12 January 2018

Weekend reading

I send warm wishes to my friends in California where deadly mudslides have cause such heartache.  Indeed, wherever you are in the world, if you're experiencing bad weather, I feel for you. Last week it was 47.6C in New South Wales, near where my sister lives. It hit the people living there badly but the wildlife suffered too with many bats dead and koalas needing help and water.  If you're living around the Penrith area, or any other place with hot weather last week, I hope you're okay and getting back to normal.  I fear we're only just seeing the first of what climate change will do.

Thanks to everyone who wrote about their own experiences with organising on Monday and Wednesday. It helps all of us when we share our own stories and know we're part of a community.  The second instalment of The Simple Home will be waiting for you on Monday. 

Thanks for your visits this week. Oh, and welcome to all the newbies who turned up to help us discover the ins and outs of organising our homes.  Have a good weekend.  ðŸ’—

The final act of love: reclaiming the rites of modern death
Bill's passionfruit sponge cake
Chickens feel the heat too, so here's how to keep your chook chilled in a heatwave
Clever new uses for old phones, tablets and more
We downsized from £60,000 to £16,000Free pattern from Purl Solo- Tonal Blanket


  1. I have some frozen passionfruit pulp in my freezer so that link to Passionfruit Sponge Cake will come in handy! Thanks for more lovely weekend reading. Meg:)

  2. Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda. I saw the one about the toothbrush rug. We will probably have another rag rug workshop this year at our simple living group. I think this be our fourth and they are always popular workshops. Have a lovely weekend and stay cool. I might have to go and sit in the aircon at one of our shopping centres :-)

    1. Hi Chel, it's hot here too but we're having coolish nights. I love rag rugs and have made one but it was wonky. I might try and get over to your workshop if it's in winter. Keep me posted please. Stay cool, my dear. xx

  3. Just really enjoy these posts.

  4. Thank you especially for the link to "Famous Authors and Their Writing Spaces"...

  5. I like the look of that Granny Chic book. Is it a good read?

    1. Yes Brigie, it's pretty good. I'll so a post on it soon.

  6. I also enjoyed the link to "Famous Authors and Their Writing Spaces". So good. Thanks Rhonda for your interesting blog, I do enjoy it.

  7. It's amazing to watch all the extremes of weather on the reports each evening. Like you I fear that this is only the beginning. Up to now we have been very lucky living where we do. I really feel for all those caught up in the extremes, including all the poor animals and birds.

  8. I'm keen to try Tunisian Crochet! Thanks for the links Rhonda.

  9. Rhonda, I've thought before that your reading choices sometimes seem psychic, and now I'm thinking it again. My Mom passed away a little over a week ago. I can't really believe it yet. Although I've worried a lot over the last 10 months about her being in memory care, her sense of humor and personality were still evident and they endeared her to the staff and other residents. I've been going over to the building to get her things ready to move and it is hard to be there without her. But seeing the residents, their families, and staff whom we've gotten to know has been a comfort. Beth in MN

    1. I'm so sorry to hear your news, Beth. I know the pain that losing a mother brings, no matter how 'prepared' you think you are. Take care, love. xx


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