9 December 2007


I'm feeling pretty sad today. I found out this morning that Kathleen's mother died late last night. Kathleen and I are very close, she is my best friend and second sister. Kathleen is one of 11 children.

I know from expereince that the day your mum dies is embedded for all time into your soul. My mother, Jean St Clair McGrath, died in 1993 from non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She died as I was flying from Queensland to Sydney to be at her side. I will never forget that day. It was a day of total shock for me as I always believed that Jean would never die. She was a strong, old fashioned, working class woman who made me the person I am today. I'm thinking about Jean as I grieve with Kathleen for her mum.

I've asked Kathleen to come stay with us for a few days after the funeral. She works at a remote mine West Australia and will fly to Mount Isa for the funeral. I hope she'll come here before she goes back to work as she will need looking after and lots of hugs.

If you're lucky enough to have your mum at the end of the phone, or better still, just around the corner, ring her or go and visit and tell her you love her.

You never know when that simple opportunity will come to an end.
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