10 July 2010

Get well, Sharon

I wasn't going to post today but in a lightning flash, things change.

They say that behind every good man there is a good woman.  Well, behind me there is a good man and a good woman.  You all know Hanno, my faithful sidekick for the past 33 years, but there is also Sharon who is a wonderful lady living in New Mexico, who I have never met in person but I feel exceedingly close to.  Sharon introduced herself to me after I had been blogging for only a short time.  She told me she would help if I needed it.  Well, over the years she's helped me, been a wise adviser, and encouraged me all along the way.  She helped me develop the Simple Green Frugal Co-op, where she still does the roster for the writers and keeps an eye on the day-to-day happenings.  At the Down to Earth forum, where she is my co-administrator, she has been with me since I first started thinking of it and wondering if it would work.  Naturally, she said she'd be there to help if I went ahead with it.  It is true to say that online, Sharon is my right hand woman.  Through all of this we've kept in constant touch via email and now she knows my family and I know hers and I feel like I've been her friend for a long long time.

Sharon is very ill in hospital.  I just received an email from one of her daughters saying that Sharon was rushed to hospital on Wednesday in a very serious condition.  She is still in intensive care.  
I ask you all to send Sharon your prayers or positive thoughts.  She has a very close family, they are at her side and they need your thoughts now too.  Hopefully, Sarah, one of her daughters, will take the laptop to her when she is feeling better and she will see the outpouring of love for her.  I know that if we all think of Sharon and send her that positive energy from all around the world, she will feel it.  Thank you, friends. ♥


  1. I'm sending all the healing vibes I can muster your way, Sharon. Get well soon!

  2. Sending positive thoughts from the UK

    You prove that you don't have to meet to become good friends

    Please take care of yourself too

  3. Oh My Goodness! LOTS OF LOVE AND WELL WISHES from South Carolina for Sharon.

  4. Sharon~ Sending lots and lots of ((HUGS)), prayers, and healing thoughts. Feel better very soon. I look forward to hearing that you are on the mend!!! <3 <3

    Central Illinois

  5. Thinking of Sharon and sending good wishes from Canada.

  6. Hoping and praying for a complete and quick recovery. Get well soon Sharon.

    Becky K.

  7. Lots of strength and recovery from Wishing Johanna from Holland

  8. For Sharon... My eyes were tearing up reading this, I've been down this rd. too many times with friends and family and I want to send my thoughts and prayers out to you as well as your friends and family. Will be praying hard and looking for a updated positive post shortly.



  9. lots and lots of love and healing thoughts coming from new Zealand. Sharon, get well soonxxxx

  10. Get well SOON Sharon!

    Sending LOTS of positive healing vibes from here too!

  11. All the Best of Love to you Sharon♡♡~
    Our prayers for wisdom for the doctors and YOUR quick recovery.
    Around the world people know and love all your support and faithful behind-the-scenes work with Rhonda. I hope you can now sense the Presence of all our hearts as one.
    Get well soon.....
    lovingly, Carolyne

  12. I am praying and hoping and sending positive thoughts for Sharon to recover fully and soon. Her daughter Sarah was my swap partner for one of the swaps and I really enjoyed emailing with her about the area where she grew up.

  13. Oh Sharon - Get well soon!

    Thoughts and prayers being sent to you and your family.

    Love and well wishes.
    Yvette in Oregon

  14. Sending all the warmth, strength, and positive thoughts for Sharon and her family!

  15. How could we not, good thoughts white light and positive vibes from me here.
    Chin up Rhonda things will be what they will and we are indirectly richer for knowing her via your blog and forum leart so much and thank you issuch a small word for all that has been done
    Rachel uk

  16. Prayers for Sharon, her family as well as doctors and nurses who treat her.

    An other Sharon

  17. Praying for Sharon right now. xx

  18. Sending positive thoughts and best wishes to Sharon and her family.
    Take care

  19. I am also sending positive thoughts and prayers to Sharon and hope she is well soon .

  20. Sending much love. Hope Sharon gets better soon. Praying for a speedy recovery and many many many more healthy years ahead.

  21. Oh, I do pray she gets well soon.

    I have two online friends who became closer to me than my real life sisters. One lives in Texas and the other in New Mexico and we've never met in person.

    Keep us updated!

  22. Sending good thoughts from Atlanta, GA.

  23. I am sending happy, healing thoughts to Sharon and her family.
    Big hugs to all of you from Canada.
    Get well soon.

  24. OMGoodness Rhonda!
    I had been missing Sharon popping in to the Forum recently. Sending all my best wishes to you Sharon. I'm glad your family are with you and hope their care along with the medical attention and out pouring of support and love from your online friends bring you a speedy recovery!

  25. I'm visiting my mother in New Mexico right now. Do you know which hospital she is in? Tell her if she or her daughters need anything they can drop me a line. I'm not that far away!


  26. Sharon, I will be thinking of you and praying for you. I hope knowing all the people around the world who are thinking of you will help you and your family. Jane xx

  27. Sharon, I hope you get well soon. I participated in the napkin swap a few years ago with you and I still use and treasure those that you sent me. You are in my thoughts and prayers


  28. Sending a prayer for Sharon & her family.

    from Washington State

  29. Sending positive healing thoughts for Pennsylvania, USA. I have experienced first hand the healing power of the masses.


  30. I pray for the healing of this dear friend of Rhonda's, in the name of the Lord. Faith (positive thoughts) will move mountains.
    From the South East USA - Gerry

  31. Get well, Sharon! From Massachusetts.

  32. sending heaps of healing thoughts to you Sharon.
    Get well soon xxx

  33. You are in my thoughts Sharon.
    Sending you lots of well wishes and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  34. I will keep Sharon in my prayers. Get well soon Sharon, thank you for all you do to help Rhonda and bless each and every one of us in the process from behind the scenes. We appreciate you and wish you the best!

  35. Dear Sharon, you're in my thoughts. Hugs, Rose

  36. Sharon, sending you love and healing.
    Hope you're on your feet again soon.
    Diana xx

  37. Prayers coming your way from Virginia, Sharon. May God grant your family and friends peace, and healing for you! Thanks for being such a wonderful part of the simple living and down to earth community...

  38. Oh gosh have only just seen this bad news.

    Get well soonest Sharon, we need you back organising us all on SGF!!

    love, Sarah x

  39. Sending tender hugs and warm wishes for blessings of good health to Sharon.

  40. Just said a prayer for her! May Sharon be better-than-best very soon!

  41. Sharon,
    Thinking of you and praying for you. Hoping each day you are better and soon will be yourself again.

  42. Sharon, you have support and prayers from people around the world. I hope you can feel us lifting you up.

  43. Sitting quietly and sending healing vibes to your dear friend. I hope you hear good news soon.

  44. Thank you Rhonda for letting us know. Sharon, you are in my prayers, I am thinking of you and sending you get well wishes. You are surrounded by your loving family and that is the most wonderful medicine. Hugs, Heather

  45. Definitely sending prayers as I type. Hugs!!

  46. Barb_in_GA sends loving wishes and healing thoughts your way, Sharon! Treat your illness like we used to treat those pesky spammers! Kick it to the curb!


  47. We're all thinking of you Sharon, and sending all of the strength and love you and your family need to recover.


  48. We hope you are well soon Sharon.

  49. Sharon... Best wishes from Beaverton, Ontario, Canada!

  50. Praying that Sharon is well and back to helping you very soon!

    It is such a blessing to have such a good friend :) .

  51. Praying for Sharon's speedy recovery and healing.

  52. Love and blessings and get well vibes to you Sharon. You're the backbone of our co-op blog and a lovely friend. x

  53. Mad good love to Sharon and her folks!

  54. Sharon, I am thinking of you and sending you get well wishes.
    Blessings from Michigan, USA

  55. Praying for a very fast and complete recovery Sharon!!!

  56. Thinking of you, Sharon, and hope everything gets better soon.

  57. Sending you lots of prayers and wishes of wellbeing... Get well soon, Sharon. :)

    Thanks for letting us know Rhonda... Thinking of you all at this time. xo

    Cheers Damaris

  58. Sending my thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery.


  59. I will add Sharon and her family to my prayers and hold them in the Light. May she make a swift and full recovery.

  60. Sending lots of Airezen over to Sharon and her family now!!

  61. Sending healing thoughts for you Sharon and comfort for your family and friends.
    Candace in Colorado

  62. Good vibes from Germany - I will pray for you, Sharon.

    Get well soon!


  63. I hope you feel better by the second, Sharon - healing thoughts to you and your family...


  64. Sharon, sending you prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery. Karen from CT

  65. Sending lots of love, healing thoughts & ((hugs)) from over here in the UK. Hope you are feeling better very soon Sharon. XXX

  66. Sending my loving thoughts and prayers to my beautiful friend, whom I met through Rhonda's blog, hoping that you will be up and about in the shortest possible time.
    Love Lorraine

  67. Hope Sharon is soon feeling much better. Sending love, prayers and hugs for she and her family at this time.


  68. Oh Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear about Sharon. Sending lots of well wishes towards both of you and your families.

    Much love for a speedy recovery,


  69. Sending lots of positive and healing thoughts! Get well soon!

  70. Sending Get well wishes, Sharon! Hope you are back on your feet very soon.

  71. Dearest Sharon ~ I am getting ready for heart surgery and I have started a little file that I call ""Encouraging emails". It contains every positive, happy, prayerful email I have recieved and has really helped to lift my spirits on a bad day! With all these comments and the blessing of being surrounded by friends & family, I know you will have a full "encouragement folder" and a speedy recovery! We'll be looking for a praise report soon!

  72. And to Rhonda ~ Isn't it amazing that we can make dear friends so far away, thanks to the internet!
    Thanks for letting us know about Sharon!

  73. Thank you all for these wonderful words of encouragement, positive thoughts, and prayers. This outpouring of support from around the world will make all the difference to my mother and her recovery. It is one thing to know you have your family behind you but my mother truly has the world behind her and routing for her recovery and for this my family and I are grateful. All these positive vibe headed her way can only help. I am going to print these comments out whisper them in her ear today. She is still very ill but had some improvements yesterday. Again thanks!


  74. Sharon, best wishes for a speedy recovery from Salem County, New Jersey! I will be praying for you and your family every day!

  75. Hope you get well soon Sharon. All best wishes to you and your family.

    How wonderful Rhonda to have found such a good friend. I have a few bloggy friends who are always there with a sympathetic or supportive ear when I need one. The internet can be wonderful sometimes!

  76. Sharon, please know that your are being prayed for all around the globe. May you recover fully. Sounds like you have a loving family watching over you .. ready and able to help when you return home.

  77. I'll definitely be praying for your friend Sharon. I hope she gets better really soon. Lots of love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  78. Sending prayers for healing to Sharon.


  79. Definitely hope Sharon heals up soon! So much love, thoughts, and prayers head to her, her family, and for those at the hospital providing her care. Rest up and heal!

  80. Sharon you are in my prayers and your family as well.

  81. Praying & sending good vibes from Richmond, VA.

  82. dearest sharon =- sending all healing loving vibes your way for a speedy recovery and for your familys strength in this difficult time. gddess bless, chella

  83. Sending peaceful, healing energy to Sharon. Tammy/psmflowerlady

  84. Get Well Sharon! I hope that your family take comfort from prayers coming across the water to you all from us on line friends in Australia

  85. I'm sending good thoughts, love and healing energy to Sharon from Puerto Rico.
    Doris :)

  86. I am so sorry about your friend, Sharon. I will have her in my thoughts and prayers. I have an internet friend that I met in 1997 and it has been like having someone in our home talking to me. Several weeks ago after tests, she found that she has an agressive cancer of the uterus. I have been devestated. She is to have surgery on the 21st. of this month and then treatments afterwards. Please pray for her too.

  87. Thinking of you Sharon, from me in Texas - Big hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery!


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