11 October 2007

50,000th milestone

We have been out this morning so Hanno could fix my friend Bernadette's washing machine. We came home and the counter had clicked over to 50,116 visitors. We did it!

When I started blogging in May, I had no idea my blog would be popular. Of course, being a writer, I tend to expect people to read what I write but I never for one second expected this. I want to thank each and every person who comes here to read the blog. I'm getting to know a lot of you via your comments and emails. You make blogging a real pleasure for me.

I love the comments. They're intelligent and thought-provoking and they make me continue my blog posts because, to me, it feels like I'm carrying on a conversation with you all. So thank you so reading and for helping me know that there are really people out there who want to read what I write.

To mark this milestone, I'm giving away something that is very precious to me. When I first started living simply, I wanted to have something that would be a constant reminder of what I was trying to do. I drew and stitched the stitchery below, framed it and hung it up where I saw it every day. Sometimes I forgot the who, why, what, when and how of simple living, but the stitchery reminded me. I hope it will help whoever wins it to live a good and decent life by reminding them to give more and expect less, and to live simply.

The stitchery is roughly 20 x 30 cm (10"x12") and is on a piece of white pure cotton. The edges are unfinished so you'll be able to frame it or use it as part of a cushion, bag or a wall hanging.

To be in the draw for the stitchery, just comment on this post. On Sunday, I'll write all the names down and pull one out of a hat. Good luck. : )


  1. What a beautiful sampler! Have a blessed day. Mary :)

  2. Congratulations on the 50,000 hit! I'm surprised to hear that you've only been blogging since May. I just came upon your blog about a month ago. Based on the entries and the number of comments, I assumed that you had been blogging for years!
    I wouldn't want to take away your sampler, so please don't add me to your drawing. Just wanted to say congrats and thank you for writing such a useful and enjoyable blog!

    P.S. You had emailed me with information about making laundry soap. I found everything and will give it a try this weekend. Thanks again!

  3. Wow what a great blog. Congratulations on getting so much traffic so soon. Simple living is the way of the future, good to see people like yourself getting the message out there

  4. Hooray for 50,000! Here's to many more hits and lots of joy at d---t---e. Love to you! Q

  5. Congratulations, Rhonda Jean! I enjoy peeking in on you, nearly every day, where I learn and am challenged. Your "50 Simple Things" list prods my thinking, and it was one of your earlier posts that got me knitting again. I enjoy the wonderful photos of Australian countryside and your house and gardens. May you have many more blogs and milestone anniversaries! Desert Lady

  6. Congrats on your 50,000 hit!! I can't believe that you have only been blogging since May-I hope you continue for a long, long time!! Sharon ( I wouldn't want to take your sampler away, but would love the pattern!!)

  7. That's great Rhonda Jean,
    I've learned a lot through your blog and even started stitching :-)
    Have a nice day and thank you for all your great advice,

  8. Congratulations on reaching over 50000 visitors to your blog ~ it's not surprising though as you are very informative, helpful, full of wisdom and write with passion.
    :) Ali

  9. I love the stitchery. What a wonderful reminder of how to live life and wonderful to pass on the values to children as well. Congratulations on your milestone. I really enjoy your blog and am very inspired and looking forward to visiting more. There are so many things I would love to try but as I am homeschooling somethings have to wait. All the best. Angela

  10. Congratulations on your 50,000 count!!!!! I LOVE your blog and pop in daily to see what you have to teach me or what you may have to say to get me thinking. You have inspired many of us to try and live simply - you are doing a fantastic job and hope that you continue to do so. THANKS A MILLION!!!!!!

    Liane Bastien (Canada)

  11. You should not be too surprised Rhonda Jean at your milestone as your blog is both inspirational and informative - hats off to you!! I too drop by daily and you have inspired me to start knitting those discloths, get back into the garden with a vengence and I have actually started enjoying housework!!

    PS - So glad you and Hanno had such a lovely outing - you deserved every second of it!

  12. 50,000 hits, WOW? Congratulations.
    Here's to the next 50,000!

  13. Congratulations Rhonda and well done. I'm sure you'll be celebrating 100,000 hits even more quickly and I'll be a regular amongst them :-)

  14. Congratulations on your numbers, that's so great. I hope all of them are challenged to make their lives a little simpler and to live more fully. I know I have been blessed by coming into contact with you through your blog.

  15. Congratulations Rhonda, but no wonder you have so many visits your writing style is so easy to read and full of good practical advice. I look forward to reading more of your knowledge and how to info. Thanks so much for filling the gap left by my mum.

    cheers Lenny

  16. That's a wonderful achievement Rhonda, so many really appreciate your wise advice and example. If my name is drawn I would like you to keep the stitchery, I would like to think it remains on YOUR wall, it is a personal treasure.

  17. I learned about your blog from reading "Domestic Felicity". I look forward to reading more from you! We will be leaving soon for Central America, and enjoy the freedom of living a simplified lifestyle. Thanks for such good ideas.

  18. What a precious sampler! And a very inspiring blog!


  19. Congrats on your 50.000 posts.
    I do enjoy reading your blog very much, it's very helpful and cheerful.

  20. I am constantly in wonder that many of us readers of your blog only found blogging just recently, found you and then found that we were all hooked on your daily words!!! A connecting of kindred spirits via technology. I can remember finding the elderwoman webpage and through a link on her page I found a web page about an eccentric green elderwoman in Adelaide (Margaret Rainbow Web site). I was totally inspired by Margaret's web pages, all very green and full of wisdom, with loads of independence and perhaps a little too rebellious for many. I loved visiting these 2 sites but really wished for MORE and was amazed with this new found treasure on the internet!! Then quite by chance I saw that Marian had a blog ("what was that" I said initially) and well the rest is history....I have to say ditto to Lenny's comments..you have filled a space in my life left by my mum! Bella
    p.s. No need to include me in your draw, your blog and inspirational words are more than enough for me :)

  21. Rhonda - 5 months of blogging mayhem: congratulations. I can't remember how I found you but I'm really glad I did. I love reading your daily musings as they remind me of better ways of doing things, and you always say it so well. Lisa J

  22. What a wonderful milestone to reach. Congratulations. Your writing obviously reaches us all on so many different levels. Thanks for all the thought that goes in to your blog !

  23. Congratulations Rhonda. You are a real inspiration. I'm not surprised your blog has gained so much popularity so quickly. Thank you for being so open with us all. :-)

  24. Congratulations! Your blog is a real inspiration. Have a wonderful day!
    Hetty from The Netherlands

  25. I am just now making the change to simple living, green living and becoming a overall better consumer. Ijust found your blog this week so I have spent most of my free time reading when I can. You have a lot of great ideas and wonderful thought provoking posts.
    Here is to another 50,000.

  26. Congratulations Rhonda :-)

    I'd love to win your stitchery, but I am also committing to making my own (my first) if I don't ;-)

    Keep up the good work!

  27. Congratulations! And thank you so much for such an inspirational blog - I'm so glad to have found you and I check daily to see if there is a new post.

  28. So glad you started blogging! I have learned so much from you. You have given my husband and I such easy instructions on worm farming, gardening, etc. Thank you so much for sharing!

  29. Congratulations Rhonda! Wow that's a huge lot of people! What a wonderful difference you are making in their lives and our world! May it ripple out...


  30. What beautful words to live by! I enjoy your blog so much. Congratulations!

  31. WOW!! Congratulations! I did not realize that you have only been doing this since May! It does feel like the blog community is having thought provoking conversations!
    Keep up the great work, you certainly have a gift:)


  32. Rhonda,

    I am so happy for you! I am sure there will be many,many more people visiting your posts:)You have some much wisdom that I want to glean from.

    Thank you for answering all my comments:)I love waking up and reading about your day.


    From Ky

  33. Congratulations on your most interesting practical and thought provoking and inspiring blog. Have been using the washing powder recipe its great.
    Bev C

  34. I have always admired this from the pic on the right hand side and I've always wondered if you made it.

    You are inspiring me to give it a go myself!

    Thank you Rhonda and CONGRATULATIONS!!

  35. I just recently found your blog and must say I never go away from it empty. I appreciate all the effort you put into what you share. The need to simplify my own life and home finds me hungry for words of wisdom on the topic. I've found that the simple things are what bring me true peace and joy. Also, can't wait to start knitting my own dishcloths! Keep up the good work! Bless you!

  36. Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog every day. You inspire me to be better. The sampler is a lovely reminder. Terry

  37. Hi RJ, thanks for your willingness of sharing your wonderful words of wisdom with the rest of us in the world...

    To temper that troublesome inner greediness I sometimes feel, like I HAVE to have certain things, I'll attempt to practice restraint and not sign up for your lottery! However, it'll be very interesting to learn where these "pearls" wind up next!

    Here's a gem found on another blog this AM that really spoke to me (about something I intend to work on this coming winter and get far better at!!!). Spoke to me so loudly and so good I stole it, to hopefully later print out and post up where I can see it daily and be reminded of what I need to do.

    And so sharing with you now:

    "Be Thankful for your troubles...

    Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
    If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

    Be thankful when you don’t know something
    For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

    Be thankful for the difficult times.
    During those times you grow.

    Be thankful for your limitations
    Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

    Be thankful for each new challenge
    Because it will build your strength and character.

    Be thankful for your mistakes
    They will teach you valuable lessons.

    Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
    Because it means you’ve made a difference.

    It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
    A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
    also thankful for the setbacks.

    GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
    and they can become your blessings.
    ~ Author Unknown ~"


    Oh, it's a very wordy "Wildside" this AM (5:30 AM to be exact)-- just in case you couldn't guess who by now!

  38. I would love to be entered in this drawing. What a wonderful message you have stitched on this cloth. I may have to try to make this myself!

    Thank you for all of your thought provoking posts. I just love visiting with you every day!

  39. Well done and congratulations on reaching 50,000 hit!

    It is a huge milestone to reach.

  40. Dear Rhonda, Congratulations!! I am thrilled for you. You have and are bringing so many to this simpler way of living and I think it's wonderful! You show us how it CAN be done. I remember when we first "met" and you had a picture of the sampler up and I printed it off and it's been on my fridge ever since reminding me of you and the great words of wisdom. Wishing you the best always. Love, Heather

  41. Wow, your blog is extraordinarily popular to have 50,000 comments since May! I like your blog too, but just found it about a month ago. I've been blogging since May also, but no where near that many visiters. I didn't have a counter for a while, so mine isn't accurate however. Anyway, congratulations and I know your popularity will continue!

  42. I'm enjoying your blog and learning so much from it. Thanks for sharing our lifestyle and making it easier for us newbies.
    Would love a chance to win your stitchery , a beautiful reminder of what we should strive for each day.

  43. Congratulations! 50,000 is a lot of readers in such a short amount of time. (And to think I was doing a happy dance at finding my readership had just gone over 1000. blush). I'm sure in less than 5 months you'll have reached the 100,000 mark!

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. You're my daily read.

    Please don't enter my name in the drawing. I'd like to see you keep your sampler. Besides, I live in the States and it's a lot of fuel and cash to send stuff by post to us. You've given us the drawing - if we wish to print it out, so I can stitch my own.

    So here's to cloth nappies for baby, mom, and under our chins at dinner, cloth wipes for our tp, knitted dish cloths, make your own dish towels, and all the other green ideas!

  44. Congratulations! You are such an encouragement to so many people.


  45. We came to you from the link over at Eyes of Wonder (sniffle, sniff) The children and I read your blog every day. You are one of the blogs. They have marked the map to keep track of all the countries and friends we visit. If we win we would proudly hand this on the schoolroom walls. This would also be a great sampler to use to teach my daughter embroidery. Do you have a pattern?

  46. I should have read my comment before posting. Sorry, I meant to say that you are one of the blogs we visit from around the world. Two children and a Labrador puppy playing near the computer can be a bit of a distraction while trying to think.
    Have a wonderful day

  47. How wonderful to bless your readers in such a special way! You have motivated me so much -I am making plans for my 3 chickens (all that is allowed in my urban area!) this coming spring. Have a blessed day and thank you so much, dee

  48. Congratulations! I enjoy reading your comments every day and have been making changes inspired by you and Hanno. Please continue to share.

  49. Congrats on your 50,000 hit. Wow that is impressive.
    Please add me to you draw. I'd love to be able to display this in my home.

    Thanks, Paula

  50. Congratulations on 50,000 visitors! I try to pop in every day to be inspired and it's lovely to see so many others doing the same.

    I'm slowly changing things in our lives and find that the family are getting used to it although they aren't embracing it fully (yet!)

    Thank you for sharing your life with us :)

  51. Woo-hoo! Congratulations! That is super impressive!

  52. Congratulations on 50,000. I love your blog.

  53. First of all, congratulations on reaching the 50,000 milestone! That's amazing in just 7 short months!! I am loving your blog and check it just about every day. There is a wealth of information and wisdom to be found here.

    It's a lovely piece of embroidery and I'd be honoured to have it if my home if I were to be so lucky.


  54. Congratulations on your 50,000 achievement! Visiting your blog is a special time of peace for me each day - and helps motivate me to get closer to a simple life. Such an impact you are having with your words of wisdom. We thank you as it must take a lot of time, but I find it so inspiring....

  55. Rhonda ~ Since finding your blog a few weeks ago I've looked forward each morning to reading your newest entry and being inspired. Keep up the good work!

    Helen in CA
    aunthoney at frontiernet dot net

  56. I only found your blog recently, but it (and you) has already been a tremendous inspiration to me. Thank you so much for what you're doing here. :)

  57. You are a blessing. I appreciate you and your wisdom. Please don't enter me in the drawing, but I'd love the pattern to do my own. If you could point me in the right direction, or email me the pattern, I'd really love that.

  58. Congratulations on your sucess! You have become one of my favorite daily reads. I look up to you as someone who's example I can follow to eventually reach my dream of living simply.

  59. Happy 50,000! It's very easy for me to see why your blog is so popular. You sincerely by sharing your own life show what is important and what is not. I'm very grateful for your posts & I always learn something when I come here. Thank you, Rhonda!

  60. Congrads!!!!!!!!! Here's to 50,000 more:o)And Simple Side of Life:o)
    I Love visiting with you,You are a Great Writer and Teacher,I always come away learning something very helpful.Thanks for taking so much time to put into each post.

  61. Dearest Rhonda - I haven't had a chance yet to read through everyone's comments, so I know I'm probably repeating what's already been said many times: I am so grateful to have found your blog (so I need to say thank you to Jewels, too, for sending me in your direction!).

    If I tried to decide on the one major benefit I've gained from reading your blog (there are so many!), I'd have to say Encouragement. And Inspiration. (guess that's 2 things) And also the discovery that there are folks all over the world attempting to live a simple & frugal life also.
    YIKES! I can't do it! I can't decide on just "one" thing!!!

    Blessings on you, Dear Lady, for your gift - to all of us.
    Carla in Idaho

  62. It just doesn't feel right to go a day without reading your blog words Rhonda. Somehow they set me off in the right direction each day....motivated and inspired! Thank you for sharing your life.....and congratulations on passing the 50,000 milestone.
    I like my word verification today! It has NZ in it!! :>)

  63. Congratulations, Rhonda! Your blog is one I enjoy reading daily.

  64. I am so gald you hit your mark! And your stitching is just beautiful, I for one would love to have it. I just want you to know how wonderful your blog is, It is so full of great information ideas and great inspireation. Please keep it coming. I feel so eager to do things after I read your blog. I have one question, How do you make your dog food? Thanks again for everything. Your friend Pam Watts

  65. Congrats on hitting 50,000! That is amazing. I would be honored to win this beautiful stitchery, but wouldn't feel right entering as I won one of your stitcheries just a few months ago! Best of luck to all!

  66. I found my way here from Eyes of Wonder. I now check your blog every day. You definitely have a great deal to offer. Thank you for doing so. I enjoy your blog very much. Your sampler is beautiful and I would treasure it.

    Congratulations on 50,000 and in such a short amount of time! Amazing!


    P.S. If you ever feel so inclined, please let Jewels know that what inspired me most on her blog was the pictures of her kitchen sink. As beautiful as her family is, it was not them, but truly her kitchen sink that made me come back time and again.

  67. What a wonderful gift to share.


  68. Congratulations, Rhonda. This is a beautiful and meaningful piece of stitchery. You have a great blog and I'm so glad I have found it!

  69. Congratulations on the 50,000 milestone! Lovely sampler!
    PS. I love your tutorial on stitching.

  70. Rhonda, your writing is beautiful, your blog has made me question many things, thank you for making me think.

  71. I would love to be added!!!

  72. Hooray! 50,000 hits! Keep up the good work.


  73. That's absolutely gorgeous and perfect for my house! :O) Thank you for the opportunity to win it! Wow. I love simplicity, and wonder why it's so hard to grasp!

  74. How excellent ~ and of COURSE you have had so many hits! I think this is a revolutionary site and is such a blessing to my family.
    Glad I *know* you :o) and thank you ever so much for all the great information you share with us daily.
    Count me in on the chance to win the stitchery, please.

  75. What a lovely sampler! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog a few months ago. What an inspiration it has been. Congratulations and keep blogging.

  76. I've always loved that sampler! I'm a daily reader and hope that we all have many more days in the future to read your thoughts.


  77. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement - the blog and your craftwork! Quiet but daily reader here appreciates your work. :) Carolyn

  78. Well done for 50,000 and success with your swaps!
    Sue. Portugal.

  79. I'm adding this for Rachel as she couldn't post a comment.

    I was unable to email you from the blog but could I please add my name to the list for the lovely stitchery.
    I will cherish and it give a good home and already have a place in mind near my domain ... the kitchen.

    Love Rachel Read

  80. Your's is the first blog I read every day. Your writing is always easy to read and so helpful. Congrats!

  81. 50,000+, wow! I'm so happy for you and happy for me that I found you through Jewels (just in time).
    Congratulations, Emme

  82. Goodness so many comments already... Just goes to show how many people you encourage and inspire. My day doesn't feel right until I've had my daily dose of Rhonda's words of wisdom :)

  83. Rhonda Jean,
    Congratulations! I love your blog and think it is very encouraging and informative. I'm grateful for all of the terrific information you share!

  84. What a very generous gift to give away Rhonda, something that means so much to you. Keep up the good work.

  85. I love your blog too !

  86. What a milestone Rhonda. From my corner of Virginia in the USA I look forward everyday to reading your parts of your world. Even at my age I can still learn. I might have some of the knowledge but need the inspiration to use it. When you consider 50,000 hits, what a blessing you have been to many people. Nell

  87. Just discovered your blog and would love to be in the draw for this lovely stitchery.
    Hugs from Norway

  88. congratulations! 50,000! those are alot of lives you've impacted and i'm proud to say "i know you"!

  89. Congratualtions! You are such an inspiration to me!

  90. Congratulations on reaching 50,000 hit. Your blog is a real inspiration!! I have learned so much from you. What a wonderful gift to give away.

  91. I'm not surprised you have SO many visitors Rhonda. You are an inspiration and write so beautifully. :o)

  92. Hi Rhonda Jean, your blog gives me a much needed daily breath of fresh air. The sampler is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the rest of the world.


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