12 March 2010

Liquid soap making - again

I made another batch of liquid soap last week and I found the process much easier this time.  My first attempt last September was a long, drawn out process that went over two days and while I was doing it, I felt it wasn't working out properly and all that time would be wasted.  You can imagine my surprise when from the blobs of what looked like vaseline, a clean and golden liquid soap arose.

I used that soap and loved it, however, I have to tell you that unless you're really into soap making or simplifying your life in every way you can, this is probably not a project you'll be interested in.  This soap is really the liquid version of my plain soap - everything you use this liquid soap for, would be just as easily served by using homemade bar soap.   Of course, it won't be a rich golden colour, but the results will be the same.  Similar to the bar soap it is not stripped of glycerine like commercial soaps are and it feels really restorative on your skin. Both bar and liquid can be used for washing dishes and hands, stain removal, shampoo, horticultural soap, washing the floor and anything else you can think of.  If you want to get rid of detergents, this is the soap for you, but it doesn't have to be the liquid version, the bar soap would work as well.  I used this link the first time I made this soap and found it confused in places, although it does contain a lot of information and a good recipe. 

Where this soap comes into it's own is as a lovely addition to a gift basket.  If you want to make up baskets of assorted soaps, or all purpose cleaning baskets as gifts, the liquid soap would be a wonderful addition.  It is also much cheaper to make your own soap - bar or liquid - than it is to buy them, and it will allow you to ditch the detergents you're probably using now, which also includes the plastic bottles they come in.

Making this soap does take a long time from start to finish, but most of that time you're not doing anything, you're waiting for the soap to get to the next stage.  I guess the amount of time you're actually working on the soap would be about 30 minutes.  So if you're wanting to cast off plastics and detergents, or working on your gifts, give it a try.

And this, my friends, will be my last post for a while.  I'm taking a break to slow down and look for meaning in my life.  I have books to read, recipes to try and many things to think about, as well as a lot of projects I want to work on.  I need moments of solitude, I need to shut the gate for a while and I need to shake things up to see what comes back to me when the dust settles.

Be kind to yourself while I'm gone.  I'll see you soon.


  1. Enjoy your break! You deserve it.

  2. Your soap looks lovely, Im a keen soap maker but have not as yet tried to make liquid castile. I hope your quite & solitude leave you feeling re-charged and inspired. Looking foward to your return..

  3. will miss your posts Rhonda.. it is an odd thing that many of us come to rely on the friendships forged on the net and when people take breaks, it is difficult for many to adjust to the gap.. but 'real' life must come first!!
    enjoy your solitude.. it is always good to look for meaning in our lives..with gratitude :)

  4. Thank you for your helpful posts. Take care and enjoy the time off!

  5. You will be missed terribly Rhonda Jean! But I understand the need for a break.
    I can't wait to hear about your adventures and what you have learned when you come back!
    Take good care & come back when you are ready! *Ü*

  6. Very cool. I'm not sure I'm up to it yet but I have made my own powder detergent. It lasted forever but wasn't as effective as I'd have liked. However, I am going to try it again with a different bar soap to shred.

    Oh, and guess what? It's already my birthday where you are. hehe I think I'll start celebrating.

  7. Hi there. Excellent post, I have always wanted to try making my own! I am going to give it a go, you have inspired me that I can.

    Have a lovely time off from here.

  8. Hi Rhonda,

    thanks for all of your inspiring words. You really have made a difference. Enjoy your break, and I'm eagerly looking forward to your return.


  9. Enjoy your break and take care.
    Thanks for everything,

  10. I often feel as you do... the internet is a mixed blessing. Enjoy your time.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  11. enjoy your reprieve. I will look forward to your return.

  12. Thank you for this post, I hope to try this soon.
    Enjoy your much deserved break.
    Catherine :)

  13. Enjoy your break Rhonda, sounds like you've got some lovely things planned. Sometimes a good shake up is just what's needed!

    (but we'll still be eagerly anticipating your return, I'm sure!)

    best wishes

  14. Enjoy your break - you deserve it. I love your site - it's been such a comfort to find like minded people and also very informative. I look forward to your return when you come back - rested, re-energised, and re-newed.

  15. Enjoy yourself and refresh.

    Have a blessed day.

  16. We all need a break every now and then. Plese come back with refreshed with new ideas or even a twist on the old, but in the meantime I will be going through a lot of your old as I have not read everything.
    You always give us ideas on so many things, and who knows what the future might hold. It will be good to learn these traits as life could change in an instant.
    Have a good time off, enjoy your books (I love to read!), and take care!

  17. Take care of yourself Rhonda dear, enjoy your time off.

  18. will miss your posts, and the feedbacks by like minded people, it is hard to find like minded people who either live locally or in my travels, so have come to rely on what other people write, and not say in person, so as said before will miss it all, please come back soon

  19. Enjoy your break Rhonda,will miss you,thank you for all the wonderful advise you have given,will look foreward to your return,all the best.

  20. Hi Rhonda, Take care & enjoy your time off. I will miss you very much :-) I will keep reading through your older posts.
    Erika (Gold Coast)

  21. So looking forward to when you get back. Hugs Cait :)

  22. Enjoy your break, Dear Rhonda.

    I'm going right back to the beginning for my "fixes" now,

    Is this your first ever post?

    Love from CoffeeeSue

  23. Gosh I'll miss seeing your posts each morning, but I am rather excited for you. Its lovely just to care for yourself sometimes and it will give me time to go back over all those lovely previous posts that I only had time to skim. Take your time dear friend and see you back here when you've recharged those batteries. Take care and God bless you both.

    Blessings Gail

  24. I have only recently found your blog and it's great, full of lots of interesting posts.

    I hope you enjoy your break and find it really beneficial.

    Best wishes

  25. Although I will miss my daily fix, I understand the need to step back and re-evaluate.

    I wish you all the best for your break.


  26. You must have a break or it will be forced upon you with illness or some such other thing. This has been my experience!! Relax, enjoy, replenish.Jenx

  27. I'll miss your wisdom, but then I think there is alot stored on the archives that I can enjoy while you are having a break. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing so much with us.

  28. Enjoy your break. I don't know how you manage to do what you do!! I shall miss your blogging and oasis of calm.

    I'm going to have a go at some of your tutorials, like the soap and bread making. I've managed to track down the ingredients for the soap at last.

    Much love from daughter and I in the UK. xx

  29. Take your time -- and hopefully you'll be back! In the meantime, there is so much info in your blog, I promised myself to read 1 of your journals a day, to keep myself inspired for the simple life

  30. Rhonda,

    Thank you for all that you have done for me and for so many others! I have always led my life and used my money differently than my friends. They love me but tease me about my eccentricities, and then I found your blog and the blogs of others, and you have validated my chosen way of life. I have always made my own bread, for example. By reading along, I have learned a lot, and I have adopted many of the things that you have taught. Thank you for all that you have taught me, and I look forward to more learning! Enjoy your time off!

    Salem County, New Jersey, USA

  31. Okay, Rhonda. I'll check back with you soon; I always enjoy your posts and look forward to them.

    Enjoy your little break and come back refreshed!

  32. God bless your time off & thank you for leaving us w/something to do while you're gone. :-)

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  33. See you once you have shook the cobwebs off.
    Everyone needs time off to recharge. Enjoy your time.
    ---Krystal(nova scotia)

  34. Best wishes Rhonda. Enjoy your break.

    Elaine in PA

  35. i will miss you sweet rhonda, but i completely understand. i know you will be overflowing with delightful things to share upon your return. xoxo

  36. Thanks for your blog. I, too, have tried liquid soap. First I tried several grated soap recipes for dishwash liquid and they did not measure up. Then I made liquid soap using the same recipe as the link on your first attempt. Today I made the recipe from your second link, with 100% coconut oil. You mentioned ricebran oil, and I used it too for my first batch. I like this soap for shampoo and hand washing, but it still does not do the same job as dishwash detergent. Have you managed to make a really good dishwash liquid soap using ricebran oil? If so, would you share the ingredients, please? It would be cheaper than using just coconut oil. Many thanks, Paulette (New Zealand)

  37. Thank you for posting this information about making liquid soap. I'm going to try it, as I have been making solid soap for a while now. The video for the second link has been removed; any ideas why? I'll use the first link anyway.


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