I clearly remember that split second I became a mother.  Lying in a labour ward in Germany, in a hospital far, far away from my home, this...
I was quite overwhelmed by the response to my last post, both here in the comments and in emails.  Thank you all for your concern, love and ...
Please be warned that this is a dark and reflective post.  If you're feeling a bit sad yourself, you might want to skip this one. Life...
I'm happy to tell you that although Sharon is not out of the woods yet, she's showing some signs of improvement.  She's still ...
I wasn't going to post today but in a lightning flash, things change. They say that behind every good man there is a good woman.  Well,...
From today, you cannot post anonymous comments on this blog. I have had a few nasty anonymous comments lately.  These people never have the ...
Now here is a sewing room I'd feel very comfortable in.  It's packed with interesting fabrics and threads and it's organised wel...
Thank you all for the great advice and recipes for elder flowers and berries.  I'll print them out soon and add them to my Homemakers Jo...
I planted an elder tree about six months ago and it's growing nicely.  Elders are not native to Australia and I don't know anyone wh...
The weekend came and went with housework being done, a few phone calls and only one visitor. My housework always just rolls along and curve...
I have been thinking a lot about my life recently, particularly about why I am happy to live as I do while to others it seems like hardsh...
We love eating curry in Winter and I have been making a very tasty chicken curry lately that is easy  to prepare and suitable for the slow c...
There is no doubt about it, when most of us think of living a simple life, we think of the country.  Hanno and I live on the edge of a rura...
From an allotment in London to a small apartment in Sydney, today we see where Samantha works. I can't tell you how how much I love it ...
If there is one true thing I can count on, one thing that reconnects me with what is important and tells me, with certainty, that I am whe...
Today we travel all the way to London UK to visit Dee on her allotment.  This is Dee's workspace, I'll let her explain. Dee writes...
I love orange cake and am always on the lookout for a new recipe that improves on my current one.  This is it.  I made this cake last week ...
This post is another in the series, This is Where I Work.  Today's workspace comes to us from Mel who lives in Canada.  Mel is also one ...
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