19 October 2007

Stitching sisters

She thought I was sitting in a lounge chair stitching, but I was quietly taking this photo. If you're wondering, that little white box has a tiny teddy bear in it, a gift from my other sister, Kathleen.

We've had some good times together these past few days. Nothing too exciting, as is fitting for two old ducks, but good, nonetheless. We've talked and remembered, laughed, had tea and fruit cake and talked some more. Tricia arrived on Sunday night, went to work with me on Monday and to the beach on Tuesday. On Wednesday we finally got the go ahead from the insurance company for the repairs to the kitchen so the three of us went to the builder's showroom to choose a new benchtop and then to the shops nearby to look at some new kitchen appliances. We've decided to replace the cooktop and oven while we have the chance (with the new benchtop) but we're not sure yet if we'll be able to afford what we want. We can afford to replace these things now if we buy lower quality, but we don't want that. We want these things to last a long time so they need to be the absolute best we can afford. Hanno and I will go into Brisbane tomorrow to a scratch and dent sale at Kleenmaid and hopefully pick up some good quality bargains. Some of their stoves are 60% off. If we can't get what we want for a good price, we won't replace anything now.

The flash alerted her there was a photographer lurking, but I couldn't get her to smile.

Yesterday Tricia made the red and white gingham curtains while I started on the kitchen curtains. Tricia bought the gingham for me in Sydney as I couldn't find anyone with it up here. The fabric cost $140. I'm using the lining from the old curtains. I bought two metres of a 60% linen/40% cotton fabric for the kitchen curtains, which cost $8.95 a metre. I've drawn my own design and I'm stitching them before making a simple half window double curtain with a valance. They will be similar to Debbie's gorgeous curtains here.

I think it will take about a week to stitch them. It's a simple pattern of flowers in a tea cup and I have the two sides to do. The red gingham curtains are hanging now and they make such a difference to the look of the kitchen. They're fresh and clean looking and they contrast nicely with the pale butter colour of the walls. I'll take a photo of them later.

Tricia is going to visit friends in Brisbane today and will return on Sunday when we plan on having afternoon tea with Susie and her family; Susie is our cousin who lives near here. I'll catch up on some housework today and tomorrow and hopefully have time to do some work on my ebooks and the kitchen curtains.

I've had a few emails from readers asking about the ebooks. I hope to have the first available for sale in November. There will probably be four or five of them from me and Bel will do one on simple living with a young family. They will be in PDF format and will cost $10 each.

Thank you for stopping by today. I want you all to know that even if I don't have the time everyday to respond to your comments, I read everyone of them and appreciate your loving thoughts and the time you take to make contact. I know many of the readers love reading the comments too and I think they add a lot to my blog. So thanks to everyone who taps away in that little comment box. Oh, and I will catch up with the remaining emails today too. : )



  1. RJ - a few years ago there was a Kleenmaid showroom at the back of the horrid Sunshine Plaza at Maroochydore....just mentioning it in case it's still there and saves you a trip to Brisbane. The stitchery curtains look really impressive. Lisa J

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the curtains up, please post a picture! I need to make some valance type for our kitchen and as I am a very novice sewer am a little intimidated...but am hoping to give it a try over the winter months.

    PS I mentioned your blog today in mine, hope that's ok, thank you for the simply terrific posts Rhonda!

  3. Hi Lisa, it's still there, so is the horrible Plaza. LOL This sale is just at the one store - at Fortitude Valley. : )

    Niki, I just visited your blog and left a little message. I'll take a photo of the check curtains today and when I finish the kitchen curtains, I'll take a photo for you and post it.

  4. I too look forward to seeing your pictures. As well as your books coming out:o)
    Thanks for taking so much time to share so much with us.

  5. thank you Rhonda, I look forward to seeing them and thanks for visiting me! :)

  6. Hi Rhonda Jean :) I love the stealth photo of your sister working! I just spent an evening with my dear sister, and I treasure the time.

    Am looking forward to seeing the ginghams up, and I think your stitched ones are going to be lovely. Love to you! Q

  7. You girls are both too clever! I too am looking forward to seeing the finished product! Received my loofah seeds today so will plant them tomorrow!

  8. Rhonda, I have Kleenmaid appliances, I would highly recommend them, also on the odd occasion I have had a problem, their service section is fantastic. I have electric oven and gas hotplates. The curtains are going to be great, can't wait to see them.

  9. Rhonda, it sounds as though you girls are having fun together :)

  10. How wonderful to spend time with your sister. I too have loved Debbie's curtains since she shared them with us.

  11. Thanks for coming to visit.Hope you enjoyed your visit and drop by soon.
    Hope ya'll have good ,fun Sister time.:o)

  12. Wow.....I love the curtains you are embroidering. They are beautiful. Glad that you have a wonderful time with your sister.

    Have a great weekend.


  13. I think your new curtains will be lovely!! Be sure to post finished pictures of both sets! I'm so glad that you're enjoying your sister's visit, too.

  14. the curtains will look lovely. am so glad that you are having a wonderful viit with your sister.


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