4 March 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Hello everyone!  Today's kitchen belongs to Jen who lives in Michigan.  She has added a nice touch that I've never seen in any other kitchen.  Well done, Jen!

She writes:
"I'm really excited to share my photos as we recently did a little fixing up of our kitchen. Ours is a small space, about 9'x11', so it is difficult to get good pictures of it, but I hope these will work for you.

The first picture shows the kitchen sink, and the main part of the kitchen. The cabinets in this area are original to the house (1950's) and are metal. I love them. With so little storage space, many of my cooking utensils are out in the open and easy to grab. The red skillet hanging above the stove is cast iron. I am just learning to cook with cast iron.

The cabinets and countertop next to the refrigerator are new; we installed them ourselves. Unfortunately, it was impossible to find metal cabinets to match the originals. These were stock, unfinished cabinets from Home Depot and I painted them the same color as the old ones and hope they blend OK. We used to have open shelving in this area and it was difficult to keep things looking neat. I am happy that things are contained now and that I have a bit more counterspace.  We were unable to match the cabinet hardware on our old cabinets, so we decided to upgrade all the cabinet hardware so it would match. I love the new knobs and pulls - it is surprising how it modernized and pulled the space together.

The magnetic spice containers on the fridge were a Christmas gift and allowed me to free up a lot of space in one of my cabinets - important in such a small kitchen. You can see my apron hanging on the side of the fridge. You can also see from the picture that yes,  I have a chandelier in my kitchen. :) I think it is a fun and unexpected addition to a hard-working space."

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.



  1. What a cute kitchen! You and your husband did a great job of painting and matching the new cabinets to the old. I keep my apron hanging on the side of my refrigerator, too. Keeps it handy and I never forget to wear it. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us.

  2. I like this kitchen, Rhonda, and thank you Jen for sharing with us. I think you've done agreat job in maximizing your space. I love the old metal cabinets and the vintage feel they have, yet your kitchen looks modern, too. It's nice to have all your utensils right there to make it easy to reach! I love small cozy kitchens - good job Jen!

  3. Nice kitchen! I have the same spice containers and love them!

  4. gorgeous kitchen, I think you did pretty perfectly in matching the units.
    shhhh we've also got a chandelier in half of our kitchen!

  5. I love the old metal cabinets, too. My house had the same kind, vintage 1959. I was lucky to find more of the same when my neighbor remodeled his kitchen. Now I have a whole 11 x 11 room full and only his sink base went to the landfill!

  6. I love the magnet spice holders. My fridge won't hold magnets, so I was thinking about installing a metal strip in the cabinet beside my stove and hanging them there. I wouldn't get the pretty visual that you do by displaying them, but at least I would get the organizational aspect of it. Terrific job with a small kitchen!

  7. I love, love , love the chandelier and the spice containers. Very pretty kitchen. :)

  8. A lovely kitchen, Jen! It looks like a pleasant place to work. Love your chandelier and the red cast iron skillet! I have never seen a red one before. :)

  9. I love your Chandalier..gorgeous,I am an apron lady and love to see others love them too.Your kitchen looks really cosy and a nice place to be in,I have not seen those spice containers before and they look great,I like the soft colour of your kitchen,thankyou for sharing and Rhonda thankyou for making it possible for us to visit each others homes and gather new ideas.

  10. This was good to see because we are debating replacing all of our cabinets in order to add more...or coordinating something to keep the costs down. I'll have to keep your choices in mind while we are making our plans.

    Becky K.

  11. Love, love, love this kitchen. It might be lacking in storage space but it makes up for it in coziness. Love the colours and the chandelier is perfect. Good idea, adding more counter space.

  12. Jen, that spice container idea is great! Gives me an idea for my kitchen since it's super tiny and i only have 4 cabinets in all!

  13. What a beautiful kitchen! I love the spice holder-magnets! So cool.

  14. So do I and I always wear it! Great job with the new additions to the kitchen (esp. the spices!) thank you for showing us around! I am new to this blog so I see I shall have to explore further back!

  15. I love the magnetic spice jars. That is awesome!!! Excellent way to use a small space.

  16. I love it. It's so cute and old-fashioned looking!

  17. Chris in EnglandMarch 04, 2010 5:54 am

    What a fun kitchen! I especially love the chandelier.


  18. What a pretty and bright kitchen, the chandelier is a really nice touch. I had never seen magnetic spice containers like that before, what a great idea!

  19. I really love the idea of having a chandelier in the kitchen. It´s the unexpected touches that give a place character. A well-planned and friendly feeling kitchen. Thank you for sharing.
    Ramona K

  20. Great kitchen - your cabinets and everything are wonderful!

    Love the Chandelier!

  21. Thanks all for your nice comments about my kitchen!

    I can't take credit for the chandelier idea; we once rented a beach cottage that had a chandelier in the kitchen and I thought it was the sweetest thing, so when I found one at an antique shop I bought it for my own kitchen! We don't have a dining room so this is the only chandelier in the house.

    The spice containers are so handy! They are made by Kamenstein and can be found at various places - Amazon has them as well as the evil empire - Walmart.

    I was concerned about the new cabinets looking odd, so I'm glad for the commenters who say they look OK. The cabinet face is different but we're not the type of people who need everything matchy-matchy. :)

    I am really enjoying reading the comments. Thanks Rhonda for hosting this series! It is so much fun.


  22. Lovely little kitchen. You seem to have maximized the available space. The chandelier is a brilliant touch (pardon the pun!) as it shows a space can be a bit of fun even while it is essentially very practical.

  23. Stunning - what a great retrofit. I love what you've done with the cupboards.

    Does anyone in Australia know where I could get similar cupboard doors from - wood unfinished? I'm on a budget so they need to be affordable. Thanks :)

  24. Nice job on the kitchen! Love the cabinets. I use the same spice containers in my office....love them.

  25. definitely LOVE the chandelier! Also, the use of new knobs & drawer pulls to bring everything together is perfect - great kitchen! THANKS for sharing :)

  26. Thanks for sharing your kitchen. I am anxiously waiting to purchase those spice jars that you have on your fridge.

  27. What a warm and inviting kitchen!!

  28. There are several things I love about this kitchen - the color scheme, the magnetic spice rack, and how you make the most of your space. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Love this kitchen, blending the old with the new. Would love the magnetic spice containers in my own kitchen. Fab to have a chandelier in your kitchen!

  30. Nice kitchen Jen, you've done a great matching up job, who would guess? Those spice containers blow me away!

  31. I LOVE your chandelier!!!!!

  32. I love the spice containers!! What a great idea! I have a small kitchen too (tiny, actually) and I like your ideas.

  33. I like the pulls on the cabinets and placing of the microwave was very counter top friendly. I also like the paint color, very good design.

  34. Hi Rhonda,
    This would have to be one of my favourites of all the kitchens you've shown! What a gorgous, welcoming kitchen & I love the chandelier....

  35. Gorgeous kitchen Jen I like the stainless steel appliances with the 1950's cupboards!! Very cool contrast. As for the chandelier that's really neat......hope you have a good exhaust fan coz those things are a bugger to clean!!

  36. love tucking the microwave into that little cupboard space - great way to save on counter space - cause those counters are valuable real estate :)

  37. Awesome chandelier and awesome spice rack!!!!!
    What a funky kitchen. Thanks for sharing!

  38. I love this kitchen and the space saving ideas used here. Thanks.

  39. How do I get a picture to you to be part of your kitchen sink column? Thanks! I enjoy your post very much! It's kind of like checking in and learning from "mom".

  40. I, too, have a chandelier in my kitchen! Mine is all white and crystal, and hangs near the window. It doesn't use electricity, just candles. But I really like how it makes my tiny kitchen seem frilly and fun!

  41. how cool is that, a chandelier in your kitchen!!!! What a lovely space this is.

  42. I've got to say that I LOVE THE OVEN!!!! I want one, and that big fridge too!! Your kitchen is so welcoming

  43. I love the wall color - so peaceful, and a nice contrast with the red cast iron skillet! I love the chandelier too - what a great idea. I might have to try it in my own home someday.

  44. I like the kitchen cabinets - they are pretty yet simple and adds space to the small kitchen. Gives me ideas! Thanks

  45. This is a kitchen about the same size as mine - on the other side of the world too! :) I love what has been done with the limited space; inspires ideas!

  46. Such a cute kitchen. I really need to find some of those spice things. We have a very small kitchen and this would free up some room in the cupboard. Off to have a look now!

  47. LOVE that chandelier...and the magnetic spice containers - what a great idea !

  48. Nice! You did a good job matching the color to the old cabinet, unless I'm really looking, I can't see a different.

    I used magnetic spice containers until we got a cat, and he knocked one off one day. That was an aromatic mess to clean! So, no more, but only for now. Perhaps I'll restart using them at some point.

  49. Very pretty wall color, especially with the white cabinets. Looks like a calming, lovely place to spend time cooking.

  50. Gorgeous kitchen! I adore a chandelier, in any room. And the spice containers are fabulous- like ready-made fridge art! Thanks for sharing.

  51. Excellent kitchen! I love the little space saving touches! The magnetic knife strip is awesome. I use the same spice containers in my craft room to sort eyelets, brads and other small little doodads on a magnetic board. They are a fantastic invention!

  52. I love the magnetic containers. I've looked at them before but don't have anything to stick them to in my kitchen really. Love the skillet too!

  53. Noticed the spice containers right off! I WANT these!! Question, will the fridge get scratched from the magnets? Love the kitch, love the posts!

  54. Love your kitchen and noticed the spice containers right away! I WANT!! Question, do they scratch the fridge?

  55. so bright!! I love well lit work spaces.Love those shutters, too.

  56. Popping back in to answer a couple questions -

    The spice containers have not scratched the fridge so far. I was a little concerned about scratching so I make sure to pull them straight off rather than "dragging" them across the surface, if that makes sense.

    The fridge (and stove) are faux stainless steel - it is a painted surface in silvery color. I like it because it doesn't show fingerprints like stainless but it still gives a nice modern look. The appliances are by Frigidaire and were not expensive. The finish is called "silver mist" and it can readily be found by Googling. We got them from Best Buy.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments. My husband really enjoyed reading them as well!


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