10 March 2010

Taking a break

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I don't do it lightly, but after Friday's post, I'll be taking a break from blogging for a while.  I'm not sure how long I'll be away, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe longer. I don't know yet.  I have a few other things on my plate right now and along with my voluntary work, I'll be kept busy.  And the truth is I've been non stop busy for well over a year.  I want to take time out for myself, for Hanno and for my family.  I need to dive right into my home again and reacquaint myself with the ins and outs of it. I've barely had a chance to do that for these past few months and I miss it.

I am not stopping my blog, I actually enjoy blogging, and when I get up in the dark every morning and make my way to the computer, thinking about my days so I can write about them, it helps me account, in my own mind, for these hours I've been given.  It helps me live simply.  So for the next few weeks I hope you'll be patient with me, know that I'll be back with you as soon as I can be and that I look forward to the morning when I make my way, in the dark, to the computer again.

I'll be at the Down to Earth forum and will continue posting three kitchen sinks per week. I hope you continue to enjoy them as much as I do.  Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos and to all the readers whose wonderful comments have kept me going.

See you again on Friday.


  1. I know what you mean, Rhonda. We all need to take a step back once in a while, in order to catch our breath. It doesn't mean forever, just long enough to feel the rhythm of life again.

    Have a lovely break. :)

  2. Rhonda Jean, You above all others deserve to take this break for yourself. I hope and pray that you enjoy it and get rested and reaquainted with your home and all within.
    I for one will miss you while you are away, but I so understand what you are doing! See you at the forums!

  3. You will be missed! Taking a break is so important and we will be here when you return!

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    Have a lovely well deserved break, I will miss you but I understand.


  5. Well, I'd say you definitely deserve a break! I find myself in need of internet breaks often.

    Your forum is such a amazing place! It's active and alive and diverse. There are so many lovely people there with so much information to share. Even if you decided not to blog, the forum you created will continue to help people, probably for years to come.

    Enjoy your break and I'll "see" you at the forum. :-)

  6. We all need to take time to recharge, re-group and re-focus ourselves from time to time. We'll be here when you get back.

  7. Thank you for all the great posts you have given us so far. I look forward to having you back after you take a much deserved break!

  8. I hope you enjoy your break to its fullest. Sometimes its necessary and sometimes it is just very good for you.

    Enjoy! And may you be blessed!

  9. Enjoy your time out Rhonda. I understand the deisre to create, rather than spectate, and log. Blogging takes a lot of time, and it sounds as though you need to divert that elsewhere for a while to keep in balance. Makes perfect sense. See you when you get back.

  10. I'll miss your daily posts, but can understand your decision to take a break. Here's wishing you some quality time off. - Toronto, Canada

  11. That's ok Rhonda, I am still trying to catch up on all the old posts - this will give me a chance to do that!
    Have a good break and know we await your return with anticipation!

  12. I will miss your daily words of wisdom, but gosh lovely lady you so deserve a break. xx

  13. Hi Rhonda
    don't comment but read every day, will definitely miss you but you most definitely deserve a well earned break. Enjoy your time with family and your home and all the best

  14. Rhonda,
    Enjoy your time away, you deserve it. And all who, like myself, have been gleaning from your experience and wisdom, will have to "let go of your hand" for a little while and put into practice what we've been learning, on our own!! Since I began reading your blog, I have implemented so many changes and appreciate the time you have invested here so much. You will be dearly missed.

  15. Recharge those batteries! You know we'll all be looking forward to your return :)

  16. Have a well deserved rest and enjoy your quiet time!

  17. Take the time you need Rhonda! You're a wise woman to know that you and your family come first. In the meantime, it'll be a good time to go back into the archives and reaquaint with your old articles. And we will be here waiting when you are ready to come back!!!

    Enjoy your time, my friend!!
    Central Illinois <3

  18. One life can't be center around blogging or computer.
    Looking forward to your return and have a happy break.

    Coffee is on

  19. Enjoy your break! With everything you've had going on, it's so understandable. We'll eagerly await your return :)

  20. Enjoy your blog break and have a well earned rest. I have really enjoyed your Kitchen Sink series, very interesting to see peoples 'work places'. Catch you when you get back, we'll be waiting!

    Cheers - Joolz

  21. Enjoy your time away. Hope it's refreshing. Please know you will be missed.

  22. Ahhhhhhh!!! time to smell those roses,sip that tea and read a book and just enjoy the sunrise....bless you and be safe in your break and spoil yourself.

  23. Hi! Rhonda,we can't keep giving out constantly without putting back in what we ourselves need.Take all the time you need to rest, restore and reconnect to the people and things dear to you. Your shared wisdom through this blog is a wonderful gift to us all.x.

  24. Well they say bad things come in 3s and you are the third of my favourite bloggers to stop blogging :-(. But at least it sounds like you'll be back before too long - you'll be missed.


  25. Your taking a bread is just another sign that you want to live simply, you recognise when things are going faster than you would like and you slow things down.

    Enjoy reconnecting with the life you want to live!

  26. Enjoy your break. but I`ll miss you!

  27. Enjoy your break. Goodness knows, you deserve it. See you when you get back.

  28. That's ok, Rhonda! blogging as much as you do can certainly become a full-time job! Nobody needs to do that. Your family comes first.

    Besides that, you've got so many wonderful and diverse posts and so many informative subjects that we'll be able to review while you're gone!

    So we'll miss you, but you take care of yourself and your family and we'll see you when you get back! Have a wonderful "holiday"!

  29. Hello, I'm really new to your blog and enjoy what I read. I thoroughly appreciate the 'time-out' times! I've been writing mine for five years now and you run a very popular, busy blog here (more than I could ever hope to keep up with).

    Enjoy your time off nurturing your family and yourself. I'm sure your excellent webspace here will take care of itself ;) And I can do a catchup read!

  30. Hi Rhonda

    I do understand, I hope you are refresh and revitalized after your break and are able to reconnect with all those things that are valuable to you.

  31. I will miss you & will be looking for your return. Enjoy your time off.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  32. Rhonda,
    Enjoy this well earned break. Since discovering your blog early last year my day always starts with DTE. While you are away from here I will get my fix in the archives. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us and continue to do.

    Shall also "see" you at the forum.

    Cheers! Karen (near Bundaberg)

  33. Hi Rhonda
    This is the first time I've ever left comments although I visit your blog most days. Just like to say thankyou very much, you are better than any pick me up tonic with your inspirational words. Love the blog, take a break you deserve it.

  34. Rhonda dear, I'll miss your posts but will look forward to their return when you re rested and refreshed.

  35. Hi Rhonda
    I think this shows what a wise person you are. Time for your family and time out for yourself will only strengthen you. We should all take a leaf from your book. Welcome back when you feel the urge once more.
    Ramona K

  36. I find most bloggers, including myself, need a break from time to time. You deserve a break for all that you do. Enjoy getting reacquainted with your home :-)

  37. I've been reading your blog for about a month and I can only say I will miss your inspiring posts. Do take the time that you need but I hope we'll hear from you soon! Have a great off-blog time:)

  38. Look after yourself Rhonda. When blogging becomes a bit of a chore it's time to walk away for a bit and refresh. We'll all still be here on your return! :D Get yourself outdoors and have fun.


  39. Although you will be missed you must put you and your family first. Take care and enjoy this time you are making for yourself.

    I have just had to do this myself and feel so much better for it!

  40. Sometimes blogging (and reading blogs) can take up so much time, that you hardly have time for all the real life stuff that the blogs are actually about. You are wise (again) to unplug for a while. Enjoy!! Looking forward to your come-back :-)

    Mette (from Denmark)

  41. Rhonda Jean, Thanks so much for your blog it has reinforced for me the idea that we can do this. Enjoy your break and take as long as you need. We will all be here when you return. (Hugs) Deb

  42. You have a wonderful break. Its really good to know when its time to call a holt to things for awhile. Of course we'll miss you and will look forward to more great posts when you come back.

    Blessings Gail

  43. Bless your heart Rhonda. You give so much to your blog, community and family, and it's perfectly understandable for you to take a break.

    You will be missed, and we all look forward to the time when you return.

    Have a lovely time of rejuvenation, rest, and enjoy your life, one day at a time.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  44. You will be missed, but I hope giving yourself a break helps to refresh and re-energise you.
    Selfishly though, I hope its not too long before you are back - reading your beautiful posts is a highlight of my day.
    Take care of yourself and those you love.

  45. Hi Rhonda Jean,

    This is the first time I've left a comment, although I've been following your blog for about a month now. I'm totally inspired by you, in fact, I told my blog readers about your blog yesterday!
    have a great time away and look forward to your return.
    Norma from Ontario, Canada

  46. Enjoy your break, you do need one. I'll still check your blog periodically and will "see you when you get back." I also enjoy the forum, although I check it every several days.

  47. Rhonda Jean,

    Thank you for all that you share with us. You are an inspiration. I look forward to reading your blog every day to see what else I can glean from you.

    I have often wondered how you do it all without any down time. I'm glad you are taking this break. You definitely deserve it.

    Don't worry about your readers. This will give us time to read through your archives while we wait patiently for your return.

    Enjoy yourself!


  48. Enjoy your break Rhonda Jean :o), I for one will be patiently waiting for your return when you are ready, know that you will be missed here in blogland.
    Many blessings to you and your family.

  49. Enjoy your time away from the blog! I've enjoyed reading your story, and will continue to comb your archives. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Dear Rhonda
    Good for you - must have been a difficult decision to make but once again you are a wonderful role model in deciding whats important in life - and making adjustments to suit you, your needs & your family situation.
    Enjoy the break, we will miss you, but we will keep on endeavouring to simplify our lives. I hope all will be well with you & yours & look forward to when you decide to return. Meanwhile - there is no shortage of inspiring material to read in your blog archives & on the forum,
    Blessings to you...Jeni

  51. cdeck21@sbcglobal.netMarch 11, 2010 12:12 am

    Will miss your blog as it's one I read every day. You are the reason I have begun to change my lifestyle to a more simpler way to live. I understand your need to take a break so for now I hope to see you in the forum.


  52. Bless you sweetie - you need a break.As long as your wonderful blog stays open for us to dig in from time to time...

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Stacy in Texas

  53. I'll miss your daily musings, but enjoy your break. We'll be here waiting...


  54. I agree with the others that you are wise to listen to yourself and know you need this break and deserve it. I will definitely miss your post as your blog is a daily read for me. So I wish you well and I am going now to prepare for withdrawal symptoms. ;)

  55. Everyone needs a recharge and a refresh moment. Go ahead and take all the time you need. I'm sure you'll be back with a million great posts because of it. Enjoy. You'll still be in my reader so I'll catch you when your back. Thanks for all the encouragement. This last posts got me wishing for the snow to finally disappear so I can start on the gardens. We're putting in another one or two again this year. Hopefully they will be as bountiful as they were last year.
    Commenting from Ontario, Canada.

  56. We all need a break from time to time! Enjoy your time off and take care!

  57. I will miss your posts and look forward to having you back (you are a constant source of inspiration), but everyone needs a break now and then. I hope you enjoy yours and get to spend the time diving back into your home that you crave. It's coming on to autumn down there, isn't it? I know that's always "nesting season" for me--perhaps it is for you too.

  58. Mrs. Rhonda, enjoy your time a wonderful break is needed so many times in our lives and living simplier calls for it sometimes.
    I contacted you by e-mail about a recipe, I feel I may have contacted you the wrong way. I do hope you will have time to answer my questions concerning the recipe. Take your time though for I am in no hurry. I view your blog everyday although I do not respond to anything, I just love to read your happenings and the info you share.

  59. I hope all is well with you and that you will be refreshed from your break. Recently I had been thinking that I need to comment, but since I have been living more 'simply', doing more of the things that I have learned on here, I haven't had the time to. I look forward to reading your blog everyday, and used to read the comments, but haven't been able to lately, SO I completely understand that YOU would need to take a break. I will be looking into some of your archives more closely.

    Thanks for all that you do, we'll see you soon,


  60. I will miss you Rhonda Jean. I hope you don't stay away too long.

  61. Thank you for all that you do on your blog and on the forum. Enjoy your time away. Emily in So. TX

  62. Having only just found your blog, it is already a staple in my daily reading and I will miss your updates. However, there is a wealth of archived posts that I will enjoy working my way through while you take your break. Enjoy the slowing down and taking stock. :)

  63. Enjoy! Everyone needs a holiday!

  64. Enjoy your break Rhonda. Sometimes we have to just take time to smell the roses...
    See you when you get back!

  65. Take your time. We'll find our way here again when you get back.

  66. I am so glad you are taking such good care of yourself! Enjoy your time off and I'm sure we all look forward to your return and seeing more of the kitchen sinks from around the world!

    Oregon, USA

  67. It's good to pause sometimes, and reconnect with one's own life. Have a great break, for however long it takes!
    Diana x

  68. I just want to say 'thank you' Rhonda, for what you have brought to the lives of my partner, children and myself. Your blog has given me the inspiration to continue on my journey of healthy living and getting back to basics with our lives. Greg made the best soap, I have placed a picture of it on my blog. My vege garden has never looked better and I am loving it. Thank you again.

  69. Have a lovely time with your family Rhonda Jean, and do those things which refresh and recharge you.

    Cath in Sydney

  70. Hi Rhonda,i have been following your blog for approx a month now and I must say I am hooked.I am alittle distraught that you will not be on line however a simple life deserves a good rest as you do by the sounds of it. Enjoy your time off and we ALL look forward to your return. Regards Margaret

  71. Thank you Rhonda Jean for being there every morning when I need a kick in the pants to get going. I'll will now spend my time catching up on older posts and await your return. Enjoy the break and come back to us better than ever!

  72. Hi Rhonda, This is the first time I have responded even though I eagerly read your blog every morning. I don't know how you have managed to do all what you. You have been such an inspiration and reading your blogs have never failed to give me that "warm fuzzy feeling inside".You have given so much; now it's your time to relax enjoy and just "be".:)

  73. Enjoy your break. We'll be here when you get back.

  74. Rhonda,

    I can't thank you enough for all you have done. Your words and wisdom have so enriched my life and helped me to make some very important life decisions. Your blog is the only one I read faithfully and I wish you a wonderful break and time with family.

  75. Have a restorative break. I think it's really important to break from blogging occasionally in an intentional way, so you can really benefit from the time out. Enjoy the process of finding your rhythm.

  76. You defintely deserve a break!! I will use this time to read up on all your older posts....I just love them, but never seem to get the time to read them all. I might just start that "down to earth" folder I have been wanting to start for ages....all your best blogs in one place.

  77. I will miss the time I spend reading in the quiet after the husband and baby are asleep but,you have wrote about so much that I can always go into the archives and brush up and revisit all the wonderful stories and posts you have shared.Take it easy and enjoy your break.

  78. I will miss you Rhonda. You are my first port of call each morning.
    I am only a little older than you and you constantly amaze me at the amount of energy you must have to fit into a day what you do.I would say you are deserving of a break.
    Enjoy and have a good rest.

    Patricia Gold Coast

  79. Your decision shows that you have your priorities right. I hope that your break will be a refreshing time for you. You've got plenty of archived material to keep me busy while you're away (smile). Enjoy your time with your family!

  80. sniff.....I will truly miss you until your return. You are an inspiration and some days I need your thoughts to make it through. Enjoy your "me" and "Hanno" time and come back to us rested and refreshed. We love you and appreciate you Rhonda Jean. Your family has become our family and...as family we want the best for you always. See you on the Forums!

  81. sniff.....I will truly miss you until your return. You are an inspiration and some days I need your thoughts to make it through. Enjoy your "me" and "Hanno" time and come back to us rested and refreshed. We love you and appreciate you Rhonda Jean. Your family has become our family and...as family we want the best for you always. See you on the Forums!

  82. You will be missed, Rhonda. One of the high points of my day is checking in with your blog. But,we all need a break now and again. Enjoy yours.

  83. Totally understand how you feel Rhonda, have a good break, and enjoy your time getting reacquainted with your family and home. See you in the forum - All the best

  84. You are such a beautiful writer I will miss that; but everyone needs a break every now and again. Enjoy and recharge!

  85. Dear Rhonda
    Many thanks fro all you do regarding your blog . it is encouraging interesting and helps me know what I want to do is the right thing for me. Home has always been where my heart is. Not only that you gave me a pattern for fingerless gloves I could read and understand . I am dyslexic and have discalcule so word numbers and abreviations all together mean nothing to me. but I have read understood and compleeted a pair. Have a happy and restful time with reconecting I will look forward to you posing again and while you are gone I will read the back issuses you have in your archive.
    happy resting

  86. Every morning I read your amazing blog. In the last 6 months you have changed my life ! I walked away from parts of my life 6 months ago to take time out to rest and find out what was important to me and my family. I found it by listening to you. I can never thank you enough. My life now is simple and joyous.Take care and God Bless.

  87. Rhonda Jean, enjoy your break - I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and have seen your life get less and less "simple", due to the success of this wonderful blog and your voluntary work - ironic but true.
    Enjoy the writing of your book, a little slowing down time with Hanno, your garden, your pikelets at tea-time, your knitting and all the other lovely things you deserve to do.
    The archives will make substantial reading for newbie readers and long-time readers will appreciate your need for a break.
    I'll think of you often,

  88. I have been reading your daily blog since the beginning of the New Year over here in North Wales U.K. and look forward to catching up with you every night, but wish you well and hope you have a lovely break (don't we all need one of those once in awhile!)
    You have given me so much "food for thought" about which direction I would like to go in my life by the wonderful way you write, and I thank you for that :-) I look forward, like another of your readers, to catching up with past posts and hopefully yourself in the near future.

    Enjoy your break :-)

  89. Thank you for all the postings you have made so far. I have enjoyed them all. We will all miss your daily lessons, and will look forward to the new, improved and well-rested Rhonda Jean.

  90. It will be like waiting for Christmas anticipating your resumption of regular posting. You have given us a rich vein of material to revisit whilst you are away. So enjoy your break and, like old friends, we'll be here looking forward to your news when you return.

  91. Oh, I understand completely. I have had to take blog breaks or I'd never have been able to keep blogging for years.

    I'll look forward to seeing you pop up again in my rss feed. :)

  92. Enjoy some breathing time, Rhonda. I haven't checked in here for a while, since I just took my own break during a much-welcomed visit by my US sister. Hope you bounce back refreshed and invigorated for the good growing seasons to come.

  93. We all need time to regroup and reaquaint. Its wonderful that you are taking time for yourself and to be able to focus even more on the little things that you enjoy. Yet again you are demonstrating the values of simplicity. May you have a restful and rewarding "vacation." Enjoy!

  94. Hi Rhonda,

    I really enjoy reading your blog, I don't think I've ever left a comment but have been reading for a year or so and enjoy seeing your pictures and reading about your daily life.

    Have a nice break!

  95. Rhonda, I love your blog; it's one of the best out there - just so filled with life and joy. I will miss you terribly - a joy each day to learn from you and hear what you're up to. I hope you have a lovely break and selfishly, hope you're back soon. Enjoy K.


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