30 October 2020

Weekend reading

It's been a busy week here.  Hanno was in the hospital on Monday to have an angiogram. We thought he might be headed for heart surgery but it was good news instead. Nothing has changed since the last angiogram two years ago and the only treatment is a change in medication. I'm going for my checkup today but I'm feeling good and I think I'll get a gold star.

Gracie and I went over to the hospital to collect Hanno after his tests. We sat in the very pleasant garden off the car park where Gracie attracted a few passers-by who wanted to pat her and know her name.  I think she liked that.  

The other good news this week is we got well over 100mm of rain. The weather people have forecast a La Nina event, which means above average rain and if that comes to pass, I can see this ten-year drought breaking. Our country is parched and many millions of people will be smiling if we get good rain all year.

Oh, and just a sewing update, the three pieces of fabric featured on my sewing table last week, they're all still there. I draped the Japenese lawn over the back of the chair for a day to see more of the pattern, then I carefully folded it and put it back with the others.  ðŸ˜Ž

I heard from a couple of people in the UK and US that Amazon and Book Depository had paperback Down to Earth listed on their sites but stated the publication date would be March 2021. My publisher looked into that and it seems all the books ordered so far are being sent out so if that publication date stopped you from ordering, it's just a typo which I hope will be corrected soon.

I'm more convinced than ever that living a simple life is the best way forward with the threat of Covid-19 and the over-commercialisation of business and the impact it has on the environment. The Down to Earth book will help you make those important changes and help reverse the environmental damage happening on every continent.
I haven't been working in the garden at all this week but I hope to get in there tomorrow.  It's just more of the usual with pruning, cutting back, deadheading, mulching and weeding but they're all important if I want to keep the garden going. We're going to plant bananas suckers cut off the main plant too. Hanno did that clearing and digging work and we were waiting for the rain before we went any further. How is your garden going? 

We're seeing news reports of a big increase in Covid cases in the northern hemisphere. We've been through the same in one of our states here and after months of lockdown, they've emerged this week with zero new cases. Self-isolation, with arrangements made to have your groceries delivered, makes an important difference. Please do that if you can. Use the time to declutter and organise your home, learn new skills and make sure you have something practical and productive to do every day. Most of all, stay safe and look after yourself. Wear a mask when you have to go out, wash your hands and use alchohol-based hand rub. These small, simple measures have helped us here and I'm sure they'll do the same for you. Take care, friends, and stay in touch either here or on Instagram. 



  1. Good news about Hanno. It is nice to emerge (slowly) from our Melbourne cocoon. Not that I want to rush out but it's really nice to know I can if I want to.

    1. I know what you mean, Susie. You want to stretch your wings. xx

  2. Very glad to hear the good news about Hanno, and I will keep my fingers crossed for your rain! The days here have been cool and sunny, with foggy cold mornings. I love the fall! You are so right about needing something practical and productive to do during these times. It makes a big difference.

    1. It certainly does make a difference, Melissa. Enjoy those beautiful,changing colours. Xx

  3. Excellent advice, as always, Rhonda. I am relieved to hear that Hanno didn't have to have heart surgery. I just had ninety trees trimmed up at the cabin. It was a huge job. I am so relieved that it is done. Now the deck is being stained. There is a lot of upkeep with a home. The wood needs protection from the snow. Love your photos...Gracie is so cute!

    1. Thanks Stephenie. Yes, house maintenance is always lurking when you own a house but it’s worth the money, time and effort to protect your main asset. 90 trees, wow. That’s a mammoth job. Xx

  4. Our growing season here in Quebec is drawing to a close so we are winterizing our garden. I love your flowers! and am very happy to hear the good news on the angiogram. I'm sure you will pass your check-up with flying colours!

    1. Thank you,Jocelyn. I got a gold star from my doctor. It feels good to have a checkup and walk away with a good report. Enjoy you falling leaves. Xx

  5. Rhonda, my hubby also had an angiogram recently and is on the PA's list for surgery sometime. Glad Hanno is okay. It was nice to get the rain although we didn't get as much as you.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that about your hubby, Chel. The rain was so good. I felt like dancing in it. 😉

  6. I love your reading lists Rhonda - they are such a good way to settle into the evening. Thanks 😊

  7. That video of the notebook making is absolutely mesmerizing. I’ve saved it and think especially my husband would enjoy making those during our COVID winter here in the US. So glad to hear your good personal medical news! And that Australia has done such a good job of eliminating COVID cases.

    1. I loved that video too, Lisa. She's a very creative and generous woman. I hope you husband is inspired by the video. We haven't eliminated the virus, there are still a few cases dotted around the place. There are citizens returning from other countries and they bring another risk. The plan is to test as much as possible and follow up with contact tracing. That seems to work.

  8. So much good news you have today! So glad to hear about it all! I'm sure your check-up will be fine.

    Our fall garden is doing well. We had ample rain this past week thanks in part to Hurricane Zeta. I look forward to eating lettuce, kale, chard and more from the garden this season. So blessed.

    I was home from work yesterday, as it was much too blustery to work outside at my job, so I got a bit of purging done. Felt so good to let go of things I really don't need. I plan to do more of that before the holiday season begins.

    Another wonderful list of things to read. ;0D
    Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. I got two gold stars at my checkup. 😊 I just need to drink more water. I'm glad you got good rain without the wind and damage hurricanes often bring. Good luck with your garden, Daisy!

  9. Hi Rhonda from a very cold U.K. though have to say we are having a wonderful Autumn, so much colour. Good to hear that all is well with Hanno and yourself. Things not good here with rising Covid 19 numbers but I am just living each day as it comes and filling my hours with things I enjoy, knitting, reading, baking. Keep Calm and Carry On, it’s all we can do.

    1. I love the autumn colour too. I hope you stay safe during the Covid outbreak. Keep calm and carry on with crafting, reading and baking sounds like the perfect way stay healthy.

  10. Sadly, the President of the USA, does not lead in these excellent behaviors to prevent the spread of the virus. Cases are exploding, many hospitals are full and others nearing full. It's a mess here. And many residents follow his lead. It may never end here :-(

    Thank you for your continued blog posts and links for reading. Happy Summer to you down under. May the rains feed your gardens :-)

    1. Elle, maybe there'll be a change of leadership in the coming weeks and things will begin to turn around. It is possible but I agree, I think we'll be living with Covid for many years into the future. Stay safe in your home. Happy winter! xx

  11. Hello,
    I moved into my own home a month ago. I was really excited to get my patio garden under way after years following your blog and reading on what vegetable grow well in containers.
    Then I went to the garden center and was shocked on how much things costs to get started.
    I walked out and realised that I couldn't create my dream garden in a day. I started to ask friends if they had any pots etc. layering around and for people to gift me plants at the house warming. I have received alot of herbs, lettuce and strawberry plants. I have had a great time this week going out each evening to see how my plants are doing, checking the sun exposure and watering. I was really please to see my first flower.

  12. Wonderful reading list as always Rhonda, thanks for taking the time to create and share them each week. It's a busy time of year here in Tasmania with Spring cleaning, planting the garden for the season, tidying the yard after Winter and making Christmas cakes and puddings as gifts for my family. A bit of each every day makes it much easier to manage when you have chronic pain/illness but is so different from how I always did things "before". It is definitely the only way to still do almost all of the things you need/want to and, though hard to get into the habit, so rewarding and much kinder to yourself. I do hope all who need it get the benefit of the rains and the hopefully continuing El Nina weather changes. It could be quite literally life changing for many.
    Take care Rhonda, I hope Hanno and yourself continue to get gold stars from the Drs. Hugs for Gracie. Kate from Tassie :)

  13. So happy for you and Hanno getting good reports from the doctors. We are so missing any kind of social life but we are staying home, wearing our mask when we have to go out and using our hand washing all the time. I have been using my oven and my dehydrator making dried fruit and Christmas ornaments out of applesauce, cinnamon and cloves. Doing a lot of cooking too. Blessings to you and Hanno and Gracie too. Stay healthy! Carolyn in Florida

  14. Great news for you and Hanno! And of course recently for Kerry. Great also that you are receiving much needed rain up there. I'm sure Gracie made many friends at the hospital..she is very sweet and obviously has personality.
    My husband did lots of hedge trimming today, I weeded and pulled out old silverbeet. Last week I brought out tomato plants from my mini greenhouse and planted them in big pots...they didn't like the change in temperature at all...wilted for awhile..but are looking happier now and sprouting.
    With life opening up a bit more in Melbourne now, am trying to think about Christmas and what that will look like this year. We saw our adult children just this week..who live in inner Melbourne...after 4 months of 5km lockdown...so am very grateful just for family. Looking forward to warmer weather for sure.

  15. Good morning Rhonda Hanno and Gracie! You must be relieved with the health ticks,so important to keep up with the 'people ' as well as the home maintenance as we age,I find. I'm picking up new spectacles this week and repotting everything in site! Enjoyed your lovely veranda photos, it is still green down here with the extra rainfall (and extra mozzies as well) Was relieved the thunderstorms with large hail up north didn't hit you guys! Have a great safe week🙃

  16. Hi Rhonda, glad you and Hanno are doing well and to hear that the prospect for rain this summer in AUS is good! I just finished watching a new Nature episode on PBS "Australian Bush Fire Rescue" about the fires last year. The focus was on the amazing work done by volunteers to assist in caring for injured wildlife. I don't know if this program has been broadcast in AUS yet. If not, you and others might want to look for it online. It was very hard to watch in parts, but at the same time wonderful to see the impact of the volunteers and all those beautiful animals. Thanks also for the reading links - many good ones, as usual. Fairy Wren Cottage grows some incredible flowers! Beth in MN

  17. Great to hear you and Hanno are both well.
    It is scary reading reports of the COVID cases around the world, please be cautious.
    Our vege garden is flourishing at the moment, I am looking forward to real tomatoes. It is always exciting to see a new zucchini, bean, tomato etc appear. I do get enjoyment just by watching them grow.

  18. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks so very much for sharing the Fairy Wren Cottage love.
    Lovely to catch up on your good news. Wishing you and Hanno all the very best and of course a hug for Gracie.
    Stay safe & well, Jude x (Instagram @fairywrencottage)


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