12 October 2007

Book list for Colleen

Colleen asked for some book suggestions after my last post. Here are some I've read and am happy to recommend:

Australian Readers Digest book - Back to Basics - ISBN 0 86449 028 3. This book has information about building, crafts, preserving, growing food, cooking and baking and a lot more.

The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery

The Permaculture Home Garden ISBN: 0-670-86599-Linda Woodrow

Easy Organic Gardening and Moon Planting by Lyn Bagnall. This is the best Australian organic gardening book I've read.

Backyard Self-sufficiency - Jackie French

Simple Living: One Couple's Search for a Better Life by Frank Levering and Wanda Urbanska

Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson

Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs, is not so much a practical guide but a guide to slowing down and reinvention.

Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin will transform the way you think about money.


David Holmgren's Retrofitting the Suburbs for Sustainability, available here on pdf.


Warm Earth, Grass Roots and Earth Garden. All available at the newsagent and your local library, I hope. I will have an article in Warm Earth in January. In north America, Countryside magazine is one I enjoy very much. I had a friend who sent me a couple of copies from Canada.



  1. I LOVE Countryside! I remember when I first opened it....no pretty colored pictures, etc....oh but once I started reading it was wonderful. I also enjoy Your Money Or Your Life and just recently went over it again. My husband and I are on a four year plan to get completely out of debt and this really helped. I wish I owned Carla Emery's book but I get it from the library whenever I need a fix! Thank you for the other suggestions...I'm going to look for some of them.

  2. Rhonda & Julia - Oh, yes! - Countryside is on of my favorite magazines, along with Herb Companion. And wouldn't you know - just after I decided that I would let my current magazine subscriptions run out (I don't subscribe to Countryside) and not subscribe to any new ones, I received an offer from them in the mail: 1 year for only $10.00!! Oh, the temptation!!
    Carla in Idaho

  3. Thank you soooo much for the list. My daughter is a librarian at a university, so I'll have her look for the books for me. Again thanks so much.


  4. Thanks for posting these for my mom, I will have to request these for her.

    Molly (Coleen's daughter)

  5. I have Carla Emery's book.Its a good book. I was sadden to hear of her death.
    Thanks for all you share.


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