16 March 2010

Bizymoms interview

According to bizymoms.com, I'm one of the five top home and garden bloggers. They interviewed me recently and here is that interview. If you have time, read the other interviews too. The lovely Melinda from One Green Generation is there as well. Thanks Bizymoms.


  1. Congratulations Rhonda, a well deserved recognition. Great to have another read up of your philosophy via the interview. It just encourages me to keep at it.

  2. Well done on the interview. I have had a read of a few of them and they are all interesting.

  3. I've just had a read of your interview, marvellous and well done. I am just popping back to read a few more.

    Hope your enjoying your time off. :-)

    Pippa xx

  4. I enjoyed reading your interview very much. My question is: What is bubble and squeak?

  5. Rhonda, I'm honored to be in such fabulous company!! Lovely interview!

  6. Well done Rhonda - I hope that interview will register with many other busy wives and mothers and show them they can step off the treadmill a bit and get back in control of their lives and homes.

    Frugalmom1 - bubble and squeak is left-over mashed potato and greens - usually cabbage, but you can use any other veg you have left over - mixed together next day and fried up (in bacon fat is tasty!) for a meal with cold meat the day after a roast.

  7. I enjoyed the interview. I have also been enjoying catching up on reading old posts--just read your interview of Hanno from last (?) year.

    Enjoy your blogging break--it's good to step back for a bit sometimes and then come back all refreshed.

  8. HOW WONDERFUL!! Congratulations! As 'Carla' said before me..."a well deserved recognition."

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><


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