18 December 2007


We had a lovely Christmas dinner with our sons last night. Kerry stayed overnight and is going back this morning. There's been a train derailment near here so I'm driving him to a town where he can get a bus back. He lives 200 kms away, on the Gold Coast. From there I'll go straight to work. I don't have time to do my full post today, so I'll leave you with this.

SUCCESS by Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.

I'll be posting the apron photos tomorrow. If you haven't sent yours yet, now is the time. : )


  1. Rhonda,
    I thought I would just let you know that I gave a homemade gift yesterday to a dear friend that I see every Monday. Every Monday she makes a lovely tea and has cooked up a storm but lives a very simple life and has passed her ideals onto her four kids.

    I gave her a knitted cushion that I had knitted during various playgroups etc with my toddler. I also gave her a Xmas cookie cutter as a decoration. The cutter was store bought gut I thought it was a useful thing and she would appreciate it. Well she loved both gifts and I really basked in the warmth that she loved the girfts despite being "homemade" and frugal. I think I got more joy from this than the $40 odd I spent on my sister.

    I had hoped to make moe things this year but unfortunately with Peters leg, 4 kids and the news I had skin cancer put a stop to most things.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, sounds lovely. We are having a very basic Christmas but will be wonderful as my German MIL will be here to give me a hand.


  2. Hi Rhonda,
    So glad to hear you had a wonderful time with your boys last night and your early Christmas. I have been listening to your advice about hand made presents and my first attempt was a resounding success! My Dad's birthday was on Sunday and most of his present was homemade. He was thrilled, as always I have blogged about what else we did for him.
    I am one of the tardy ones in regards to apron photos but I have taken a pic and emailed it to you this morning :)
    take care

  3. Thank you for posting the poem about success. Something I am constantly struggling with, but according to the poem, I'm already there! Just need to feel like it. That's easier said than done.

  4. Ican't wait to see the apron photo's. How exciting! Blessings, Rose

  5. Hi Rhonda.

    Miss seeing you over at the other website, so thought I would catch up with you here from now on! I have been trying to hand make gifts this year. The Christmas soaps I made didn't set. I have some plain square soap I made a few months ago, but have just discovered that after using them I have come out in a terrible itchy rash - lucky I didn't give them to anyone! Anyway, the children and I are now making calico frog wheat bags. We are using fabric markers to decorate - they are fabulous. Hopefully they will be well received. Thanks for being such an inspiration.


  6. Hi Rhonda Jean :) I am so glad that you had a nice celebration! I thought of you today as my sweet Miss M and I made homemade gifts for her to give her grands and aunts next week. What fun! Love, Q

  7. What a great quote from Emerson. I might copy it out.

    I do like the American transcendentalists.


  8. Oh? Is it already Christmas? I thought it was December 25-th!

  9. I enjoy your stories and photos. I feel that I am learning a lot from your site. Things I always wanted to know, but nobody around could tell me. Thank you. I have a blog about starting over at 47. I'm into recycling and have a patch of worm farm. I actualy am starting my blog. I'm trying to make it light hearted. I am open to suggestions. Lisa Simpson

  10. Hello Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear of your skin cancer. Are you having treatment for it?

    Lisa, you're welcome. I'll check your blog out later. : )

  11. Hi Rhonda, I've read your blog for a while and I love it. Its very thought provoking and inpsiring.
    I was wondering if you can use the greywater if you use the home made laundry powder recipe you have posted? I usually buy the planet ark (or something similar) but at $7 odd dollars for 1.5 kilos it gets a bit expensive!

  12. amber, thank you. If you want to use the greywater from your washing machine, leave the borax out of the mix. It works well without it. Leaving it in will build boron up in your soil, which the plants won't like.


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