It's heart warming to see knitters around the world clicking away on their projects and taking a photo  or two so we can enjoy their w...
I took advantage of the Aldi special on cucumbers this week and bought 10 continental cucumbers for 79 cents each. It's good to sto...
January, week 2 in The Simple Home This is another of those topics where there will be vast differences in the way all of us do things. ...
I send warm wishes to my friends in California where deadly mudslides have cause such heartache.  Indeed, wherever you are in the wor...
I've been very pleased to read how you're organising yourselves with the help of various calendars, reminders and organisational to...
January, week 1 in  The Simple Home Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.  ~ Abrah...
I thought I'd write a post to introduce my main 2018 project of strolling through The Simple Home book. It's almost two years sinc...
Jamie wanted to add his own Christmas tree to the decorations this morning, so now, this is what greets our visitors right at the front doo...
I've come to the end of my blog year and I'll be taking the next couple of weeks off, away from the blog. I keep thinking that the ...
Our days have been full all this week. We did our grocery shopping yesterday and drove to Beerwah for the first time since the storm. Oh my...
It was a quiet normal day on Saturday and then all hell broke loose in the evening. Hail started tapping on the bedroom windows, then there...
School holidays start today in my state of Queensland. The kids have a long summer break and go back to school late January. Jamie is ver...
Every so often I receive an email from a reader asking for ideas about something they're struggling with.  Here we have one such query ...
I've been thinking of going through The Simple Home book with you next year.  The book sets out, month by month, various ways of de...
Most of the time I potter away here doing things that make life easier for us.  Hanno does the same, although he usually works outside. My ...
I've had quite a few readers ask about Gracie's food. What we feed our animals is important to me because I want them to have a goo...
We went out to vote in our state election last Monday and took Gracie with us.  Many of the people there supporting the politicia...
Using leftovers to create another meal has been part of my food management for as long as I can remember. One of our favourite meals is cor...
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