20 March 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we return to north America, this time to Nova Scotia in Canada, to Sheila's kitchen.  There is a reference to the weather in Sheila's story so I'll let you know she sent these photos in mid February.

Sheila writes:
"I have attached pictures of my kitchen for you , We built this house about 5 years ago and I really wanted a nice island to work from and I must say it is a pleasure to work here.


I have plenty of space and love to bake and cook and so does our 18year old grandson . As you can see we have an open concept house, this actually extends right into the living room.

I live in Nova Scotia Canada and right now we are experiencing some winter weather lots of snow on the ground but quite mild , you can feel spring in the air and I will be happy to see it come ;-)

Sheila's blog is here.



  1. This kitchen is warm and inviting. A nice place to cook, and visit.


  2. What a lovely, country kitchen. Very homey & inviting. I love the Sturbridge Red cabinets.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  3. So cozy and warm. What a large rolling pin collection! Sign of someone who loves to bake. Love your country touches.

  4. What a stunning kitchen. It looks so warm and inviting and I love the quilts you have around...grin.

  5. Very nice Kitchen, Sheila! Looks like a great place to cook. And I also like the openness of it and being able to flow into the living room. Then you don't feel so cut off and the whole space looks bigger! Thank you for sharing your kitchen. I love your cabinets!

  6. What wonderful cupboards, and such nice light - truly a beautiful space.

  7. Your kitchen is just so beautiful and spacious. I love the cabinets!

  8. Thanks for sharing your kitchen Sheila. It's so big & open & lovely. It must be fun cooking in it.
    Erika (Gold Coast)

  9. I love the color of your cabinets and the little quilts are so pretty! Did you make those?

  10. I thought your cabinets were a plum or wine color from the reflected light, but Marmee's Pantry said Sturbridge Red. It is a great kitchen with that island! I'd love one but my galley kitchen is only 5' across (floor) so no island.


  11. Thanks for all the kind comments on my kitchen , I do love it and it is the best space to work in .I also have a wonderful view out my kitchen window of a farmers field of many acres of openness that gives me lots of wildlife to observe .How lucky is that ! The color of the cabinets is between a plum and dark burgundy , I honestly don't remember the actual name of the color , a local cabinet maker made them and did a fantastic job.
    Kit you asked if I made the quilts , yes I did that is my pass time , Love to sew just about anything but quilts are number one !
    Thanks again for the compliments and especially to Rhonda for featuring my kitchen today .

  12. Nice open concept with lots of room! Very nice!

  13. gorgeous. a nice space for cooking.

  14. Oh Rhonda, what an incredibly beautiful kitchens you are showing us over again. It surprises me every time a bit more. There's so much variation! Each kitchen is another story in itself.

    If there's a tiny little bit of space in your mailbox, I really lóve to send you some picture's of my little kitchen. Although I think it will take a while ;o)

    Lovely greats from Holland!

  15. You have a very pretty kitchen, I really like your large island. Those rolling pins in the crock on the island look very nice.

  16. Hi Sheila,

    This is a lovely kitchen, I really like your collection of rolling pins on the island.


  17. I am in Nova Scotia as well and know what you mean about our winter.
    Spring is finally upon us and the garden clean up can commence. My daffodils are a couple inches out of the ground and I am patiently awaiting for all the rest of the flowers to start sprouting and come to life again.

  18. Love the quilt on the island..very pretty kitchen. It would be a pleasure to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee at that table...thanks for sharing your pictures. Roxie

  19. I really like the island. Looks like a great place to bake. Thanks for sharing your pretty kitchen!

  20. What a gorgeous kitchen. I love that there is plenty of room on that island so that you can make things with someone. It must be lovely sharing your knowledge with your grandson.

  21. Very nice. I especially like the quilt and crock of wooden rollers.
    Warm wishes and joy, Tonya

  22. Awesome kitchen! It looks like the perfect size... I'm very envious of that huge island!

  23. Now, that is a cozy kitchen! Just beautiful and thanks for sharing it.

  24. Hi Sheila. I've been to Nova Scotia once .. you live in a lovely part of Canada (although I've never seen anything but lovely, clean, well groomed areas of Canada on my visits). You have beautiful cabinets and plenty of them! And your center island is a great workspace I can see. Thanks for sharing. P.S. I visited your blog yesterday ... lovely quilts you have there:)

  25. Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us. It looks a lovely space for family living. The quilts are beautiful.

  26. I really love the color of the cabinets!! A lovely kitchen!

  27. What a lovely big space, and so well organised too - with everything to hand just where you need it.
    Your quilts are fantastic too. Thank you for sharing.


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