5 October 2007

Lemon pie

Looks like we'll be having that lemon pie with our dinner. ; )

I made a simple shortcrust pastry and filled it with a non-traditional lemon filling, more like a cheesecake than a lemon meringue filling. I realised I had some cream cheese in the fridge that was just slightly over its use by date. I hate wasting things so I decided to use that instead of my intended recipe. It looks okay, I hope it tastes good.



  1. Rhonda Jean, that looks scrumptious! I sure wish there was a quick way to get a piece to the east coast, USA :) Love to you! Q

  2. Rhonda Jean, Mmmmmm, this looks delish.....love a slice with a nice cup of coffee!

    I received my napkins today, they are darling. I posted a picture on my blog,this was my first swap and it was great fun.


  3. As my son would say - Yummmmo!

  4. Hi Rhonda Jean. I wasn't feeling well so just sat in front of the computer. I have just read your blog from beginning to end and absolutely enjoyed every blog! What an inspiration you are - thank you for sharing. I will be back often! (Madly Saving from SS)

  5. It looks just beautiful! I'll bet it's as tasty as it is beautiful!

  6. Rhonda Jean, it doesn't just look 'okay' - it looks delicious! :)

  7. Looks yummy! We don't do much baking of sweet treats here, so looks especially fine!

    Rj, been hiding out on your site for the past week after spending a week away at a hospital with the final decision to take someone off life support. How do you talk to real life (offline) people about this? Thought it best to take a break from any of that for a short bit except for smiles and hello's. Was going to email you this info, but as the Wildside email account was only up temporarily to email you the tips, decided to comment about it instead.

    So your blog has been good therapy for me -- thank you -- tho' I fear I've been sounding just a little crazy. But isn't that always the case?! LOL.

    Anyhow, stumbled across this web site this morning. I haven't thoroughly explored it, but it may be of some interest to you...


  8. http://www.wisebread.com/ten-more-ways-to-go-green-and-save-money

    Looks like the full address got cut off in the previous comment, so trying again...

  9. http://www.wisebread.com/ten-more-ways-to-go-green-

    Trying again.

  10. http://www.wisebread.com/

    And here's one (link to article above) that talks about your habit of stockpiling!

  11. Rhonda- Now you've gotten us drooling so please, please, please post the recipe!! Sharon

  12. 'Looks Okay'???
    It looks amazing and delicious to me! What a beautiful pie, I'm sure it will taste as good as it looks!

  13. Unless you want all of us on your doorstep, I'd suggest you post the recipe. This looks so yummy. I can hardly wait to make it.


  14. wildside, I hope you're okay. It sounds like you've been through a stressful time. Email if you want to talk about it. I'm thinking of you and send love and hugs.

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