14 March 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen is Tanya's in beautiful Tasmania - the island State at the bottom of Australia.  Tanya, I have the same Fowlers Vacola and we have very similar kitchen cupboards.
Tanya writes:
"I took these photos at dawn hoping not to have too much light exposure but they are still flooded. Through every season, the sun comes streaming through that window and I have never had any curtains or blinds on it because I love to look out on the garden and the chickens. Last night I bottled some tomatoes and some beans so when I came out this morning after my husband, he had taken the cooled bottles and placed them on a tea towel and up ended to Fowlers Vacola Pot (1950’s version) on the sink to dry.

On the sill above the sink I keep a bottle of hand wash and a great narrow vase that fits here just right and often holds bunches of herbs from the garden. The white ceramic pot near the sink is my compost bin for the chook scraps. It is one of my favourite things because it is just the right size for daily scraps, cleans up so easily and has a handle for carrying and also a lid with airing holes and a carbon filter.

At this time of year there is always an overflowing colander of tomatoes. Beside those I also have some Australian Limes that were swapped for some eggs and I have been making Blueberry Jam with Lime and Coriander (crushed seed not leaf), a beautiful combination. Another great “couldn’t do without” is my table in the middle of the kitchen. It is an old Singer sewing machine base with a marble slab on top. This is where I make pasta, knead dough and do a lot of food prep.

My blog can be found at www.suburbanjubilee.blogspot.com"

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. What a neat use for the sewing table. Very creative. I love the bright sunny kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful kitchen. I love the idea on how you made your center table.

  3. Beautiful Kitchen! I love that you have a lot of light and white cabinets!

  4. what a pretty bright kitchen and so lovely and clean. We are busy preserving atm as well. It certainly keeps you busy doesn't it?

  5. What a beautiful, fresh, and sun-filled kitchen. Oh and what I wouldn't give for those glass fronted cabinets. Lovely!!!


  6. I love how that big window just opens up the whole room!! I would love to have all that light in my dark kitchen!! Lovely room!

  7. Tanya, I am delighted to find you here at Rhonda's blog, I just started visiting you a while back. I love your kitchen, it's so practical yet pretty.

  8. What a sunny bright kitchen! Mine had to be yellow because it gets little direct sun.

    Love all the details and homey touches. Thanks so much!

  9. What a beautiful kitchen Tanya!

    I'm like you and I'd leave the windows free of coverings so I could look out and the light can come in.

  10. Tanya, I love the white cupboards and the open glass doors. And such a clever idea to use a sewing table! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Great kitchen Tanya! Love the sewing table idea :0)

  12. Green Industry Web Site Design by The Site Gardenerhttp://www.thesitegardener.com/March 14, 2010 8:37 am

    Good your Kitchen is neat and Clean, looks beautiful

  13. Absolutely gorgeous, so much bright white light and happy space to cook and enjoy the lovely view. The marble top table is cool.

  14. what a great treasure to have that old preserving pot!

  15. Very bright and cheery! Jealous of all those tomatos right now :)

    I was wanting to submit my kitchen photos but didn't know where to send them.

  16. Absolutely love the openness and the sunlight! What a beautifully bright kitchen!

  17. Tanya , love your kitchen , so bright and cheery , I wouldn't put a blind up to that view either .What a great idea for the sewing machine , just curious how did you keep this new top on ??

  18. Nice and bright and what a good idea to make use of the ex sewing table base in that way. Is it high enough to work on?

  19. What a wonderful bright, sunny kitchen! And I love how the sinks in Australia, USA and GB are always beneath a window. I have never seen this in Germany. Here, you always stare at the wall while doing the dishes.

  20. WOW...great idea!! A kitchen like this might help me keep mine more tidy!!

  21. What a beautiful,light kitchen! You are so right - why let curtains get in the way of your view. Wish I had a fine old preserving set like that.
    Thanks for sharing Tanya.
    Ramona K

  22. Thanks everyone for all your messages, and a big thanks to Rhonda for helping me share.
    Sheila, hi, there are two very solid but slim pieces of wood bolted directly to the metal upper and upon this rests the marble slab. It's not bolted or anything but believe me, it would take a major quake to shift it!
    Carla, hello, this height is ideal for kneading pasta and other doughs because I can work "down" on them but not low enough that my back is strained. It is also a great height for me to pull up a kitchen chair to if I am doing lots of slicing etc for preserving (in this way my aproned lap becomes a good catcher for escaping beans, peas etc),however for normal food prep and cooking, my counter tops are just right!
    Thanks again everyone, and look forward to speaking with you more at my blog. Cheers

  23. I love your windows, beautiful!!

  24. I'm with you about not putting up curtains in places like the kitchen. Hubby enjoys lounging in boxers, during the hot, hot summers, so I put up curtains to allow him that freedom. But I love the sun and sunshine! It is so uplifting and always brightens my day!

  25. Hi Rhonda just found the site! That Rooster (george?) is the best. Love the post today.

    Tanya love the glass cabinets and NO window coverings. So much light it must be fantastic to work at that sink. Something I would like in my future slow home.

    Mid America Mom

  26. Your kitchen is so light and airy! I'm usually horrified to see Singer tables sans machine but I love what you've done with yours.

  27. What a gorgeous, orderly kitchen! I love the use of the old singer as a bench. Your kitchen is so neat and inviting... Thanks for sharing.

  28. So very beautiful!!! I love all the light you get, and your sink is amazing. I just called my husband over to take a look. We're on the verge of a kitchen remodel. :) Melissa

  29. Beautiful kitchen! I love your ideas.

  30. Love this kitchen, I might steal the sewing table idea! Such a beautiful and useful space.

  31. Love the sunny kitchen. I only want a valance on my window cause I love the sun coming in as well.

    I noticed the stove top and wish I could have bought this style element here. I had them when we lived overseas. Easy to keep clean and no mess to clean under the elements.

    ----Krystal(nova scotia)

  32. Awesome kitchen!!! Love all the natural light. I wish I had an abundance of tomatoes... lucky you!

  33. I love your kitchen. I found a compost container just like yours at an estate sale. I love it too. The ladies selling it ask me what was it, a cookie jar? lol.

  34. I love this working kitchen! I just told my husband for the millioneth time in my next kitchen I want a window over the sink! :)
    The kitchen is so lovely and sparkly. Thanks for sharing.

  35. tanya I adore your light filled Kitchen and am off for a look at your blog!

  36. I'm in love with white cabinets! Such a pretty and functional kitchen!

  37. I love the natural light in your bright sunny kitchen. It is all very charming! Thanks for sharing.

  38. What a lovely bright and white kitchen. I might just pinch your brilliant idea of putting a marble top on an old Singer sewing machine table bottom! Excellent. Looks like you have been busy.

  39. What a lovely, bright, clean kitchen. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  40. Such a lovely kitchen. I have often thought about putting open-windowed cabinets in my kitchen. And so much sunshine! A happy place to feed the family.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><


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