21 August 2020

Weekend Reading

More work in the garden this week. It's been good to be outside although the wind is annoying as it dries out the soil too quickly. Hanno is preparing the corner of the garden to transplant some banana pups so we have more bananas and, hopefully, at different times.  Overall though, these mini bananas are easier to tend than the taller ones. The minis grow to just about a metre tall so checking the leaves, removing dead leaves and harvesting are much easier. After a question from a reader on IG, I searched for these mini bananas online and found Diggers has them in stock. In a frost-free climate, these are a valuable addition to the backyard.

I'm happy with my new haircut and I've cut down the time I spend on my hair by about 50 per cent. Tick. Next week, I'm testing for glasses again. A couple of years ago, I had cataracts removed and new lenses put in my eyes. The new lenses were the same prescription as the glasses I used to wear so most of the time I don't have to wear glasses. After the surgery, the specialist recommended I wear the plain magnifying glasses at the chemist for reading and computer work but after two years of looking for glasses to read something in the kitchen, outside with my seed packets or reading labels at the supermarket, I'm done.  I'm getting trifocals again - the bottom layer will be for reading, the mid layer for computer and reading the dashboard in the car and the top layer will be plain glass. I'll put them on in the morning and that will be that.

I hope you're well and happy and you're coping if you're in lockdown. Some of us hate lockdown, some of us love it but whatever your viewpoint, it seems to be the only reliable way to reduce the number of new Covid cases in communities. It's really frightening knowing there are now 22 million cases worldwide. Take care, everyone. xx


Here is a list of thing to read over the coming days.


  1. Cute new haircut Rhonda! I still have floors to wash before I settle down with the weekend reading :-)


  2. Yep a good hair cut makes the world a little brighter. I never heard of the trilevel glasses but the idea sounds fantastic. No more on/off then trying to find where I put them down. Thank you Rhonda!

  3. That is a lovely haircut Rhonda. I've let mine grow a bit longer and truthfully a little wild during lock down. I love it!!! Have a restful weekend, mandi

  4. Rhonda, how could I resist reading how to organize my freezer! Actually, I've reorganized my upright freezer in the garage a couple of times lately, trying to cram in more stuff!

    I am on the verge of going back to bifocals, almost two years after cataract surgeries. I, too, hate looking for reading glasses, putting them on, taking them off, etc. My eye surgeon gave me 20-20 vision, but that isn't good enough for reading.

    PS--Love your hair!


    1. Thanks Maxine. I have 20-20 vision too but I still need glasses. The constant search for glasses is doing my head in. Good luck with your freezer.

  5. I am so glad your haircut is saving time. It looks good.

    I am new to wearing glasses as I didn't need prescriptions for reading until well after 50. I found that multifocal glasses drive me potty. I have two pairs of glasses in the car. One is plain and the other is the same prescription with sun protection. I found I really disliked wearing the glasses that alter with sunlight. I have several pairs of reading glasses. I prefer to change my glasses than trying to find the right spot in the lens.

    I have been watching Gina for a quite a while. She cooks enormous amounts of food and she makes me smile as she bursts into song.

    Happy weekend everyone.

  6. Your cute haircut is very becoming.
    So many good things to read. I do love an organized fridge and freezer.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. What pretty flowers. I have never tried trifocals. My aunt used to wear bifocals and she loved them. How exciting to be growing your own bananas!

  8. Dear Rhonda ~ Love the haircut, really suits you :) I've had terrible luck with bifocals. Always made me feel nauseated. It's hard finding the right fit. Cleaning up the garden as we head towards fall here in the U.S. dead-heading flowers and buying suet hangers for the cold weather birds. Some in my family hate the fall, but I love the four seasons. Quarantine is hard only in not seeing my loved ones more, otherwise it's not much different then our regular routine. I do mourn the loss of lives hard though and hope a vaccine is coming quickly. Love to you, Hanno and Grace. Donna

  9. Just wanted to say I love your new haircut! Here in Oregon we are doing OK with lockdown, it's late summer so lots of veggies from the garden and nice weather. We've gotten more done on our home than we have in a long time, so there are definitely up-sides to it all. And we're healthy, most importantly.

  10. Your new haircut looks great on you. As for the glasses, I know cataract surgery is in my future and I wondered what I would do about which lens (near or far) to let them put in. I think you have solved my problem with your trilevels with plain glass on the top. Thank you for the great suggestion!

    1. One eye for walking around and one eye for reading?

  11. You are so beautiful in your new profile picture!

    I enjoyed the links this week! How crazy that Germany wants to legislate dog walking but it does not surprise me. Our daughter and family live in Dortmund. I loved Helen Garner's article. The freezer article contradicted itself in some places. I often wonder if authors go back and read what they have written! Have a great weekend and I hope your bananas do well. How fun to grow them in your backyard.

  12. Hi Rhonda, Love your new hair style. Just had mine cut too. Easy care sure cuts down the time taken to deal with it. Thanks as always for the great weekend reading list. Always thought provoking, informative and interesting articles. Stay safe and well. Jo

  13. I gave my hair a new color, i spent 2yrs growing it out to its natural color but got bored of it haha. Guess its a lockdown thing. Im feeling very optimistic about the lockdown and trying to use it to my advantage getting things done in my Etsy shop and trying to set up my life for the future. Waiting and waiting for the weather to get warmer so i can get my garden in for spring!

  14. Good morning Rhonda and Hanno,cold and wet weekend down south,hope all the water storages have been topped up for summer. I got trifocals a few years ago, best thing ever! I even got the ones that tint in the sun and it saves carrying glasses around every time you leave the house. The modern tints change quickly and don't seem to 'wear out' as my husband found many years ago when he tried them,I won't go back to multiple pairs again. Enjoyed the reading,but I can definitely tell the flavour difference between the freshly layed egg from a 'happy' chook ,and a stale,factory produced one! Have our Diggers seed order in,just waiting for spring.Have a happy, safe week🙃

  15. Rhonda, whenever I look at your picture I smile at you! Your haircut looks great! I just wanted to thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do for others. You have had a huge impact on my life and I will be forever grateful to you. :-)

    1. Thank you. I'm very pleased I could help you. xx

  16. Ooh, I love the idea of mini bananas! I wonder how well they would grow on our shady block. I will have to investigate (and experiment).

    I'm glad to hear your short hair is working well for you and keeping you out of a slippery shower.

    Lots of love. Nicole


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