14 October 2015

My favourite place #15

I still haven't done all my gardening projects because Hanno and I had to go out yesterday and when we came home, it rained. So I've moved favourite place to here and I'll write something tomorrow.

= = = ♥︎ = = = 

We're stretching across the planet again today with photos from Illinois, USA and Western Australia.

From the USA, Carolyn writes:
Thanks so much for your interest in "my favorite place." I live in Illinois, so we only have pleasant weather for being outside  from May through October. During those months I like to take advantage of being outside on my front patio relaxing at my tea table with a cup of  tea and my kindle for my afternoon break each day. 

 It is a protected area from the afternoon sun and also from wind where I can view the birds and also see neighbor children running past to play with a friend. It is a very relaxing break and rejuvenates me to return to my chores around the home.  Sometimes if one of my grandchildren visit, they also enjoy a tea break with Grandma on the front patio.

= = = ♥︎ = = = 

And now from Western Australia, Farmwife writes:
My favourite place is my kitchen. We built our forever home on our property in the south west of Western Australia and the house was designed to look "old" even though it was new. We designed our kitchen to feature this little antique table that was purchased years before our plans were even drawn up. 

The morning sun streams into the window making it a wonderful calming space to gather your thoughts while sipping coffee before the day has begun. It's a nice big space that accommodates our large family gatherings and it truly is the heart of our home and where everything is made with love.



  1. I love how the table is in the front of the house watching neighbourhood kids, wish the front of my house had the view, sadly it only has a view of the busy noisy road I live on. I love tables in kitchens, I grew up in Fiji with tables in large kitchens. Sad to see houses these days arent made to fit tables in them, it sure is the heart of the home.

  2. I am drooling over that kitchen. It has me written all over it. Look at that sink, mantle, stove, colours, window, oh... i have a new image to dream about. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. I am completely in love with farmgirl's kitchen! If I could choose any kitchen at all, that would be it.

    I love the butlers sink, and especially the way the stove is built in to fit into the wall below the mantle...beautiful.
    Thanks for the peek into some beautiful homes

  4. Just a little seating area outdoor does wonders for your health and vitality. Oh and what a kitchen! I love the butlers sink and well everything in that kitchen.

  5. That kitchen is fantastic!! So homey and so elegant at the same time. Well done!!

    I love sitting outside. That patio is so quaint and looks like such a sweet place to relax with some tea. Since NJ has weather on par with Illinois sometimes, I totally understand being outside as much as possible!

  6. Carolyn, what a perfect spot for an afternoon break. With such a lovely setting I'd be sitting out there most of the day, not just catching my breath before more housework!

    Farmwife, I just love your kitchen. When I looked at the first pic I thought that the alcove where your stove is had previously been a fireplace that had been bricked up and redone to house your stove. You did a very good job of making it look "old". The little table is just perfect for that area and isn't it nice to have old things around that you have loved forever that bring back fond memories.


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