30 March 2010

I'm missing you

I've been spending a lot of time thinking, relaxing and reading.  I love blogging, it helps me live life in the way I want to live it, it helps me define my days and identify goals and new opportunities to learn.  I can't imagine giving up blogging but there may be changes in the way I do it.  But the main news I want to pass on to you today is that I've missed being here, I'm ready to come back, and I'll be here again tomorrow.


  1. We miss you too! I have been reading all of your old posts. Still love them!

  2. Great news Rhonda- I've missed you!

  3. oh goody..I've missed you too.

    cheers Kate

  4. it will be great to see you back Rhonda, I hope you've had a lovely rest

  5. We miss you to. Be glad to have you back as i miss reading your posts.

  6. YAY!!!! We've missed you too Rhonda. My mornings haven't been the same! :-))

  7. Woot woot!! I've missed you.

  8. Great news. Hope you are feeling revived . Continue to take care of yourself.

  9. Yay! The blog world is just not the same without you.

  10. Woo Hoo!! It'll be great to see you back.

  11. I am so glad you are back. I've missed you. I love your blog.

  12. :-)

    Barb_in_GA (who has also been laying low lately)

  13. Ditto the rest of the comments. Hurrah, Down to earth is one of my favorite blogs. Just got my clip on thermometer so I can try out your cold pressed soap.

  14. I've missed you too! Looking forward to reading your post tomorrow.

  15. Yay! I was so happy to find you and then your next post was about taking time away and I was sad that I'd missed out on something lovely. So yay: welcome back! I'm sure you'll find a groove that suits you.

  16. Yay! See you then, Rhonda!

    Cheers - Joolz

  17. Woo Hoo! So glad that you are coming back...
    You have been missed too! *Ü*

  18. Serene HighnessMarch 30, 2010 8:00 am

    This is wonderful news! Looking forward to reading your new posts!

  19. Glad to see you are back to doing something you find enriches your life. Have been looking through your archives, and am finding alot of wonderful reading! Cheers, Deb

  20. We've missed you too! I look forward to your post tomorrow.

  21. Woohoo! You just made my week! Rhonda's back in town!!!!

  22. It will be good to see you again! I'm glad you are back!

  23. welcome back, a change is as good as a holiday.

  24. YAY!!! So glad you are ready to return. All the nice kitchens were a lot of fun, but we missed you.

    "See" you soon.

  25. amen,amen,amen....I missed you too my friend:.)

  26. I missed you too :0) I think we all miss your daily posts. Hope you are feeling relaxed and rested.

  27. So glad you feel ready to return. You've been missed.

  28. Miss you too. So glad that you will be back. Hope you got some rest.

  29. We are missing you too -and still coming back for lots of reads :-)


  30. And you have been missed, as well.

    Oh, to think about sitting and reading or just to sit and think. That sounds so wonderful, as well.

    We are in a busy season of life. I love our life but I look forward to quieter days as well.

    Becky K.

  31. I missed you too, and I hope that your time off was peaceful and filled with joy. :)

  32. You have been missed. Your knowledge, insight, resourcefulness, your spirit.

    Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  33. I've missed you so very much and glad to hear from you. I wish you all the best each and every day. Your blogs are very meaningful and give me hope that we all can do better and be okay.

  34. oh excellent, i've missed you Rhonda! I still love seeing the kitchens but i miss reading your wise words every morning... great new indeed!

  35. Glad to see a new post from you! :) I've been blogging for a few years. For the first year or two...I would post almost everyday. I realized it was just too much for me....so now, I just post when I want to, when I have time to and when I have something interesting to share. If that is once a week...then it is. :) If it's 3 days in a row...then that is what I do. I enjoy blogging and don't ever want to feel that I *have* to post just to post. :) Not sure if that is at all how you are feeling as well...but if it is, I can relate! :)
    Glad you are back and look forward to your posts! ;)

  36. Missed you Rhonda..good to have you back. Sometimes a rest from blogging is needed.

  37. I know I am repeating what pretty much everyone else has said, but I am glad you are back. I've re-read many posts, especially the knitting/sewing ones, but I am looking forward to having you back in whatever manner you decide!

  38. I missed you too. Your timing for a break was impeccable! It's the busiest time of the school year here and I didn't want to feel guilty about spending time in front of the computer! Welcome back.

  39. Welcome back. Your life is inspiring, just the way you are!

  40. Glad to see that you'll be back! I have missed reading your blog! I have looked around over in the forum, and while there is interesting stuff to read there, it's not the same. I hope that you can find a pace or rhythm that works for you (and therefore us too!)

  41. You've been missed. Glad to see you are back.

  42. I still check everyday and have missed you. Great news that you'll be back tomorrow!

  43. Hurray, great news. My day can get back to it's routine now!

  44. This is good news, I miss you too!

  45. Thats so good to hear. Looking forward to catching up with you.

    Blessings Gail

  46. So glad you will be returning! I still found myself checking your page every day in some sort of small secret hope that you would be back! Hope your time off gave you a bit of what you were searching for...looking forward to tomorrow already!

  47. Rhonda

    I feel lots of changes going on. I hope you are refreshed and focused on your own changes, whether that is blogging or whatever. I have missed reading your blog everyday (but I do check it everyday) and hope you follow your heart and do what it is you need to do for yourself, not us. But if you do come back to us I will most certainly appreciate it. Peace. Myra

  48. Oh that's great news. Now I can have my morning routine back. lol. Have missed you heaps. Seriously though, I hope you have had enough rest.

  49. I think we have all missed you Rhonda :-)! So glad to have you back in whatever capacity you find works for YOU. I will admit though, my days have not been the same without your blogs and I've checked each and every day :-). You have such wisdom that is not always so readily passed on to us young mothers and I hope you had a lovely rest.


  50. That is so good Rhonda, I've nissed you too. Will be great to have you back.

  51. So happy to have you back Rhonda we missed you so much..hope you are feeling refreshed

  52. Huzzah!
    That is all.

  53. Wonderful to hear you are returning! I will look out for your post at the usual early hour in the morrow.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  54. You surely know you have been missed by your many readers! The main thing is that you yourself feel good about blogging and that the "force" is back with you.
    Love from Sweden
    Ramona K

  55. Hooray! I've missed you too.


  56. Dear Miss Rhonda, grown ups have to a break too! There are important things outside of blogs and lifestyle that need tendind sometimes, and you are most deserving of any time you take! I do adore your work, more so as a young person, your contributions to my day always produce a smile, take care of the chickens, they're a powerful kind of practical meditation, I'm certain of it!

    x x Anna

  57. As with everyone else here I've missed your posts and am very happy that you're back from your break.

  58. Wow Rhonda. Must make you feel special that so many of us say we missed you. But, I was wondering how to suggest that maybe you could limit your posts, and Katy said just about what I was thinking. Do what YOU want to do - we'll go along with that. I'll sign off as one of my friends used to .... "Mobs of hugs".

    Faye in Pinjarra W.Aust

  59. Yay! I missed you too, my mornings are just not the same without reading your inspiring entries. Thank you!

  60. Yeah!! I enjoy reading your blog immensely -So glad you are coming back!

  61. happy You are coming back Yea!

  62. I couldn't be happier that you are going to resume posting again. I have missed you.

  63. YEAH!!!!!!!!You have been sorely missed, I don't know how I could have handled longer!!!

  64. Yay! We have missed you too, Rhonda. Thanks for the great news!

  65. I miss you to and I'm glad you will be back.

  66. I look forward to reading your new posts!

  67. I look forward to reading tomorrow's post! :)

  68. Yay! We've missed you, too.

  69. I felt very selfish wishing you back but my day was not quite complete without reading about your day. I hope you had some lovely rest and recharged your batteries. That your outside 'work' has settled down and Hanno is back from Sydney. Looking forward to my 'bedtime' reading tonight.

  70. Miss you too. Enjoy reading your insightful posts anytime.

  71. Yeah! I have missed reading you :-)

  72. YAY!!! We've missed you too!!!

  73. Hey Rhonda - I've been reading everyday for nearly 2 years - except for 3 months when I had no Internet 'cause we were traveling...Miss you so much! I'm about your age but you validate what I've believed for years. And, there are precious few places where good old fashioned common sense is a virtue but here everyone's a believer...awesome!
    Mrs M

  74. Miss you too. It's good to take care of yourself, but it's good to see you too.

  75. I have been reading your blog for a long time now and have missed your daily posts lately. I don't read many blogs, but love yours and it will be good to have you back. Take care, Fiona

  76. I miss you, too, Rhonda - I miss reading all your lovely posts about chickens and gardening and making do. It's been so inspirational to me and helps me keep on track! Hope you're having a good rest!

  77. Nice to see you back :-) Looking forward to your blogs.

  78. Adding to the big choir: I missed you too!

  79. Yea!
    It's always a nice way to start the day reading your blog. Often sets the tone for the day....

    Love Leanne NZ

  80. Yup - sounds like we've all missed you! I enjoy blogging too, it makes me feel as if I'm a little more accountable somehow ;)

  81. Wonderful! We've missed you!

  82. Great! I'll look forward to your posts.

  83. WOOT !!
    your words each morning, give me a push to live the life I want to live too... because most of my friends are not like this, your blogging helps me to feel somewhat normal
    so glad you are coming back xo

  84. Woohoo - have missed reading your post each morning

  85. Help Help me Rhonda... Help!... I havnt missed you... i see you every week!... you have to have one more kitchen post when mine is finished... I need a feestardeluxe position!.... welcome back Ms Hetzel xo

  86. yep, sure have missed you, but have your lemon butter recipe to keep me going(actually made it with my own limes and it's gorgeous!!!) jen

  87. Yippie!! I'm glad your coming back!You give me such inspiration. <3

  88. I was so glad to see your heading, "I'm missing you" when I opened my email this afternoon. I look forward to your blogs again- in whatever capacity fits your life. I am so grateful!

  89. So glad you are back and I hope you accomplished what you wanted! As you can tell by the comments....
    We all missed you a lot!!

  90. Robyn N (Thornlands Qld)March 31, 2010 8:34 pm

    I missed your blogging so much. Welcome back! You are such an inspiration to many of us out there. Hope you had a beautiful break and look forward to your continued journals.

  91. Sheila, North Wales UKApril 01, 2010 6:15 am

    So good to see you back Rhonda you have been missed so much! I love what you have written below your photo on your home page too - everything that I am trying to do in my life is written there. :-)

  92. Rhonda, so glad you're back! Have missed reading your daily post. Hope your time away was restful.

    Hugs, Aunt Bea

  93. Missed you too. I hope you are feeling refreshed and renewed from your break away.
    ---Krystal(nova scotia)

  94. We've all missed you! Glad to know you'll be posting a lot, I always enjoy your blog and have learned a lot from it.

  95. oh rhonda i'm so glad you've found your way back! you were my very first key to this new way of life! hugs! you've been greatly missed.


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