ten. After many phone calls I was informed even thought I am what they call a loyal customer for 13 years we will no longer provide what you had. We know a tech. that works for the company and he informed us that is what they are doing instead of upgrading systems to provide. I am in North Florida. Not sure that is what is happening where you are. Normally a page like yours loaded quickly, but I had to wait for the pics to load at 3.


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